


Jul 3rd 2012, 18:57:09

Yeah its strategy... they have numbers... we have anonymity (FYI it means we are nameless in case that big word boggled your mind). Although I am not surprised you don't understand strategy.. Seems like it's a super hard concept for most of you to understand that attacking peaceful nations that are better than you will create one heck of an enemy. I tried playing fair, I was in the open and saw what happened to me. I thought perhaps people have learned to leave peaceful nations alone however; fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me.... There will be no second fooling.

Thanks Crazy... I have not the slightest clue as to what that means..... but sure, yall about to be hellrushed.



Jul 3rd 2012, 18:28:48

Originally posted by enshula:
playing in a tag isnt hiding its the opposite

as you can see by you being able to seek them out and punish them the next reset

Sorry brother but comming out of the brush and attacking peaceful nations then hidding behind a hundred + members is cowardly. I say hiding not as in we can't literally find them.... they hide behind the cowards that protect the cowards. Its the same philosophies as gang bangers, who are also cowards. But it's not surprising to see this kind of behavior in this game, after all I am guessing yall are a bunch of nerds who have always hid behind the masses.

Edited By: WaWa on Jul 3rd 2012, 18:33:12
See Original Post



Jul 3rd 2012, 18:07:02

Ummm well that sounds really good and all except for one little detail... how will new players know how to post on here!?!? This is for the experienced players.... not the new ones. You should want to help the new ones not post on a site that they probably didn't know existed then attack the crap out of them and say "oops well we told you what to do on a site that you have never heard of before"! I tried in game message and got a few pacts but you know how most people responded?? They told me to "fluff off". Then they proceeded to attack me.... real good way of introducing newbies to the games fellas, yall are doing an outstanding job!



Jul 3rd 2012, 17:55:52

Are you an untagged player that is tired of all these clans enforcing what they "think" is right? Are you tired of your peaceful nation being attacked? They talk about norms and rules in a society they claim to have created...well lets put down some truth. In the real world, if a person was a coward in something like a prison, he would be eaten for breakfast lunch and dinner. If that same coward ran a country in the real world and went around attacking a neutral country such as Sweden just because it gets his rocks off, his country would quickly be attacked. In the real world cowardly acts are frowned upon. In this world cowards are celebrated and protected. In the real world soldiers feel honor in protecting peace and those that support peace. In this game those brothers in arms that fight for their right of peace are attacked and taken advantage of. The norms here are backwards because its ran by ignorant backward thinking fools.

It's no reason why the game is still the same way... the people that run the game also play so they push their propaganda. They could easily install a function that acts just like switching your government type, only this function gives you the option of being a warring nation or a peaceful nation. They could have it so that all peaceful nations are the only ones allowed to attack their own string... Sort of like GDI only better. This would appeal to all types of players....not just players like them but they don't want to make it appealing for other people to play because again, they push their own propaganda.

It's about time we untags form an alliance with one another. Heck even if you are tagged as a one man clan but wish to run your country as a peaceful country, you are welcome to join us under the banner of peace and make a statement until things change around here and people become tolerant of those who wish to be peaceful. We now have experienced war leaders ready to fight side by side who are also willing to instruct those who wish to engage in an orchestrated attack. We already have several members that have had it with all those nerds that magically become tough guys once they become anonymous on the internet. We have strike plans for next set and our targets mapped. We have strategy on our side. These big clans think making a name for themselves makes them strong but we can take that strength and use it as their weakness. They have painted targets on all their heads and we will constantly have surprise on our side. They will never know who we are or when we will strike. We will ruin their clans set after set after set until it becomes impossible for them to recruit and their own members want to disband.

All clans do not have to worry about our attacks. If you are peaceful then we wish you no harm. But those clans that war for no reason and those clans that harbor cowards and protect them are the ones we are after.

As Sun Tzu has said
"If we always knew the enemy's intentions beforehand, we should always, even with inferior forces, be superior to him. "

We are bringing a whole new strategy to this game fellas.



Jul 3rd 2012, 14:57:12

Everyone is allowed to create 16 countries and yall still find it necessary to attack peaceful nations? Not just attack but seriously farm them because you hide like cowards in your tag? And it's because you all make enemies warster... again I was just teaching my little siblings the ropes when some clan decided to use us as a farm. I tagged up because I figured it would give us a little protection, let people see me and let people know which ones were my countries. Let them know I was peaceful as I only attacked myself. But tagging up a small 16 country clan acted instead as an organized chart for these dumb clans to hit. I now have all 16 of the countries because my siblings think this game is to stupid to play. Don't act like these greedy players who don't think 16 countries is enough are right Warster. Yes unfortunately there will always be idiots that suicide for the fun of it... But I can also imagine you clans created the majority of us. A peacful nation now ready to sabotage the warring clans that war for no reason. All clans must adopt or die.... you keep farming people...especially ones better than you, you make enemies. You ruin the game for us, we will ruin the game for you. Well for the clans that have not adopted a way of self farming. Adopt or die... you "tough" boy clans know who you are.... See you in the future and have fun never posting another top ten tag finish in FFA.

By the way Warster not single clan messaged me asking if I was peaceful or not....they just saw us and thought it was free land. Started attacking me despite my worst country being better than even their best...

Edited By: WaWa on Jul 3rd 2012, 15:02:40
See Original Post



Jul 3rd 2012, 9:47:59




Jul 3rd 2012, 9:28:34

Flo, we need to have a chat. People wonder why this game is diminishing and it doesn't take a genius to understand. It's high school all over... the bullies pick on the nerds... except in this world the nerds pick on everyone else. I was a peaceful nation... and was attacked several times by these so called clans that say they like to see new players play. Cowards. Nothing but skid marks left after a fat man sits on a toilet for 45 minutes. Dip Skits that think they know the game.... but don't... which is why they have so many idiots running around attacking peaceful nations which in turn suicide... It's math idiots.... attack x amount of peaceful nations you get x amount of suicides. I am one, with you flo. I am now determined to make things right and I hope the administration of this game reads this. I was teaching my younger sister and brothers how to play....when some idiot loud mouth clan decided to hit us... a lot. Now for some reason they don't want to play... go figure. It may not be a lot but you just lost 3 more players admin... now add that to the thousands of untags who wish to play a game but do not wish to be a bunch of yellow bellie cowards. This was my first set back in over 8 years.... and nothing has changed. If the untags unite, we can show these little (private part) wet kids who haven't hit puberty know how things are done next set. Just create a random email account that I can email post it here, and wait for WaWa to tell you the subject header (so you know its me and not these skid marks) we can change things. We will be organized next set.

They only have numbers.... which is why they open their fat pie holes. I have already over 8 players that are tired of these D-bags cleaning themselves over us. Netters, you will be left alone so long as you do not hit us. But we will keep creeping up. As the Americans used the forests to pick apart England, we will mask our ISP's, make it our jungle and we will will appear out of thin air.

Edited By: WaWa on Jul 3rd 2012, 9:49:09
See Original Post



Jul 3rd 2012, 9:23:23

Flo, we need to have a chat. People wonder why this game is diminishing and it doesn't take a genius to understand. It's high school all over... the bullies pick on the nerds... except in this world the nerds pick on everyone else. I was a peaceful nation... and was attacked several times by these so called clans that say they like to see new players play. Cowards. Nothing but skid marks left after a fat man sits on a toilet for 45 minutes. Dip Skits that think they know the game.... but don't... which is why they have so many idiots running around attacking peaceful nations which in turn suicide... It's math idiots.... attack x amount of peaceful nations you get x amount of suicides. I am one, with you flo. I am now determined to make things right and I hope the administration of this game reads this. I was teaching my younger sister and brothers how to play....when some idiot loud mouth clan decided to hit us... a lot. Now for some reason they don't want to play... go figure. It may not be a lot but you just lost 3 more players admin... now add that to the thousands of untags who wish to play a game but do not wish to be a bunch of yellow bellie cowards. This was my first set back in over 8 years.... and nothing has changed. If the untags unite, we can show these little (private part) wet kids who haven't hit puberty know how things are done next set. Just create a random email account that I can email, and wait for WaWa to tell you the subject header (so you know its me and not these skid marks) we can change things. We will be organized next set.

They only have numbers.... which is why they open their fat pie holes. I have already over 8 players that are tired of these D-bags cleaning themselves over us. Netters, you will be left alone so long as you do not hit us. But we will keep creeping up. As the Americans used the forests to pick apart England, we will mask our ISP's, make it our jungle and we will will appear out of thin air.