


Jun 16th 2013, 16:03:09

qz's pretty great :)

I just think you have some sort of affective disorder, you're good for about 1/3rd the year



Jun 16th 2013, 15:55:41

Originally posted by Pang:
Originally posted by PG:
Silver just let this post drop, its not worth it.

He can't let it drop because too many people know what actually happened re: RD since they came back to this server :p

It's incredibly transparent if you look at RD's public posts on this forum since they came back. We also posted the full breadth of Silver's logs with PDM on the RD/PDM shared forum and he deleted the thread so he could keep pulling the wool over his members eyes because they portrayed RD in a VERY poor, but accurate, light.

But my comments weren't even about the specific issues of RD being a fluffty ally to PDM, but more to the fact that RD has been passed around this server more than a joint at a Bob Marley tribute concert and is essentially a laughing stock of everyone -- allies and enemies.

So, like I said, that's why he can't let this drop. :p

But I just want locket back in LaF.

you are the moest whiney admin I've ever seen in any game I've ever played. Maybe too much emotional attachment to the maple leafs

I also enjoy posting because you're an emotional crackerpot

Edited By: Mr.Silver on Jun 16th 2013, 15:59:23
See Original Post



Jun 16th 2013, 14:26:44

Lester might make two appearances :)



Jun 16th 2013, 7:26:56

Originally posted by zygotic:
I'm in rd and if I saw any evidence of cheating I'd be gone

RDP 's have rd in the title therefore rd must be cheats..

Don't you remember last reset zyg, you never died because I was logging into your country.. We actually didn't even lose a single country all war.

Sols just upset they lost and wants to get rumors going,



Jun 16th 2013, 3:10:35

matt damon!



Jun 16th 2013, 2:29:03

Originally posted by RD Watcher II:
Originally posted by Mr.Silver:

<Edit: removed all bullfluff from post>


Because of all that rd has no morals and sol and pdm are the moral police

No one is claiming to be the moral police. Just that RD are a collection of the biggest losers in the game, lead by 'ex' cheats. You are morally bankrupt, you have not ever done anything that isn't dodgy or shady. You have cheated fair players out of legitimate finishes, you have abused ghost acres, you have ruined good, even wars by going above and beyond in getting mass FA, you perpetrate earlier and earlier wars. All this by the alliance who has cheated most of it's existence. Getting the picture? You abuse the inactivity of the admins by exploiting the holes in their game mechanics. No one would be surprised if you still have a dozen cheats actively playing.

Dirka Dirka , muhammad Ali, jihad jihad



Jun 15th 2013, 19:49:10

Locket: pang is upset because in one round when sof had been bullying rd/pdm. SoF was stopped, but pdm wanted to keep going rather than allow it to stop. Continuing to fight for 'morals' rather than the reason for the war.

Later on for 'morals' pdm and other allies thought it be good to tag kill laf a second time over TC, to 'teach them more a lesson' rd however had a real reason to war MD.

RD being allied to pdm and sol, told pdm not to join the war and told sol to keep theirs and mds fight seperate. Nether side listened.

After md was slaughtered rd talked to allies to get pdm to be allowed to leave war and for sol to be given an even fight war with those still interested in fighting.

Both sol and pdm turned that down to instead just continue things

Both calling rd a bad ally even though rd helped them both even if it was turned down, meanwhile neither helped us with our problems with MD or evo, telling us problems between allies are up to us to sort out.

Because of all that rd has no morals and sol and pdm are the moral police



Jun 15th 2013, 7:34:35

don't worry you can get seeds with that.. and Scode can hook you up with some great fertilizer



Jun 14th 2013, 22:39:06

SoL has been the aggressors both resets planning on hitting RD. Both times they just got hit first.

What's the matter? You got the war you wanted, only difference is you once again didn't get to post that silly war dec



Jun 14th 2013, 19:56:20

declares war on trife for being too nice in diablo!



Jun 13th 2013, 22:14:47

Originally posted by MAC:
who is on top this time?

No, Who's on first



Jun 13th 2013, 20:16:13

War clan: 'those netter clans keep warring me,daddy make it stop

Edited By: Mr.Silver on Jun 13th 2013, 20:51:29
See Original Post



Jun 13th 2013, 19:47:50

haha was last reset a "blindside"? moron lol.

unless your blindspot when you drive is directly in front of you.

Last reset SOL was planning on FSing RD, RD just did it first.

That set, SOL delayed until a few days into the reset to say "hey we're not going to renew our pact" and on their site they were having discussion about hitting RD for fun.

RD just hit first, don't whine .



Jun 12th 2013, 8:13:23

Scar: when the next round is gonna start, shoot me a msg if you need a 5th.

to those unsure, it is him.



Jun 12th 2013, 5:29:08

Boston did almost lose to Toronto :P that has to be some serious negative points lol



Jun 12th 2013, 2:47:23

I dunno, can Rask handle the Blackhawk's offense.

They actually park someone in front of the me net unlike the weenie pens



Jun 6th 2013, 22:12:41

Originally posted by LittleItaly:
The war was over in week 18 imo. Once other clans get involved, then its no longer a 1v1 where stock and country builds matter, making the game and set very boring.

You forgot to write moral victory.. Gotta keep tradition the same since back when mike1.alman,and les would write it :)

Fun war and we'll done on both sides



Jun 6th 2013, 4:25:17

On my phone that looks a little short, then again he is Asian :p

Don't worry buddy, we still think a lot of you :)



Jun 6th 2013, 1:50:55

Though I think vic is more excited than you hehe maybe I should congratulate him instead hehe



Jun 6th 2013, 1:50:13

Congrats buddy



Jun 5th 2013, 11:12:34

we can't kill Peanut out of principle. Jeff Dunham would likely send Ackmed the terrorist after us in recompense

Peanut, how you doing? welcome back.



Jun 5th 2013, 6:05:34

Hello, look at LaF, now back at RD, now back at LaF, now back to RD. Sadly, LaF isn’t RD, but if you stopped using ladies scented body wash like LaF and joined RD, you could smell like RD.

Look down, back up, where are you? You’re in RD with the color you wish you could smell like.

What’s in your hand, back at me. I have it, it’s an oyster with two tickets to that thing you love. Look again, the tickets are now diamonds. Anything is possible when you're in RD and smell like a Color and not a lady(LaF). I’m on a horse.



May 31st 2013, 23:13:36


Edited By: Mr.Silver on Jun 1st 2013, 2:46:31
See Original Post



May 28th 2013, 22:59:04

Heh, ya my aid didn't help boneSAW much... Dang wish I could get a refund on the cash he's got hehe



May 28th 2013, 22:33:42

Locket, that's what you get for allying me :p being my ingame ally is the kiss of death




May 28th 2013, 6:40:24

Originally posted by Taveren:
Originally posted by Mr.Silver:
But a bad ally
They currently have three dps getting tag killed and helped out a 4th by breaking a Unap (emphasis on the U)

Your "alliance of spies" is failing you and your words are awfully smug for someone who only has partial logs of part of the exchanges.

LOL! my what?

Also no, not smug... More along the lines of I'm tired and cranky and don't feel like sugar coating stuff.

I'm semi-retired hoping to be taking a nice break from the game for a while and I have no interest in inflating your ego when leadership in your alliance has done probably the worst job of any alliance in the game.

MD has absolutely everything going for it...

It comes back with a strong membership base in its first reset, all the allies it could ever need, well liked etc..

It has one of the most tightly knit group of players the game has seen as far as alliances go, great communication, huge pool of retired knowledgable players that allow for a recruiting pool, great ties to alliances due to past relationships, and the list goes on and on.

Unfortunately it seems leadership in MD seems to completely nosedive unable to follow types like Samoan, Dio, Mags, Haderach, etc...

leadership has taken all the promise that MD has and pisssed it all away in a flamboiant parade of stupidity, plotting, loose lips, and just point blank retarded moves.

This alliance that SHOULD be atleast at par with SoF if not even ahead of them based on what it had as starting blocks, instead has been tag killed roughly 80% of its resets, poorly plans allowing its allies to get crushed left and right and even mismanages wars you guys even plan yourselves.

Point fingers all you want, call me a bad guy or have strange terms like "alliance of spies", blame hanlong, Sov, Imag, santa clause,the boogyman, or whoever you feel like making into the scapegoat of the month, but push comes to shve they're your teams failings, nobody elses.

In all honesty I'm a little ticked of how poorly of a job has been done with MD since coming back, as historically they are one of my favorite alliances.

I thought you guys were awesome right from when I first met this little clan that was trying to start out in earth that had a great mix between Dio, Sammy, Mags, and Zulu. Right from those humble beginings to late on becoming the best alliance in the game only a couple years later, then remaining ontop for quite some time.

I just wish you guys could turn things around from the complete disappointment you've been in earthempires.

Maybe start a donation plate and try to bribe Samoan into making a comeback. Or, do what you were likely doing and keep plotting new ways to get tag killed next reset. Your choice.

Edited By: Mr.Silver on May 30th 2013, 9:23:18
See Original Post



May 25th 2013, 7:23:20

I think it's the Conspiracy bonus, I don't even have access to it on my screen :(



May 25th 2013, 0:28:52

Screw grabbing.. I'm more pissed with Sdi lol... 85% Sdi stops on avg 55% of the nukes sent my way, I meanwhile I launch 15 missiles at some guy with 50% Sdi and only 3 went through..

Conspiracy I say heh!



May 24th 2013, 4:32:50

We have a few ancient types in RD. And a few from elitez stop by now and then here.

We're pretty laid back, usually netgain, push the envelope a little and can train you and take you under a wing if you'd like.

For netting I think your best bets are RD, LaF, NM, and Evo.

If you like kicking butt and taking names go for sof, if you like plotting and dieing over and over MD. If you like being good natured but a little crazy pdm is a good place. Omega is decent for relaxing, then there's a bunch of alliances that do a little bit of everything. Or join mgp for giggles

If you're interested in rd shoot me a msg

Edited By: Mr.Silver on May 24th 2013, 4:35:00
See Original Post



May 23rd 2013, 3:58:47

Originally posted by PapaSmurf:
Since the changes have happened, Walling has changed. Before good walling took skill, now it's more about availability.

Along with the changes, smart phones and text messages are the reason for increased walling.

Very true.. Warring in general now isn't too much fun since you can die in 30 seconds pretty easily and are near invincible just by being online when hit.

Something between the two extremes would be good



May 23rd 2013, 3:56:32

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Mr.Silver:
I think Martian is cheating on his diet by sneaking Jr bacon cheese burgers on his way home from work.


FALSE! martian quit his job!

Lies! Heh it was all a play by him to throw you off. Edmontonians are tricksy devils



May 22nd 2013, 22:59:33

I think Martian is cheating on his diet by sneaking Jr bacon cheese burgers on his way home from work.




May 22nd 2013, 19:45:43

Haha, so this is why you're losing? That you pick targets who are online and then blame rd for cheating to stonewall you.

If rd was cheating in this way likely they would have stonewalled far more often than then they did.

I know for example when you tried hitting my country you picked a time while I was online and was even chatting with a SOL member.

Both alliances have roughly the same number of members nthat are online to stonewall. RD just seems to kill your bigger countries while you bulk up your kill count going after restarts.

If rd was cheating do you think you'ed have anywhere near the amount of kills you currently have? With the claim you're making they could stonewall anyone at any time.

I don't think tits, gains, Oden, or others would have lost their first countries if we had it that easy considering there's always one of us online.

Hiding behind a random alias and whining and making random baseless accusations just makes your whole group look silly.

I give props to Colon, it's been a fun war and he has the right attitude. To him I tip my hat.

To wankers like you though I lift my kilt :p



May 17th 2013, 18:07:21

Originally posted by H4xOr WaNgEr:
Mayor of Toronto, conducting city business from a jail cell. That would be rich :P

Or from a Van down by the river

Alberta PM Ralph Klien (and former Calgary Mayor) wsa a coke head back in the 70's, might be a pre-requisite for getting into politics



May 14th 2013, 23:20:05

Some interesting series in round 1..

Islanders almost won their series if not for vokoun stepping up in those last two games.

Leafs pushing it to 8and basically having a series vs Boston slip through their hands.

The blood feud that Montreal and Ottawa was.

Ducks losing to the old guys.

Canucks getting swept and then that La vs the blues series that was epic.



May 14th 2013, 4:37:22

although I would have laughed at the Bruins if they lost that series...

I still gotta say that would be heartbreaking for a leafs fan. Dang, complete collapse.



May 14th 2013, 2:10:56

I picture something along the lines of...

From Downton Abby, Season 3, episode 9. 1:30:00 for the last two minutes or so of the episode



May 10th 2013, 8:08:07

drunk thread...



May 10th 2013, 0:21:27

Friendlies still have winners.

I'm very much for winners and losers. I hate the Canadian we all win mentality.. I'm in the process of ranting in a letter to my province who sound like they're voting that they want to remove score keeping from soccer games for 12yrs old and under.. Grrrrrr

And if it holds up they want to move it to other sports. Life is all about winning, losing, knowing how to get back up. Hell if this crap continues our nation will become.. Ugh I don't feel like ranting here, needless to say I'm pissy :)

Edited By: Mr.Silver on May 10th 2013, 0:42:24
See Original Post



May 9th 2013, 22:49:25

It usually has to do with the losers since the war happened for a reason (whatever it might be) . The loser is the one that has to make what ever concessions that need to be made.

Usually they don't want to and prefer to be stubborn and just ruin the reset as long as they can to get even with the other.

I like friendly arranged wars more.. They offer more flexibility and all trash talk is fun. Also can set up rules like one restart each player or limit those involved.

My mentality with other wars is if some alliance wants to make my life difficult and come at me for what I deem as no reason I want to make their lives miserable and stomp back hard enough to get peace...

Friendlies are much more fun



May 1st 2013, 5:35:58

goo goo ga choo



May 1st 2013, 5:03:28

I am Spartacus



May 1st 2013, 1:06:16

But a bad ally
They currently have three dps getting tag killed and helped out a 4th by breaking a Unap (emphasis on the U)