
Kill4Free Game profile


Sep 16th 2010, 17:56:22

Hmmm, now that I think about it, banning self farming sorta does slow us down too :P
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Kill4Free Game profile


Sep 16th 2010, 17:49:12

Haha, lol. I bet NBK has more missiles, weapons tech and SDI tech, then any other clan by far though :P

Had we been in a netting set, someone would have declared war on us, cause that is what happens when we actually try to net. No more being weak for us :D
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Kill4Free Game profile


Sep 15th 2010, 5:07:17

My commies in FFA, all explore, make almost 2bil cash worth of military a day. To spend it on food to keep that on market, then sell food later gives an immense loss for having too much cash. On the other hand, keeping cash on hand jacks up your cash lost per turn enormously.

If commies could keep more cash without a big penalty they would be in a lot better situation.
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Kill4Free Game profile


Sep 13th 2010, 22:36:46

If it is what I think it was, then all countries involved in kill run should die. On our side.
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Kill4Free Game profile


Sep 13th 2010, 2:11:29

kemo speaks truth.
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Kill4Free Game profile


Sep 13th 2010, 0:38:02

I think he is wrong about what ROCK stands for.
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Kill4Free Game profile


Sep 12th 2010, 21:54:42

Confirmed Kess, All we care about is killing stuff, or getting killed, its all good :D
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Kill4Free Game profile


Sep 12th 2010, 13:21:56

Chuck Norris is infamous.

God wanted 10 days to create the earth... Chuck Norris gave him 6.
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Kill4Free Game profile


Sep 11th 2010, 17:44:24

The one retal people managed on me took 6k acres ish, I gained 22k acres that day, lol.

Nice on Pan for buying 42mil jets to attack me though, I thought they would underestimate what it would take to break me, good ol dicts with weap tech.
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Kill4Free Game profile


Sep 11th 2010, 17:41:39

Once I find his countries, his sleeping problems will be over ;)
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Kill4Free Game profile


Sep 11th 2010, 13:51:19

It is worth hitting a country with say, a 400mil food supply sitting around, but without good stuff handy, not really worth hitting too much.
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Kill4Free Game profile


Sep 11th 2010, 13:50:02

Hmm, now that I think about it, Donny said everytime he tried to kill me I was walling.. Donny's countries only once tried to kill me, but Billy's countries on the other hand attacked me every other day.
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Kill4Free Game profile


Sep 11th 2010, 13:34:34

True, people arent very nice on the boards, lol.
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Kill4Free Game profile


Sep 11th 2010, 13:32:34

I know maki told you to Donny, which is fair enough. But you also know it was a poor strategy and went along with it ;)

And yes you are good at walling, but then again, so am I. And I was walling with pretty much militaryless restarts, lol. I had one restart that was BR'ed into a parking lot on 3 seperate occasions, and rebuilt after everyone, lol.
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Kill4Free Game profile


Sep 10th 2010, 21:34:28

Unless Donny is in your clan... if I find out you are 16 countries short. But I do promise everyone else will be untouched.
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Kill4Free Game profile


Sep 10th 2010, 21:33:05

K4F - Most generous man alive.

Maybe not he most generous woman though... that would be Gambit..... oohh so generous.
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Kill4Free Game profile


Sep 10th 2010, 21:31:31

I think I insulted everyone in the game in one post in one way or another, lol. But honestly, how many of the longtime players will disagree!

And I gave an option for the disagree'ers!
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Kill4Free Game profile


Sep 10th 2010, 21:14:05

Although honestly I would rather war kemo, he is a good challenge. I would rather kill you though, so a fair balance. But kemo has solid countries without self farming *cough*. So that means more skill. Ive fought him before and he didn't try to run up in NW so I didn't kill him :P
Nor did he invent a brother so he could run 32 countries!

Edited By: Kill4Free on Sep 10th 2010, 21:28:17
See Original Post
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Kill4Free Game profile


Sep 10th 2010, 21:11:46

You know you were awake for a while if you didn't sleep for 2 days before making this thread :/

Idea has merit. Can communism justify it... no. It will only really help commie cashers at best... which is like a kick in the butt for a republican.... aka, get more def or ill farm yah. AND that is the way it should be. Defenses or Land, one or the other.
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Kill4Free Game profile


Sep 10th 2010, 21:08:12

I would love to as well, give me a day or so, just worked the last 41 hours outta the last 48 hours.... and I spent the last 6 hours trying to stay awake to not ruin my sleeping schedual.... Fail.

Anyway if you are serious about a 1v1 you are on.
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Kill4Free Game profile


Sep 10th 2010, 21:05:15

Only person I would kill on sight would be Donny. After that, Dog eat Dog. Lae has been good allies (aka never tried to kill me) so they are our allies. Everyone else... I am just waiting for my chance!

Main problem is, people get offended by a single grab. Maybe not completely deleting all your countries worthy, at least most of the time. But still it is expected you wont be landgrabbed.

I want old FFA back where you were worried about defense, about side effects of killing someone. Maybe NBK can't bring that back, but we will stand by it, as we still enforce the no self farming rule.

What I am saying is basically, your rules or our rules. If anyone disagrees, my best country isn't hard to find. You are welcome to it.
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Kill4Free Game profile


Sep 10th 2010, 16:24:34

I know, but I added a number wrong and one of the missile counts was slightly off what it should have been, which raised enough reasonable doubt for me not to kill it.

My country number is the same as my name. Want a kill target, help yourself, it is more then a fair trade for me ;)
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Kill4Free Game profile


Sep 10th 2010, 0:04:50

It wasn't really a point, your countries just had a lot of money, food and tech on hand, and I made out ahead in land too. A point I woulda done more then 1 hit, lol.
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Kill4Free Game profile


Sep 10th 2010, 0:00:12

Sorry about hitting yah, I didn't expect you to get that mad over 1 hit, which could have been retalled for land back too :/
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Kill4Free Game profile


Sep 9th 2010, 17:59:22

You are full of it llaar. It takes decades of skill to be able to generate missiles. It isn't easy being lucky....
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Kill4Free Game profile


Sep 9th 2010, 16:23:02

I already got a missile dump now, but thanks :D
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Kill4Free Game profile


Sep 9th 2010, 16:15:09

I know what you are saying, but it isn't tuning Commine indy for ffa, it makes pretty much no difference on all the other servers the 2bil cash corruption on a commie. But for FFA this would make it playable as a strategy.

This doesn't take away from most of commie's bad points, it just adds a good point too, so it can overstock on cash in case stuff doesn't sell, without a penalty.
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Kill4Free Game profile


Sep 9th 2010, 16:12:44

Don't worry about it :D
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Kill4Free Game profile


Sep 9th 2010, 16:03:44

Problem solved.
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Kill4Free Game profile


Sep 9th 2010, 16:03:31

Found you Donny, you gave away too much information with your missile count... You are mine now.
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Kill4Free Game profile


Sep 9th 2010, 15:50:15

Donny isn't the number series, search will go on.
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Kill4Free Game profile


Sep 9th 2010, 15:38:25

Commie's are great at start, I will admit. But all their bonuses, gov bonus for indu, tech bonus, also increase their expenses by that much too. So once you get to the point where you produce half again your military and sell it, most of your bonuses are countered right away by the expenses. Meanwhile a rep could easily have half the commie's military, and 1/3 of the end expenses and be pulling in as much cash. After you minus expenses from it, commies are pretty bad.
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Kill4Free Game profile


Sep 9th 2010, 15:31:27

I think it is a good idea, and would actually want me to run a commie as a end game netter. It has a lot of drawbacks, but it would also be more reliable then stocking food or oil. I dont know if it would be great, I don't think so, but it would be fun.
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Kill4Free Game profile


Sep 9th 2010, 15:28:35

Yeah I saw the commie casher aspect of it too, enshula, but it makes a new strategy that isnt much better then any other one, but practical, may work, and people might do it.

If buying and selling is a pain, that only reinforces why commies should get a little advantage there.
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Kill4Free Game profile


Sep 9th 2010, 15:26:43

Aye, true, but I am talking about playing a days worth of turns while stocking. A reps ending expenses will be the same as they started with.
A commie that is stocking will be selling 1/3 (35% ish) of all its military a day, so to reach that point it will end up with 50% more military then it started with.
Assumming you sell everytime. If you don't sell and have to wait and use 2 days worth of turns, you will end up with double the expenses you started with, and take a while to go down to just the 50% increase.

Say Rep starts with 1mil expenses
Commie starts with 1mil.

Reps ends with 1mil after 80 turns, costing 80mil. It's income is constant.

Comming starts with 1mil, ends with 1.5mil (slightly more if you use 35% instead of 33%). I guess that is only 25% higher expenses, and with same amount of tech assuming it is more then the minimum the extra 2% a commie gets would not counter it.

This is best case senario.

Mid case is your stuff doesn't sell, you have to use 126 worth the next day after you take it off the market and it does sell. (Only way to avoid this is sell dirt cheap, which also counters how much Enshula says commie's make), and you will end up with about 1.8mil expenses, say a 40% increase in expenses overall.

Now worst case, your stuff doesn't sell, you have that much extra income, before you get it to sell for a lot cheaper then you wanted. And after using your turns, you can only sell 35% of what you have, hence making it so your next day expenses are 20% higher then a reps - at the start, at the end it is double.

Commies are amazing on paper, and if you can know what price something will sell at, while not undercutting you can grow. But all it takes is a simple market flux and you will have massive expenses you have to pay.

I think commies just need a little bit more to fill a niche, and they will still not be played greatly, but will be practical for the roll they fill, hence the cash corruption idea.

Edited By: Kill4Free on Sep 9th 2010, 15:32:23
See Original Post
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Kill4Free Game profile


Sep 9th 2010, 15:17:14

True, that would work. I hope he isn't in your clan as I don't like to kill allies though :P

If I had to place money on it, I would bet EoEA, most likely as either the kermy series, or the number series. As soon as earth will let me log in to spy Ill be able to figure it out.
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Kill4Free Game profile


Sep 9th 2010, 15:10:38

Enshula, I know you better then this, and both of us know that you can stockpile food on market at high prices so it wont be sold and corruption wont affect it.

Also I am sure you know that commie's expenses on average are probably half again the rep's with the same STARTING military when you use your turns.
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Kill4Free Game profile


Sep 9th 2010, 15:07:16

I know it doesn't make sense realistically, but lets me realistic about this :P How much do the other governments have to do with reality other then Demo taking 3 turns to attack someone, lol.

And yes the PM bit will help them out slightly, but not a whole lot. And could I make a great commie indu, yes I could. Could I compete with other governments for netting, not even close... For war, if near start of set yes, if later on, then not even then.

But I do think that getting rid of corruption would be a great idea. It doesn't affect anything that commies do, most don't stockpile billions and billions of cash, but it would give one more option for running a commie. It will only end affecting the servers with high turn rates per set at that, where stockpiling is a must, and military cannot be stockpiled (this is their issue)
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Kill4Free Game profile


Sep 9th 2010, 14:57:15

I know you are out there, also bet Billy didn't want to play this set :P

Will anyone admit to having Donny in their clan?
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Kill4Free Game profile


Sep 9th 2010, 14:54:15

Dude, this was totally meant for the FFA community. We have the lowest average common sense of any server!

We got Donny.. AND Hellrush.... And Billy... and Gambit.

Case, point, fact.

*salutes NukEvil*
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Kill4Free Game profile


Sep 9th 2010, 14:49:27

Cash corruption in my opinion is slightly too high, when a single day of sales nowadays on a non self farmed country in FFA, pretty much maxes the 2b limit on its own, I think it should be a lower % that is lost.
But that is my opinion and not why I made this thread.

People have to stock something besides cash, as having more then 2b cash is extremely impractical, and wasteful.

And judging from just general experience, and most common governments, as well as how poorly certain types fair at netting, I would say Communism Indu is the worst at higher NW's, followed by tyranny then monarchy. In terms of warring, communism and monarchy are in the low range too. For a commie to stock up on war type tech he needs to sell his indu stuff, buy tech, taking a 10% hit on each exchange, his 120% tech bonus is countered out solely from that. Not to mention communism indu's have a very high military expenses, as well as generally a pretty shallow cash flow (if someone doesn't sell you will have to wait a day or more to use a turn).

I know this has been long but just getting at what I think would be a good idea.

What about getting rid of cash corruption for communism governments.

A) This would be easy to implement
B) Very difficult to exploit, the 10% market loss on any exchange guarantees that.
C) Gives some sort of end game potential to communist governments if ran right, as opposed to no potential pretty much.

Possibly include this in monarchy as well, but the drawbacks of communism counter the potential advantages of exploiting this, not so with monarchy. Tyranny maybe, but tyranny is already pretty good and has its own niche.

Id like to hear people's thoughts.
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Kill4Free Game profile


Sep 9th 2010, 9:36:34

He obviously really quit this time, no way could his quiting strategy fail 5 times in a row...
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Kill4Free Game profile


Sep 9th 2010, 1:29:26

I don't have a cup.
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Kill4Free Game profile


Sep 8th 2010, 23:38:42

Well I have something to go off of now for what countries might be Donny's, Ill find out tonight ;)
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Kill4Free Game profile


Sep 8th 2010, 21:49:29

*Ponders for a moment about how to figure out Donny's country numbers*

I got a nuke target for yah Donny!
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