
Josey Wales


Feb 9th 2024, 9:34:04

Going to be an adjustment I bet.

Josey Wales


Feb 9th 2024, 2:28:11

Hey… Mommy’s Basement, what are you going to do when you can’t Suicide anymore?

Josey Wales


Feb 2nd 2024, 19:11:20

Originally posted by Suicidal:
Originally posted by Josey Wales:
Originally posted by Suicidal:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by Drow:
Btw, I'm #460.

When I go to land grab you i get the following error: Humanitarians will not allow you to attack such a small opponent!

can someone help me out with this error please?

When I go to land grab you i get the following error: Humanitarians will not allow you to attack such a Smelly opponent!

As far back as I can remember…. You’ve always been the low life in this game. You should just play as yourself…. suicidal the low life. LMFAO.

Is that your best trash talk.....if so, you suck at it

I wouldn’t worry about it. This thread is no conern of yours.

Josey Wales


Feb 2nd 2024, 15:32:18

Originally posted by SuperFly:
This guy sounds like the new black hole lol

Want me to send you some medication? You sound like you are off your rocker bud.

Cheating, Multies? This guy is just frothing at the mouth and going insane now lol

$50 says this clown doesn’t even make a country now that no tags are going to be interested in taking his liability ass in lol

Let’s be friends.

Josey Wales


Feb 2nd 2024, 5:57:42

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by Josey Wales:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by Josey Wales:
Pooplet….I’ve decided that it’s really not worth it to embarrass you next set. And believe me, this is a hard decision, but it’s for your own safety. I think I’m probably going to Net next set. So now, go get your shoe shine box and don’t let me catch you around this thread again.

Are you cowarding out all ready? Don’t worry already messaged Doug that if he allows you back into PDM and you use Josey In your name I am hitting.

Funny you decided to quit already…. Bet you will be a coward and not use your nooblet Josey Wales name next set lol

I am going to assume that Cath told you that you are a moron for trying to take me on lol

Pooplet, You sound like you’re snorting pop rocks in your mommy’s basement. Threatening Doug? That’s a good one. I think you’re tired and lashing out. Didn’t I tell you to go and get your shoe shine box and not to let me catch you whining and drooling in this thread poopsqueak?

Nooblet Whale; I only advised Mr Doug, that I would be hitting and killing you even if you joined PDM as he messaged me and let me know how you have been a good quite little boy in diapers in PDM for a few rounds until this round in which you got out of your baby crib to try and play with the big boys but you ended up crying and with a soiled diaper.

To me it sounds like you had a change of heart and now you are tucking tail between your little legs and wanting to go back into the tender loving arms of PDM. Even if you do return to Doug's daycare; I am letting you and him know as well any other PDM bro reading this garbage thread that I am still coming in through the front door and giving you a smacking....

Psycho-pooplet…. Very good for all of PDM to hear your crazy rant. You’re just going to do what you want to do… is that what you’re saying? I’ve blown you up so much and brought you to the end of your wits that you’ll apparently do anything and go through anyone just to get to me? LMFAO! “Right through the front door!” I brought you right down the path poopski… and you bit. Hook, line, and sinker. Played you like the mental midget you are. You see, most people can talk a little smack, have a go at each other and then, whatever… good set, see you next set. But you… LMAO….. are hyperventilating and frothing at the mouth like a rabid pi$$ ant. You’ve shown the server that you’ll do anything to get your way. Seems like your mommy washed your scrotum way too long….until your early teens and you can’t have it and you miss it and it’s getting you all jammed up. Clearly you’re having a metal breakdown in mommy’s basement and need a nap. And besides, why would I want to war with some sh-yt stain that cheats and runs multies?

Josey Wales


Feb 2nd 2024, 2:37:01

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by Josey Wales:
Pooplet….I’ve decided that it’s really not worth it to embarrass you next set. And believe me, this is a hard decision, but it’s for your own safety. I think I’m probably going to Net next set. So now, go get your shoe shine box and don’t let me catch you around this thread again.

Are you cowarding out all ready? Don’t worry already messaged Doug that if he allows you back into PDM and you use Josey In your name I am hitting.

Funny you decided to quit already…. Bet you will be a coward and not use your nooblet Josey Wales name next set lol

I am going to assume that Cath told you that you are a moron for trying to take me on lol

Pooplet, You sound like you’re snorting pop rocks in your mommy’s basement. Threatening Doug? That’s a good one. I think you’re tired and lashing out. Didn’t I tell you to go and get your shoe shine box and not to let me catch you whining and drooling in this thread poopsqueak?

Josey Wales


Feb 1st 2024, 19:05:31

Pooplet….I’ve decided that it’s really not worth it to embarrass you next set. And believe me, this is a hard decision, but it’s for your own safety. I think I’m probably going to Net next set. So now, go get your shoe shine box and don’t let me catch you around this thread again.

Josey Wales


Feb 1st 2024, 18:28:03

Originally posted by SuperFly:
I’ll kill ya from the comfort of my company provided Taycan.

As I am a pharmaceutical rep you let me know if you need me to snail mail you anti depressants and erectile dysfunction meds for all the frustration that you will suffer when you realize that you are the one dying all the time…..

Superpoop-let…. That’s good material! Howlin Wolf! Haha! LMFAO. It sounds like your snorting your own baby Tylenol and running your country from your mommy’s basement. Can’t wait to mop the floor
with you then flush you down the server toilet.

Josey Wales


Feb 1st 2024, 9:01:55

Originally posted by Josey Wales:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by Josey Wales:

SuperWhiner. Looking forward to killing you for the next 20 sets. Make sure you don’t change your name. I fart in your general direction squirt.

lol this guy is now also a comedian.

You buddy are going to be joining a long list of big mouthed nooblets who claimed that they would kill me and crush me and now are no longer here lol.

I’ll make you a deal Josey. Even if you are untagged, solo tagged or even tagged PDM or wherever you normally tag I’ll be the one killing you next set.
You can ask your teammate Cath about all the other 🤡 that said they would take me out and failed miserably. You little nooblet just bit off more than you can chew…

From you basement Superpoop?


Josey Wales


Feb 1st 2024, 9:00:02

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by Josey Wales:

SuperWhiner. Looking forward to killing you for the next 20 sets. Make sure you don’t change your name. I fart in your general direction squirt.

lol this guy is now also a comedian.

You buddy are going to be joining a long list of big mouthed nooblets who claimed that they would kill me and crush me and now are no longer here lol.

I’ll make you a deal Josey. Even if you are untagged, solo tagged or even tagged PDM or wherever you normally tag I’ll be the one killing you next set.
You can ask your teammate Cath about all the other 🤡 that said they would take me out and failed miserably. You little nooblet just bit off more than you can chew…

From you basement Superpoop?

Josey Wales


Feb 1st 2024, 2:17:40

And then do my dishes.

Josey Wales


Feb 1st 2024, 2:15:31

Originally posted by galleri:
horrey sheets, you all pissed off Josey?


Oil my guns Tart.

Josey Wales


Feb 1st 2024, 2:14:50

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by Josey Wales:
and then there's your boyfriend, that whiner, Superlowlife

Yes I whined and I quit your team.

Why? Becuase you are a giant noob. You never show up for a kill run. You don’t believe in apps like discord or irc to have arranged communication cuz “the man” is gonna get you.

You land grab your own teammate and you fail btw cuz you are a noob.

2nd I give you an offensive pact to help you with FA for when you eventually get hit. And what do you? Waste your turns farming an untagged all while you are at war with another tag and you destroy 1/3 all of my jets, troops and tanks.

If I am Super Low Life you are Josey The Super Noob….

Good Flipping Luck To You…..

SuperWhiner. Looking forward to killing you for the next 20 sets. Make sure you don’t change your name. I fart in your general direction squirt.

Josey Wales


Jan 31st 2024, 14:12:18

Originally posted by Thunder:
someone seems to be greatly or bigly, whichever fits, disappointed and has responded in a most vile way. someone needs a tissue or two.

War is Hell.

Josey Wales


Jan 31st 2024, 8:30:31

and then there's your boyfriend, that whiner, Superlowlife

Josey Wales


Jan 31st 2024, 8:12:25

Originally posted by Suicidal:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by Drow:
Btw, I'm #460.

When I go to land grab you i get the following error: Humanitarians will not allow you to attack such a small opponent!

can someone help me out with this error please?

When I go to land grab you i get the following error: Humanitarians will not allow you to attack such a Smelly opponent!

As far back as I can remember…. You’ve always been the low life in this game. You should just play as yourself…. suicidal the low life. LMFAO.

Josey Wales


Jan 31st 2024, 1:13:10

Took you Termites forever plus everything you had. LMAO!

Josey Wales


Jan 30th 2024, 2:43:54

I’d be surprised if any idiot dared to hit PDM. PDM is a peaceful clan. There is not another clan, other than Stones and Evo that deserves more respect. Please, anyone… go ahead and try it.

Josey Wales


Jan 29th 2024, 11:21:18

Originally posted by Drow:
shame that two of your countries, after jumping into your tag, decided to skip out and leave you holding the bag eh?

Where did they go?

Josey Wales


Jan 29th 2024, 9:44:54

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Marc:
What's a comjam though?

If I am correct. And I think I am, sort of knowing Josey......
Smart, Flexible Systems for Selective Air and Ground
Jamming Solution.
Basically communications jamming.

And were you ever a TACP/ROMAD?


Josey Wales


Jan 28th 2024, 22:16:17

I’m not sure you’re qualified to be asking that question.

Josey Wales


Jan 28th 2024, 9:41:30

Now that…….. that is a name I have not heard in a long time… a long long time. How many years has it been?

Josey Wales


Jan 28th 2024, 9:38:55

Now that…….. that is a name I have not heard in a long time… a long long time. How many years has it been?

Josey Wales


Jan 27th 2024, 15:25:47

I was in evo?

Josey Wales


Jan 27th 2024, 9:51:22

Early intelligence reports say that galleri is being harbored by evo. evo used to be a peaceful clan…

Josey Wales


Jan 27th 2024, 1:22:21

Where are you hiding galleri... We’ve been looking for you…

Josey Wales


Jan 27th 2024, 0:58:30

Arise Bloody Bill….

Josey Wales


Jan 21st 2024, 19:35:58

We are accepting any Oilers that want to come come and hunt Red Oil with us, if the need arises.

Josey Wales


Dec 25th 2023, 11:43:34

How much is it per year to keep EE Stats up and running?

Josey Wales


Feb 7th 2023, 21:41:18

Let’s dance.

Josey Wales


May 10th 2022, 9:32:41

Josey Wales


May 10th 2022, 9:32:39

She’s a total Nutcase. Padded room Koo Koo. Crying without tears? Snorting Coke on the stand? The audio recordings. And she’s already soaked $13 million + I’m with Jack Sparrow. Apparently there is a huge petition to 86 her from Aquaman and put Emilia Clarke into the role.

Josey Wales


May 9th 2022, 23:02:15

All right Bytches. Let’s lighten it up.

Johnny or Amber?

Josey Wales


May 3rd 2022, 11:52:15

Originally posted by Tertius:
Originally posted by mrford:
This place is still riding the short bus I see.

Yeah, wow, holy fluff - you guys actually believe that trash? Good thing you're warring in this game and not going to prison for attacking the Capitol. Also, why not keep this in general talk so the rest of us can ignore the ramblings of fox and gqp "entertainment" media.

Don’t enter the thread then. What’s your beef with discussing politics. If your feelings are hurt, please accept my apology in advance. Nobody is forcing you to read this thread. Go start another thread on how great biden is doing. Or how wonderful it is that biden’s incompetence has us ball hairs away from Nuclear War. And “Attacking the Capitol?” That’s a good one. Another Jan 6 Conspiracy Zombie. That was a peaceful protest of a fraudulent election. Americans exercising their rights. At a certain point, certain elements of the group did become pissed off, rowdy and mob like. Unbecoming behavior for sure and anyone on that day charged with a crime should receive Due Process, which they have not received, and if appropriate, be judged by a jury of his or her peers. The only person murdered that day was an American Air Force Veteran, shot to death for trying climb through a window. “Insurrection.” Oooooooooo! LMFAOROTFLMFAO! Not to be cruel, but you have to be a complete and utter idiot to believe, in any way shape or form, that a guy in a head dress, with buffalo horns and a painted face, sashaying at a leisurely gait within the velvet corded ropes, being directed by Capitol Police, was about to overthrow The U.S. Government. Yet now, Americans are rotting in jail, denied due process, used to perpetuate a false narrative to any zombie that listens to fake news cnn. Unlike antifa / blm terrorists and Cop Killers that rioted, looted, pillaged, plundered, torched, destroyed, raped, and murdered their way across America in 2020. Nah. They go scott free. Torch a Police station? Go Scott free. Set a Federal Courthouse ablaze? Go scott free. Nov 8, 2022 can’t come fast enough. Nothing is wrong with discussing politics. Get that through your head.

Josey Wales


May 3rd 2022, 4:01:33

“Sure did and I don’t regret it. His accomplishments were hollow. He did have a few good policies but for every good one he had at least one bad one. His handling of covid was a clusterfluff, his tariff tax increases were terrible, his bump stock ban encroaching on the 2A was terrible, his weakening of our network of international alliances was terrible, trade wars he started never panned out, the wall was one of the worst anti-conservative pieces of garbage policy and worst of all was he did an excellent job of making America hate each other more and more as time went on. [/quote]

Cleary…. CLEARLY you must be smoking some of hunter biden’s Crack. I can see that it was difficult to punch yourself out of the paper bag with that disheveled response. No offense intended.

On some level, I do feel sorry for the democrats. In the way that one would feel moved with sadness by witnessing a Hyena in its final death spiral from rabies… After all, it’s still one of God’s creatures despite everything.

Listen, if biden, “the Big Guy,” had actually done something for Americans to bestow credit, I would have been the first in line to congratulate and support the old glue factory horse. But that’s not the case. You know it and I know it. Have you ever run across those pictures of elephant poop? You know. Those HUGE piles? That’s what biden has turned America into after a mere 15 months. I could list his failures but the thread would break. But as an example, leavening $84 Billion in Advanced American weaponry to the taliban, the very Terrorists that helped to murder and melt 3,000 of our fellow Americans on 9/11 - that, my friend is reason enough to not allow him to sniff you or to view anyone that supports him, still (I’m throwing you a lifeline here), as nothing short of completely insane. Although you may feel differently.

November 8, 2022, Mid-Term Election Day is right around the corner. It’s going to be Biblical. You can almost smell the end… a political party extinction level event. Yes. Some democrats will survive the great flood, like the ones that are dug in deep, like blood gorged Alabama wood ticks but most democrat politcal careers will turn to stone, like the Trolls did in The Hobbit when the Sun comes up.

Josey Wales


May 1st 2022, 7:54:48

“ In 2020 I voted Biden simply as a fluff Trump vote because he's a bumbling idiot who needed to go. IF my choice is Biden vs Trump again my choice would very unfortunately be Biden but if the Republicans run anyone besides Trump it will probably be for them.”

You voted for biden? Really….? So we have to thank you for the cesspool that we’re swimming in right now?

Really- thanks to voters like you, we have biden. And why? Because you didn’t like President Trump? Why? Because of his mean tweets? LMFAOROTFLMFAO! Or did you not like him because of all of his achievements, which to list, would require the rest of the server space. Oh…. Right. You probably didn’t like his hair and that convinced you to vote for biden The Manchurian Candidate. Honestly, thank Orkin. Thanks for destroying our country. Please try to be in Antarctica again in 2024. Maybe just stay there.

Josey Wales


Apr 22nd 2022, 15:00:22

Ah…. To all the big brains: Where were gas prices before the democrats gave us Covid and a mail order dumb as rocks kuntt for a senile President? That would be 2016-2019. Check the way back machine. The economy was not “cratering.” LMFAOROTFLMFAO! Like I said: democrats will tell you that 2+2=5 with a straight face. Explanation: they are all insane and want to kill us. Plain and simple. Desantis? The groomer democrats are getting a taste of what is to come. Finally, a Republican that has absolutely no fear of the Mob. Here is what Conservative power will do to you. Conservatives usually have long fuses and thick skins. They turn the other cheek. There are no more cheeks left to turn. Who gives a shyt about disney? That’s what great about The Free Market… something with take its place. Desantis is schooling democrats with scorched earth on land that has been poisoned for decades. Nov 8, 2022. Voting Day. Extinction Level Event for the democrat ideology that rapes children.

Josey Wales


Apr 22nd 2022, 14:42:13

Originally posted by TheORKINMan:
Originally posted by Josey Wales:
Remember when gas was between $1.70 and $2.30 / gallon…. When President Trump was in charge? joe biden phucked that up sideways in a matter of months. Remember when President Trump streamlined NEPA (National Environment Policy Act) permits and timetables so that things would only take a few years to be built…. Rather than taking 10 to 15 years of review to even get a permit… which it was. Then President Trump fixed that freighter class stupidity. Now dumb phuck Biden has reinstated the previous idiotic policies. Watch… construction will come to a stand still. Everything the left touches turns to dog shyt. They are Termites. And Disney? Ha! What a joke. Thankfully, the Free Market is in the process of teaching that den on iniquity a lesson it will never forget. Disney’s stock is dropping like a rock. How phucking stupid is Disneys corporate management? The first rule is to make money for your shareholders. That is the game plan. From there, each shareholder can decide for him or herself what he or she wants to do with his or her money. If I want to donate my payouts to underwater basket weaving support groups for ZDJEPS+ demi irish recovering tofu enthusiasts…. that’s my choice. Disney? Just do your job and sell tickets to Space Mountain you phucking Weapons Grade degenerates. I love the flag/shirt that says: “Phuck Joe Biden and Phuck you too if you voted for him.” The simple difference between Conservatives and democrats is that Conservatives are grounded in reality. democrats are insane. Nearly every democrat I know will look at you and tell you, with a straight face, that 2+2=5. And if you disagree? You’re a racist Nazi. democrats are filled with hatred. If there is a democrat President in Office, Conservatives do not want that person to fail. They want The President to succeed because despite political disagreements, if our President is successful, our Country is successful. Not so with the democrats. They pray that a Republican President will fail and they badger him before, during, and after office. democrats are Earth’s worst virus imaginable (61 million babies murdered and torn from their mother’s wombs). Well, thankfully Nov 8, 2022 is right around the corner. Mid-Term Elections. Americans are sick and tired of being murdered in the streets. I predict that the Mid-Terms will be an Extinction Level event for the democrats. At the center there will be no sound. What should follow, should be punishment. Punishment for what they have done to our country. Inquisitions. Impeachment. Incarceration in General Population. There. I’m done for a few weeks.

Gas was that low because demand for oil was super low during the pandemic. Literally had nothing to do with Trump.

As for Disney most of what happened yesterday is unconstitutional, will be reversed and might cost DeSantis this November considering it's going to piss off voters in the I-4 corridor where statewide elections are won or lost.

Yeah…. Wrong on both. Do your homework.

Josey Wales


Apr 22nd 2022, 8:16:53

Remember when gas was between $1.70 and $2.30 / gallon…. When President Trump was in charge? joe biden phucked that up sideways in a matter of months. Remember when President Trump streamlined NEPA (National Environment Policy Act) permits and timetables so that things would only take a few years to be built…. Rather than taking 10 to 15 years of review to even get a permit… which it was. Then President Trump fixed that freighter class stupidity. Now dumb phuck Biden has reinstated the previous idiotic policies. Watch… construction will come to a stand still. Everything the left touches turns to dog shyt. They are Termites. And Disney? Ha! What a joke. Thankfully, the Free Market is in the process of teaching that den on iniquity a lesson it will never forget. Disney’s stock is dropping like a rock. How phucking stupid is Disneys corporate management? The first rule is to make money for your shareholders. That is the game plan. From there, each shareholder can decide for him or herself what he or she wants to do with his or her money. If I want to donate my payouts to underwater basket weaving support groups for ZDJEPS+ demi irish recovering tofu enthusiasts…. that’s my choice. Disney? Just do your job and sell tickets to Space Mountain you phucking Weapons Grade degenerates. I love the flag/shirt that says: “Phuck Joe Biden and Phuck you too if you voted for him.” The simple difference between Conservatives and democrats is that Conservatives are grounded in reality. democrats are insane. Nearly every democrat I know will look at you and tell you, with a straight face, that 2+2=5. And if you disagree? You’re a racist Nazi. democrats are filled with hatred. If there is a democrat President in Office, Conservatives do not want that person to fail. They want The President to succeed because despite political disagreements, if our President is successful, our Country is successful. Not so with the democrats. They pray that a Republican President will fail and they badger him before, during, and after office. democrats are Earth’s worst virus imaginable (61 million babies murdered and torn from their mother’s wombs). Well, thankfully Nov 8, 2022 is right around the corner. Mid-Term Elections. Americans are sick and tired of being murdered in the streets. I predict that the Mid-Terms will be an Extinction Level event for the democrats. At the center there will be no sound. What should follow, should be punishment. Punishment for what they have done to our country. Inquisitions. Impeachment. Incarceration in General Population. There. I’m done for a few weeks.

Josey Wales


Apr 4th 2022, 13:17:47

Originally posted by Rocky79:
This is what happens when you elect a president through the mail

If you watch Wisconsin you will see that they are close to decertifying their fraudulent election, and other swing states will follow, and it's only a matter of time. The Russia collusion investigation was approx. 3 years and we are only 15 months or so into the election fraud investigations. The big difference is that Russia collusion was a made up bogus lie, whereas the stolen election is very real. The other difference is the mainstream media reporting and non reporting due to their bias towards dems. The media shows their true colors by what they try to sweep under the rug and don't report on.

The hearing today in Wisconsin was very damning, but you won't hear about it on CNN or MSNBC. True the vote has all the data to prove that 7% of mail in ballots across the country were trafficked, and that Biden's election was the product of organized crime using dirty voter rolls and ballot drop boxes.

The gas price hike is only getting started, along with the price hike of everything else. Soon we could hit $40 a gallon or more. That way the powers that be can really force their electric wet dreams on the masses.

Also, thanks to the sanctions on Russia the US dollar is about to lose it's status as the worlds reserve currency. What does everyone think will happen when other countries stop buying US debt? Have you heard of hyperinflation?? better buy some gold, silver, bitcoin, and maybe some rubles before it's too late. The price of everything is going to go up astronomically just like it did in Venezuela after their election was stolen. 7% inflation is one thing, how do you think 1,000% or 5,000% inflation is going to feel?

Does anyone remember before the election when the New York Post was censored and de-platformed for telling the truth about Hunter's laptop? and then 50 former intelligence agents went on record and lied to the American people by calling the laptop Russian disinformation. Well that laptop has now been confirmed authentic by the New York Times and it has also been entered into the congressional record by Rep Matt Gaetz. Senator Grassley is bringing the receipts for the payments from the CCP to the Bidens onto the senate floor and raising legitimate questions about where Joe's loyalty really lies. Chinese companies have been paying Hunter Biden millions of dollars for years, with 10% for the big guy, the Chinese are not stupid and they wouldn't give away millions if they weren't getting a return on their investment.

At this point anyone who doesn't think the 2020 election was stolen is living under a rock, it's either going to be rectified or the USA will collapse as a nation before 2024.

Our governor here in Florida won't even call Joe Biden "Mr. President" and instead refers to him as "the occupant" in the White House. Desantis is a man who is far more intelligent than almost all of the other politicians in this country.

100% Correct on every point. Thank you.

Josey Wales


Mar 12th 2022, 1:39:51

$5.59 Diesel in Massachusetts. During President Trump’s Administration Diesel was $2.69. joe biden is a weapons grade phucking idiot that has destroyed our county in 13 short months. A democrat Vampire that has been sucking American Blood for nearly 50 years. Warmonger criminal that should be tried for Treason.

Josey Wales


Mar 10th 2022, 14:49:53

Highest in history.

That’s the problem with having democrat, below average intelligence leadership.

Rabid Vampire fluffroaches hurtling civilization towards Nuclear World War 3.


Josey Wales


Feb 23rd 2022, 23:30:41

Originally posted by Suicidal:
I am not sharing the good stuff

Share the good stuff.

Josey Wales


Feb 23rd 2022, 16:37:25

Hungry was dangling by a thread yesterday. A few more hits and he would have been pig feed. So, a few more hits happen….. and then nothing happens. If nothing happens… what’s the point of this game? If a country isn’t going to suffer damage or die when it’s hit then what’s the point? Maybe there is an explanation. I’d like to know. If that is how the game is going to go…. I may become a Suicider. It seems to be well within the rules. If you can’t be killed, then why not?

Josey Wales


Feb 23rd 2022, 1:42:37

Wondering why I’m wasting my time. Explain.

AB Feb 22, 23:09 Josey Wales (#362) Hungry (#371) 1 B
AB Feb 22, 23:09 Josey Wales (#362) Hungry (#371) 1 B
AB Feb 22, 23:09 Josey Wales (#362) Hungry (#371)
AB Feb 22, 23:09 Josey Wales (#362) Hungry (#371)
AB Feb 22, 23:09 Josey Wales (#362) Hungry (#371)
AB Feb 22, 23:09 Josey Wales (#362) Hungry (#371)
AB Feb 22, 23:09 Josey Wales (#362) Hungry (#371)
AB Feb 23, 00:12 MJ Bitlestalk (#28) (Stones) Hungry (#371)
AB Feb 23, 00:12 MJ Bitlestalk (#28) (Stones) Hungry (#371)

Josey Wales


Dec 30th 2021, 17:47:53

Hungry just wants to fight. So…. defend yourselves.

Josey Wales


Oct 29th 2021, 21:19:54

How long does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie pop? Apparently all set. Utterly Pathetic.

Josey Wales


Oct 25th 2021, 20:34:33

Not that I have a problem with Russians. I like them a lot more than the fudgestained democrats.

Josey Wales


Oct 25th 2021, 20:30:30

That’s true. I envisioned 1 on 1. Not 2 russian greasy sausages on 1.

Josey Wales


Oct 19th 2021, 15:30:43

Forming a fight club.

1 on 1. 2 on 2. Or 3 on 3. Someone from one clan fights someone from another clan. Losing clan gives FA to winning clan. No all out wars. Just a Fight Club. Fights can start mid set once you get your swerve on.

Let me know if you want to fight and we’ll get the matches going.

You’re Pal,

Josey Wales