
Kill4Free Game profile


Nov 26th 2010, 4:47:23

No, that was me and gambit.
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Kill4Free Game profile


Nov 26th 2010, 4:06:15

So many ways to die, only one way to live...

Kill4Free Game profile


Nov 26th 2010, 4:01:39

Did you mean since the start of this thread, or that you take pride in the fact you don't threaten your own FA's, lol.
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Kill4Free Game profile


Nov 26th 2010, 3:35:56

Just make sure you save me some of your convo's... this I gotta see ;)
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Kill4Free Game profile


Nov 26th 2010, 2:44:34

Being a Drama queen isn't the same as a bad guy.... it is more like a female bad guy :P
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Kill4Free Game profile


Nov 26th 2010, 2:36:46

So many ways to die, only one way to live...

Kill4Free Game profile


Nov 26th 2010, 2:36:15

You IMP fellows play too many drama games :P
Using players, as bad as they may be is not cool.

You shoulda let LAE just kill em and we wouldn't have to deal with any of this stuff!
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Kill4Free Game profile


Nov 26th 2010, 2:26:41

Im ok with that policy.
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Kill4Free Game profile


Nov 26th 2010, 1:59:47

We can't kill you on alliance, because you are Hellrush in alliance. You are Prometheus in FFA. Two different people from what I understand.
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Kill4Free Game profile


Nov 26th 2010, 1:52:49

I don't really care who you are or what you do, but anyone who makes stuff as public as you do, is gonna get reamed on ffat :P

If you didn't post outside your clan for the most part, you would be perfectly fine and drama free.

As it is you keep making all these big statements and don't follow through, which is why people don't take you seriously on ffat.

Chill, find a clan, and just play the game dude.

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Kill4Free Game profile


Nov 26th 2010, 1:01:38

Not true Prometheus. Everyone you mentioned, has pretty much stuck to one and only one clan with just a few exceptions. Someone who gets people to attack with him, then switches clans and attacks em again, then switches clans and attacks another time, isn't a solid player that has to uphold the reputation of his clan. It is a player that doesn't care for the clan at all and just wants to uphold his own reputation, and doing little else then causing minor problems while doing so.

That is the difference between them, and you.
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Kill4Free Game profile


Nov 25th 2010, 2:10:16

No no, after he does his retals, and we retal those extra hits, then he retals those retals we did, he will be tag killed, lol.
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Kill4Free Game profile


Nov 25th 2010, 2:08:37

*suicides synoder*
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Kill4Free Game profile


Nov 24th 2010, 23:45:52

You don't want my sister kemo, no one can create more drama then her no matter her circumstances.
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Kill4Free Game profile


Nov 24th 2010, 21:09:59

Originally posted by aponic:
Wait a minute... is this a thread just for LAE about the suicider? Ill go look for one to SOF and recheck my private messages for a contact to SOF

Alrighty, thanks aponic.

Difference is, they are allies, you were not.
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Kill4Free Game profile


Nov 24th 2010, 21:07:57

Will do kemo, getting home from work in about 1 hour 20 min from this post.
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Kill4Free Game profile


Nov 24th 2010, 3:40:16

Not sure how that happened, which raises other issues. I have a few suspects.
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Kill4Free Game profile


Nov 24th 2010, 3:22:48

From the looks of it 4985 was a spy that LG'ed LAE and not a NBK member. Him and his series died before end of set.
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Kill4Free Game profile


Nov 23rd 2010, 19:53:58

Oh I know.
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Kill4Free Game profile


Nov 23rd 2010, 19:53:23

Yep if you posted less, then everyone who is dissing you would have no reason to say anything.
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Kill4Free Game profile


Nov 23rd 2010, 6:37:35

True Ketchup, the better the retallers, and the harder targets you have, the less you will get farmed. Sof had no defense, and no real retallers. Hence why our members attacked them instead of you (not including me :D).
So many ways to die, only one way to live...

Kill4Free Game profile


Nov 23rd 2010, 6:29:10

NBK will back up the retard onto December 1st. After that, we will just have fun killing. Dec 20th is stupid, as first of all, I plan to go to Portugal......
So many ways to die, only one way to live...

Kill4Free Game profile


Nov 23rd 2010, 6:18:09

And that is why people should landgrab!

You are one of the very very few self farmers who know how to play assuming they will be landgrabbed. Worth respect imo.
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Kill4Free Game profile


Nov 23rd 2010, 6:01:39

You are an idiot for thinking I can't find you, and secondly is not willing to kill you.

You can believe in your own intellect all you want, fair enough. Gonna get you a few feet I suppose.

But here we are, offering our one offer of a fair war, and you stamp on it. Well at this point you are a suicider. If you live for more then 48 hours after your first attack, you are doing exceptionally well.
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Kill4Free Game profile


Nov 23rd 2010, 5:54:10

Fair enough, and good day,
NBK is staying out of this as per your request.
So many ways to die, only one way to live...

Kill4Free Game profile


Nov 23rd 2010, 5:51:09

Never been my fight, I gave you one chance at a formal war, which another clan would back you up as anything other then a suicider...

Still your choice, admit to who you are, and assuming you are given an agreement to war after 1 week, NBK will enforce that.

After that, your choice, I agree I do not need to get involved, Go ahead and die, but that is less entertainment then I wanted :P
So many ways to die, only one way to live...

Kill4Free Game profile


Nov 23rd 2010, 5:41:25

Prometheus is correct... I am stupid.
All countries that are suspected of being Hellrush's will die as soon as they are spotted.

Dec 20th is a joke.
1 week into set or no one will even bother with you, other then using the few chems they have to kill you....
So many ways to die, only one way to live...

Kill4Free Game profile


Nov 23rd 2010, 5:31:48

Actually pretty good rules honestly.

To make it more clear, any FA involment in this war, will mean the death of any country that is FA'ed, and the FA'ing country.

Rule 6... Screw you.

Rule 4... Cannot enforce.

Rule 3... Also cannot enforce.

As for the cannot enforce rules, it is 1 week into set, what can anyone do?!
So many ways to die, only one way to live...

Kill4Free Game profile


Nov 23rd 2010, 5:22:32

If we find out which clan he ninja joins after suiciding us... again. All I can say is fair game ;)
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Kill4Free Game profile


Nov 23rd 2010, 5:19:57

Grats, you are a good player, I never denied that. But you are also a bit of a douche, which I like to have an excuse to kill :P

After this set, NBK officially has no beef with you, unless you suicide us within the next, say, 20 hours.
So many ways to die, only one way to live...

Kill4Free Game profile


Nov 23rd 2010, 5:15:18

I hit your series once, and came out ahead 5000 acres ;) Only cause you hit me first :P

Also agreed I would not hit your country that you asked me not to, even though I found quite a few gaps that I coulda hit it ;) And I did not!
So many ways to die, only one way to live...

Kill4Free Game profile


Nov 23rd 2010, 5:13:30

Donny is less trolled then half of ffat!!

Donny win, you did well this set :D
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Kill4Free Game profile


Nov 23rd 2010, 5:10:34

Ketchup, what if I tried to landgrab :P
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Kill4Free Game profile


Nov 23rd 2010, 5:08:38

Which stalker?
I think I am up to number 3.
So many ways to die, only one way to live...

Kill4Free Game profile


Nov 23rd 2010, 4:59:23

If it is 16vs16, 1 week into set... Last man standing wins. Those are the rules. Restarts don't count. It is how good a player is that matters.
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Kill4Free Game profile


Nov 23rd 2010, 4:53:12

You can join me :D I just saw an opportunity to kill some of prometheus's countries and jumped on it. Although someone else has to make sure now3p follows rules, although he is far less likely to cheat :P
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Kill4Free Game profile


Nov 23rd 2010, 4:50:51

"At the time of the log Kill4Free posted, I informed him that #sof on gamesurge was an alliance channel. "

Another fail, you fellows banned me from that channel after our last conversation. Banning me is not quite considered "informing me" in normal circles.

And damn right you were shown little respect. Having super landfat countries with no defense? 90k acres, and 100 jet break ring any bells? (I passed on that to be "nice").

As for you informing me that was an alliance channel.. BS. You fellows even invited me back to talk... kane... which he again banned me. Even posted that on ffat.

Effort has to go both ways, when you are a landfarm with no defense, you gotta do a bit more effort then saying "fluff you" to anything one says.

The last thing I must say, is that you say peaceful.... how many real clans have got through a set without a war so far... other then you of course. Let me think.... none. Honestly you are lucky, had you been twice as big we woulda killed you. And now you are complaining about peace?
So many ways to die, only one way to live...

Kill4Free Game profile


Nov 23rd 2010, 4:44:17

Ketchup is pretty cool, so nice choice if you wanted to net!

Just remember, self farming is bad.
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Kill4Free Game profile


Nov 23rd 2010, 4:39:14

Btw, Reneged is not spelt the same as re-nigging...
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Kill4Free Game profile


Nov 23rd 2010, 4:33:38

Grats man, at least you are just a liar and not racist too, I salute you for that.

I was a douche on the contract thing, but you "unintentionally" screwed over our FA. Well if we are getting screwed, only fair if you are too ;)
So many ways to die, only one way to live...

Kill4Free Game profile


Nov 23rd 2010, 4:28:25

Restarts are not multies. A 16 v 16 is just that. Dont have the patience to deal with all the restart crap. So if he agrees to your deal, 16 v 16 countries. 1 week into set (also my rules) may the best player win. Any hit beforehand on either side, even if countries arent specifically tagged will be punished.
So many ways to die, only one way to live...

Kill4Free Game profile


Nov 23rd 2010, 4:26:15

I said I was a jerk beforehand. You basically insulted me on all of ffat, said I was cursing someone, which I never do. And now you are saying I am "re-nigging", So first of all you are a self admitted liar, second of all you are racist?

Go SOF!!!!
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Kill4Free Game profile


Nov 23rd 2010, 4:12:30

NBK will kill any country not in the 16 country string by prometheus should the agreement be made. Any restart will be killed as well. 16vs16, or nothing.
So many ways to die, only one way to live...

Kill4Free Game profile


Nov 23rd 2010, 3:57:35

Originally posted by aponic:
Post the log, I am sure you were rather vulgar. I have the log of #sof incase it started there.

So many ways to die, only one way to live...

Kill4Free Game profile


Nov 23rd 2010, 3:51:14

Well done Sir, never swore, or did any vulgar action or phrase.
I will admit to not being reasonable as you screwed over our new FA minister, but we did not do any attacks before anything I said.

19:55 Kill4Free Hey hey
19:55 aponic ?
19:55 Kill4Free About that issue where one of your dudes attacked us then dropped all his land?
19:56 Kill4Free I think Aqua talked to someone about it, not sure who, or the details really.
19:56 aponic it was me
19:56 Kill4Free Ah, k, good, got the right fellow!
19:56 aponic i offered for you two grab one of my countries with equal land
19:56 aponic and he pointed out the nw difference
19:56 aponic so he asked for two hits
19:56 aponic i said ok
19:57 Kill4Free Yeah I know, sorry it got this far before he mentioned it
19:57 aponic ?
19:57 Kill4Free Basically couple things are a kill issue
19:57 Kill4Free 2 things you never do are, attack someone then farm the attacker with another country (Retals do not count)
19:57 Kill4Free Or attack someone and drop land after the grab
19:57 Kill4Free Before the retal at least
19:57 Kill4Free Afterwards all good
19:58 Kill4Free Due to NW issue, our member wouldn't have gotten any land back really, probably max of 1400 acres
19:58 Kill4Free They really penalised hitting downwards
19:59 Kill4Free Had he hit the country that retalled him twice he would have about broken even after ghost acres
19:59 Kill4Free Err not retalled, dropped land
19:59 aponic dude
19:59 Kill4Free But you fellows gave a super small country that matters to no one as a target
19:59 aponic you grabbed me for 16k acres
19:59 aponic with one of your fag countries
19:59 aponic i offered you the land
19:59 Kill4Free With about 10mil jets?
19:59 aponic i dont give a fluff about a lecture
19:59 aponic i dont care about ffa
20:00 aponic and i made it right
20:00 aponic what is the point of your talking to me
20:00 aponic i gave you the country
20:00 Kill4Free Gonna take L:L on 901 since that is obviously the country that doesnt matter
20:00 aponic because it is my country
20:00 aponic aqua asked for two hits
20:00 aponic you take mor than that
20:00 aponic and you can go fluff yourself
20:00 Kill4Free Fair enough
20:01 aponic if he asked for three
20:01 aponic i would have given three
20:01 aponic but its done
20:01 Kill4Free Nah, afraid not, sorry about this, but I had to get involved, aqua doesnt landgrab so he didnt really realise that giving us a super small country was no real help
20:01 aponic you guys have been grabbing us
20:01 aponic our netting countries
20:01 aponic and we have no chance to compete with lae
20:01 Kill4Free Especially when we can kill a country for dropping land
20:01 aponic and that was our only goal
20:02 aponic so frm my perspective
20:02 Kill4Free Well TKO is doing a fair sight better then you guys, they have better defense, more land on average
20:02 aponic i have no reason to be more than fair
20:02 aponic listen
20:02 aponic i could kill you for grabbing me for 16k acres
20:02 aponic what the fluff kind of conversation is this
20:02 Kill4Free True, that is within your right
20:02 Kill4Free You can do whatever you want to do
20:02 aponic you didnt want to pact us
20:02 Kill4Free We are doing what is fair
20:03 aponic aqua made this agreement
20:03 Kill4Free FFA isnt some sorta of free land self farming zone, it is FFA
20:03 Kill4Free I have the capability of breaking every country you fellows have
20:03 aponic and you arent free to say fluff your fa and come fluffing to me
20:03 Kill4Free I have not done so
20:03 aponic so fluff off
20:03 Kill4Free In fact I only grabbed about 4 times so far
20:03 Kill4Free 3 of em on TKO
20:04 aponic that country had stock home the past two days
20:04 aponic and some fluff tag gbrabbed it
20:04 aponic while you have been waiting
20:04 aponic fyi
20:04 aponic and i mass explored on it last night also
20:04 Kill4Free We were in a war the first 3 weeks of the set
20:04 aponic it was mass explored again a few hours ago
20:04 Kill4Free Which is why I suspect this issue did not come up sooner
20:04 aponic im off to eat dinner
20:05 aponic we asked for a pact
20:05 aponic you didnt want one
20:05 Kill4Free We do not want a pact
20:05 aponic your fa asked me for two retals
20:05 Kill4Free We turned down all pacts
20:05 aponic i granted them on my country
20:05 aponic i think this is over
20:05 Kill4Free Agreed, and that didnt work
20:05 Kill4Free This is the new issue
20:05 aponic if you want to FS us next set
20:05 Kill4Free You probably hate me for it, wouldnt blame you, you dont know FFA rules
20:05 Kill4Free We dont want to FS you either
20:05 aponic for no reason
20:06 aponic im sure you could make an alliance leave the server
20:06 Kill4Free Only did it to pan cause they were a fair bit larger then us
20:06 aponic keep that in your pocket
20:06 Kill4Free I could care less about that, we DONT FS clans that are a lot smaller
20:06 Kill4Free No point
20:06 Kill4Free What does it prove?
20:06 Kill4Free Nothing at all, any dimwit could beat a clan half its size
20:07 Kill4Free Dropping land after a landgrab is a very bad offense, he is just getting his land back on a small country you dont care about
20:07 Kill4Free And its over
20:07 aponic we dont have a website
20:07 aponic i dont know who it is
20:07 aponic and i dont care to find out
20:07 aponic i settled it with my own countries
20:07 aponic and if it is an ongoing problem
20:07 Kill4Free That is not our issue, on how you wanted things to work out
20:08 aponic im sure aqua and i will solve it
20:08 Kill4Free Aqua is sorta furious atm
20:08 aponic ill continue to talk with him
20:08 Kill4Free So hence why I am temporary FA, they usually don't let me do FA stuff
20:08 Kill4Free Well you can, but it wont matter really
20:08 aponic good night
20:08 Kill4Free On the bright side if your country is landthin
20:09 Kill4Free From retals
20:09 Kill4Free You can grab anyone you want in NBK and make out ahead in land like crazy
20:09 Kill4Free Not hard at all
20:09 aponic do you think i am retarded?
20:09 Kill4Free As long as your arent landthin from dropping land or self farming
20:09 aponic you are talking to me as if i am
20:09 Kill4Free No I am not, I am saying you have lots of other options that dont involve war
20:09 Kill4Free To get even
20:10 aponic we didnt do fluff
20:10 Kill4Free I do not want to war SoF
20:10 aponic about your landgrabs
20:10 Kill4Free Is landgrabbing obsolete now?
20:10 aponic that is rhetorical
20:10 Kill4Free Why would we not landgrab?
20:10 aponic an alliance without a website is best not to instigate conflicts
20:10 aponic that is rhetorical too
20:10 aponic i have not suggested what you should do
20:11 Kill4Free Anything you want to do to us you can, we wont war you for grabbing us back
20:11 aponic i simply told you to fluff yourself when you were fluffing about what your FA requested adn I agreed to
20:11 Kill4Free I am saying he was wrong, and it was my fault he was wrong.
20:11 Kill4Free I thought our member got hit for 2100 acres, instead of 4100
20:11 aponic i dont care that the person dropped land
20:11 Kill4Free From a fellow who dropped land
20:11 aponic it was made correct
20:11 Kill4Free Apparently not
20:12 aponic well you sort your internal fluff out internally
20:12 aponic im not involved
20:12 Kill4Free Had aqua been actively landgrabbing too he woulda seen that too
20:12 aponic its settled
20:12 aponic a day ago
20:12 aponic you figure it out with him
20:12 Kill4Free Thing is, I did figure it out
20:12 aponic ok and what did you conclude
20:13 Kill4Free That he got screwed over from getting offered a country 1.8mil NW
20:13 Kill4Free With half its land built
20:13 Kill4Free For a mere two retals
20:14 Kill4Free Maybe not your intention to screw him over
20:14 aponic he ASKED for two retals
20:14 Kill4Free But that is essentially what happened
20:14 aponic i simply looked at my countries and found one with equal land
20:14 aponic no one duped him
20:14 Kill4Free I know that was the case
20:14 aponic maybe he is mad that you complain like a little fluff
20:14 Kill4Free Basically saying that deal was no longer good
20:14 aponic you cant void the deal
20:15 Kill4Free If we had taken our 2 retals already, then it would be conluded
20:15 aponic go fluff yourself
20:15 aponic i have the log
20:15 aponic its done
20:15 Kill4Free Dude, if you want to be like that, things can be worse
20:15 Kill4Free I could break anything I wanted to
20:15 Kill4Free Sure our one member maybe screwed
20:15 aponic your just being a child
20:15 aponic if you were me
20:15 Kill4Free But one of you fellows would be a lot worse off
20:15 aponic you wouldnt change your mind
20:15 aponic i made a deal
20:15 aponic its done
20:15 aponic im not bending over backwards for you
20:15 aponic thats fagget fluff
20:15 aponic youre asking me to be a fagget
20:16 aponic or your fluff
20:16 Kill4Free Ah well, fair enough
20:16 aponic and whatever the consequences may be from me refusing
20:16 aponic so be it
20:16 aponic if you had wanted a differetn solution
20:16 Kill4Free Already told you want is happening
20:16 aponic you would have had aqua talk to me
20:16 aponic and not come out lecturing me
20:16 Kill4Free *what
20:16 aponic aqua made the deal
20:16 aponic if there is a problem
20:16 aponic he can correct it
20:17 aponic im not going to be the bithc in all of this
20:17 Kill4Free Dude, losing 4k acres on one of your worst countries isnt exactly that bad
20:17 Kill4Free Was looking at NW's could easily do a 40k acre grab
20:17 aponic ill tell you what
20:17 aponic ill detag a country
20:17 Kill4Free Bu
So many ways to die, only one way to live...

Kill4Free Game profile


Nov 23rd 2010, 3:42:17

Double dare you to disagree with me aponic ;)
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Kill4Free Game profile


Nov 23rd 2010, 3:40:34

"begins cursing at me in a PM that I cheated him"

Has anyone ever heard me curse before? I have the chat logs saved btw, and if you don't start stop being stupid Ill post em. And almost all of it is you cursing at me aponic. Try me I want to post them but in the interest of not being a jerk I will not.
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Kill4Free Game profile


Nov 22nd 2010, 1:54:35

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Kill4Free Game profile


Nov 22nd 2010, 0:11:23

Ah drama.

Twiz is not a member of NBK just so everyone is aware.
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Kill4Free Game profile


Nov 21st 2010, 23:11:11

Im with Thunder, blame the victim!!!!
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