
Tmac Game profile


Mar 7th 2021, 20:23:55

I can teach you =)

Tmac Game profile


Mar 7th 2021, 15:29:28

There's always some element of luck, but he apparently had a nice bit of sdi too. You also have to give props for his target selection.

Tmac Game profile


Mar 7th 2021, 1:03:32

You're going to miss alot of details without help. One small mistake will ruin the whole thing. I doubt anyone is going to post their full destock strategy here. Joining an alliance will save you the time of asking all these questions because they will give you all the info you need =)

Tmac Game profile


Mar 6th 2021, 17:52:32

I meant 8 or 9 bonus points last post, not turns.

Tmac Game profile


Mar 6th 2021, 17:44:05

I'd like to see everyone get their bonus the same whether they login or not. 6 turns every x amount of hours, bonus acres every x amount of hours, and 8 or 9 bonus turns every x amount of hours. Logging in every day gives plenty of advantages without jumping through hoops to maximize your bonuses.

Tmac Game profile


Mar 4th 2021, 4:49:40

Losing a higher % of cs than total buildings seems wrong for sure. Really, losing anywhere near the same % doesn't seem right regardless of the attack/op.

Tmac Game profile


Mar 3rd 2021, 17:15:39

I lost 95% of my buildings last set, but only 35% of my cs. That was from brs and chems.

Tmac Game profile


Mar 2nd 2021, 19:54:52

Probably. A mutually beneficial offensive alliance is rare.

Tmac Game profile


Mar 2nd 2021, 18:00:50

Offensive allies will just eat up your jets/tanks/troops while paying a fee for it.

Tmac Game profile


Mar 2nd 2021, 5:23:58

Ghost acres are the land you get, but the target doesn't lose.



Target lost 300, you gained 600.

Tmac Game profile


Mar 2nd 2021, 4:40:25

Ghost acres

Tmac Game profile


Mar 1st 2021, 15:03:05

I wouldn't use that govt. Lowering food consumption is a small perk in comparison to food production boosts on a farmer. So it seems like techer is the best strat for this govt. I think I would still go tyranny>demo tech. Corruption is a non-factor for me because I don't run turns over 2b.

I like the idea off adding/tweaking govts =)

Tmac Game profile


Feb 24th 2021, 19:35:55

I sent you a pm in case you want to net in evo =)

Tmac Game profile


Feb 24th 2021, 2:30:04

That indy has a shot. I would put my money on the 2 rep cashers though. 5th would probably be knights of ni.

Tmac Game profile


Feb 20th 2021, 18:10:38

More options for bonus points is good. I'd be against the idea of being able to add alliance slots though.

Tmac Game profile


Feb 20th 2021, 4:21:22

Oh, gerdler responded while I wrote that. Listen to him =P

Tmac Game profile


Feb 20th 2021, 4:20:23

It's 72 hours before dr wears off. A hit that just happened gives high dr and slowly lowers until 72 hours when it's completely gone. Defense helds go away twice as quick. Missles don't count. The first 3 hits in a 72 hour span don't seem to have any dr. That's all I'm confident in saying. I think there might be even more to it.

Tmac Game profile


Feb 19th 2021, 15:20:13

I think every type of bonus should be automatic without logging in. Why does logging in at certain times give you an advantage? It's not a skill that deserves a reward. Every 22 hours everyone gets 8 or 9 bonus points. Every 18 hours everyone gets 6 bonus turns. Every 24 hours everyone gets their bonus acres. No logins required to get any of that.

I'm fine with giving all the bonus acres to the people getting farmed. I also agree that the 20 acre bonus now is mostly used to tell if/when someone logged in.

For the tips, I think there's alot of good stuff already in there. Maybe more specifics though. Telling a rep to focus on ent/res or communism to build indies.

Tmac Game profile


Feb 18th 2021, 5:10:57

If you opened up hr I would farm the same countries more. I only move on from farming 1m nw countries now because hr forces me to.

So far I'm only for the tips to help people improve, and extra land through bonus acres and/or exploring.

Tmac Game profile


Feb 18th 2021, 3:22:01

We could give everyone a frickin medal koh, lol =P

Tmac Game profile


Feb 17th 2021, 23:06:17

I've been grabbed 9 times this set and am currently 5th in land lost. My point was that hits shouldn't be allowed one way only.

Tmac Game profile


Feb 17th 2021, 23:00:55

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Tmac:
I wouldn't want to make it where a 3m nw guy could send missiles and spy ops at a 50m nw country every day without the 50m nw guy being able to respond. It would have to go both ways to be fair.

It insures payback if someone broke GDI on you.

So are you for making it where hits can only go one way in some circumstances?

Tmac Game profile


Feb 17th 2021, 22:59:46

When I think of likely outcomes this could actually upset those smaller players more than now.

Now you farm someone and jump out of range. Both move on without exchanging more hits.

If we changed it to where the small country can retal regardless of humanitarian range, then they send whatever they can at the big country. Now the big country can make the small one their personal farm the rest of the set or until they quit because there's no humanitarian range to protect them.

I understand the argument for the proposed change though.

Tmac Game profile


Feb 17th 2021, 22:23:37

I wouldn't want to make it where a 3m nw guy could send missiles and spy ops at a 50m nw country every day without the 50m nw guy being able to respond. It would have to go both ways to be fair.

Tmac Game profile


Feb 17th 2021, 18:12:40

I'm all for giving better tips and examples to help people learn, hess. My assumption was those guys running rainbows just didn't notice the tips because the font in smaller.

As for hitting and jumping out of humanitarian range, maybe make breaking gdi cause humanitarians to not protect you from that country anymore. If they decide to break gdi back on you, then humanitarians won't protect them either.

Tmac Game profile


Feb 17th 2021, 14:54:39

If you run a rainbow, the game already constantly tells you to specialize every time you go to the build screen. Adding more info is great, but doesn't matter if they don't read it. Maybe putting it in big red font will help =P I'm pretty sure you already can turn on/off tips in your preferences.

I won't argue against more acres for everyone, lol.

Tmac Game profile


Feb 17th 2021, 6:00:28

The way it's setup now already encourages me to spread out my hits. Because of humanitarian range I move up the scores list for new targets every day. By the time I'm done grabbing, I've hit nearly everyone outside of the top 15 at least once. If the goal is to spread the hits out, the setup is ideal.

Tmac Game profile


Feb 17th 2021, 4:55:39

Originally posted by Slagpit:
Does anyone have any good ideas on how to make it less brutal for the players with weaker countries?

Honestly, I think it's on them. I mostly farm rainbows. If they took the time to read through everything, they'd learn alot. I see alot of people play the same inefficient way every set. So the solution is there waiting to be read, lol. I doubt you'll hear much from those guys because if they were on the forums they'd know to strategize and buy tech already.

Tmac Game profile


Feb 16th 2021, 12:22:51

This is my favorite server. I'm happy with no bots and gdi. I'm open to hearing any ideas though =)

Tmac Game profile


Feb 16th 2021, 1:56:20

Originally posted by stdriscol1:
Originally posted by Tmac:
Originally posted by stdriscol1:
I can't seem to retal when attacked, even when I am fairly close to the attacker in Networth. I get a message saying DGI authority will not let me attack without declaring war. I also seem to be unable to declare war. Anyone have any idea as to why this is happening?

You can only ss/ps someone in gdi if they've only hit you 0-1 times.

That makes sense but I don't quite understand why others w/GDI can attack me without a declaration of war but I cannot retaliate.

Gdi is very different here than alliance servers. Make sure to read it's description ingame. You should be able to ss/ps anyone you want, as many times as you want. If you can't, it's because you're not in humanitarian range of your target which is .25-4.0 times your nw.

Tmac Game profile


Feb 15th 2021, 18:59:45

Good work slagpit!

Tmac Game profile


Feb 15th 2021, 18:53:59

Originally posted by stdriscol1:
I can't seem to retal when attacked, even when I am fairly close to the attacker in Networth. I get a message saying DGI authority will not let me attack without declaring war. I also seem to be unable to declare war. Anyone have any idea as to why this is happening?

You can only ss/ps someone in gdi if they've only hit you 0-1 times.

Tmac Game profile


Feb 14th 2021, 16:37:50

I sure picked the worst set to be a farmer/oiler! $37/$100 for bushels/barrels right now. I haven't even sold much on the public market lately, lol.

Tmac Game profile


Feb 14th 2021, 0:21:19

Is low and high the only 2 categories? If so I would think 50+ would be high, and under 50 low. I wouldn't expect a high chance if my target had a higher spal, muchless 3x higher.

Tmac Game profile


Feb 12th 2021, 14:40:55

Originally posted by Bug:
Thanks guys, though I'm not sure I deserve a thread on AT :P

I don't think the bar is that high, lol.

Tmac Game profile


Feb 12th 2021, 13:37:45

Nice job bug!

Tmac Game profile


Feb 12th 2021, 3:03:08

Koh is a missleless chump now!

Tmac Game profile


Feb 10th 2021, 17:39:00

It was 23.9 hours ago. I didn't think you were looking to hit me, just snooping, lol.

Tmac Game profile


Feb 10th 2021, 16:54:44

Alot of good players there! Well done guys =)

Tmac Game profile


Feb 10th 2021, 16:38:53

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Rob:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:

You know who you are 😉

You are very tempting right now KOH :)

Yeah but I retal 😉

I caught koh snooping around in my country!

Tmac Game profile


Feb 10th 2021, 15:52:22

Netters won't hit real people if bots are available to farm. Why risk any sort of retal by hitting a person? You could make bots retal, but I'd rather see people hitting people instead of bots hitting people.

Tmac Game profile


Feb 10th 2021, 0:03:01

Please don't add more random events!

I would prefer no bots or non-hittable bots if they are needed for market purposes. Without bots you are forced to hit others or go all explore. All explore is a bit boring to me so I do like the idea of encouraging hitting each other via gerdler's point ranking idea =)

Tmac Game profile


Feb 9th 2021, 23:50:10

I'm all for transparency. Stand behind what you do. Would be funny to see any hypocrites, lol. What's the worst that could happen? Someone gets suicided because of their past actions? Maybe it would take the heat off me for a set!

Tmac Game profile


Feb 9th 2021, 16:11:50

5 sounds right to me

Tmac Game profile


Feb 9th 2021, 15:39:26

I would give any new server a try. I agree that putting 2 months of daily effort into a country that has to be wide open to getting ruined by anyone in humanitarian range is a huge problem that will drive netters away. Like gerdler said, only netters get 100% screwed this way. Suiciders expect to die after hitting someone. Warrers might be upset if suicided, but their plan was to fight so they can still have fun.

I would rather see this idea of a server last longer than 20 minutes though. One of the reasons I don't care to war in alliance is because I'm a laid back player, and i don't like clicking fast, lol. I like the idea of having 1 player/team having a set amount of time to run a set amount of turns, then the other side has their time, etc.

Tmac Game profile


Feb 6th 2021, 15:09:42

Trying to understand the clans standing army. If someone hits me does that standing army help me, or only if the tag holder uses the one time we can send the army to everyone? Does it use all cash we pay for military? Depending on when you use it, the new expenses could make it hard to run turns. The best way to use this feature would be recall the military after everyone has jumped if I'm understanding this right. If you use it early then all the military bought with your funds after wouldn't ever come back to you then? Enshula has a good point about detagging people so their top guys get more as well.

Retalling bots definitely is a cool new wrinkle. Are you saying one bot could spend all their daily ops bombing buildings on me because I grabbed them once? Would some bots be passive, and others aggressive? Would they now carry warfare to help retal?

Tmac Game profile


Feb 6th 2021, 3:53:10

5 to 3 in support of netters being able to play a full set. Good stuff, more opinions please =)

Tmac Game profile


Feb 6th 2021, 0:54:00

Originally posted by archaic:
Does this server not permit war declarations?

I've never tried, but there wouldn't be any benefit to doing it that I know of.

Tmac Game profile


Feb 6th 2021, 0:44:13

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Tmac:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Tmac:
For the ones that don't like it can I hear some reasoning? Genuine question. How would it drive people away? I think suiciders would still play, they would just be netting or warring now. Everyone already decides before the set starts whether they're going to war or net.

It's not that I don't like it in my case, what's the point in having alliances if you're going to erase diplomacy? What's the end game here? Just make a server for all these people that don't want to war and have it where the war room is disabled.

No, we'd all still be on the same server and you could choose whether to net or war. Since I've been back I haven't seen any alliance attack netting tags. Netting tags just get suicided. Netting tags stick to hitting bots now, how does a conflict even start? I guess if someone detags and suicides, but this idea eliminates suiciding. I wouldn't be for this idea back in the day when you only hit real people, but this game is much different now. You net by farming bots, and hoping someone doesn't decide to hit you unprovoked. Alliances would still be relevant because you would still compete to be the best at war or net, maybe both!

Alliances make their own history and many times drag grudges, sometimes the alliance itself isn't targeted until someone who plays there pisses off someone who decides to suicide at the entire tag, this as old as earth2025, it won't go away anytime soon unfortunately, and I doubt having tag designations will stop that unless you disabled the war functions.

But it would disable the war functions if the country number input was in a netting tag.

Tmac Game profile


Feb 6th 2021, 0:22:20

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Tmac:
For the ones that don't like it can I hear some reasoning? Genuine question. How would it drive people away? I think suiciders would still play, they would just be netting or warring now. Everyone already decides before the set starts whether they're going to war or net.

It's not that I don't like it in my case, what's the point in having alliances if you're going to erase diplomacy? What's the end game here? Just make a server for all these people that don't want to war and have it where the war room is disabled.

No, we'd all still be on the same server and you could choose whether to net or war. Since I've been back I haven't seen any alliance attack netting tags. Netting tags just get suicided. Netting tags stick to hitting bots now, how does a conflict even start? I guess if someone detags and suicides, but this idea eliminates suiciding. I wouldn't be for this idea back in the day when you only hit real people, but this game is much different now. You net by farming bots, and hoping someone doesn't decide to hit you unprovoked. Alliances would still be relevant because you would still compete to be the best at war or net, maybe both!