
crysk Game profile


Feb 22nd 2012, 22:18:54

zip...GET...before my foot goes in your bum :)

crysk Game profile


Feb 13th 2012, 10:30:26

slippers!!! :D

crysk Game profile


Feb 11th 2012, 21:48:39

Originally posted by Chaoswind:
No hug can fix that mess

Slagpit believe me, if you disappeared in the forest of the interwebs no one would miss you and go look for you.

pffft Chaos, we can't believe you! Because some of us would miss him :D Now go back to the corner.

crysk Game profile


Feb 8th 2012, 21:52:04

Please contact me ...soon :) Contact info below or idle at #earthempires

crysk Game profile


Feb 7th 2012, 15:28:59

Before the government starts restricting WHAT one can buy, they should restrict who's getting it in the first place. There are far too many people that use the food stamp program/other assistance programs as an excuse NOT to get or even LOOK for a job. Far too many people that HAVE jobs, albeit low paying, that cannot make ends meet (rent, electricity, food,BASIC necessities) as prices continue to go up, but do not qualify for ANY assistance because they HAVE a job.

I agree with auto on defining junk food, we each have different opinions. I find string cheese(low fat) a healthy 60cal mid afternoon snack, he considers it junk food.

crysk Game profile


Feb 5th 2012, 14:57:31

they were missled to death, its the question of SDI not defense.

crysk Game profile


Feb 5th 2012, 13:45:51

ooo mrford...smackin you upside the head might be worth the 5 hour drive :P watch it. P.S. I'd fluff you up in CS no doubt :P

crysk Game profile


Feb 5th 2012, 2:55:20

I've got both, rarely play anymore. Though I AM excited for the new release, I hated source, so we'll see how this one compares to 1.6.

crysk Game profile


Feb 2nd 2012, 23:17:59

Come one come all :) NA has started, come find me, I'm nice! Usually around at this time on IRC, otherwise contacts are below :)

Llaar is semi available
CRG4 will not be available for a few days :) He'll post when he is.

crysk Game profile


Feb 2nd 2012, 23:15:50

Marshie, you get nudes of tishya when WE get nudes of you. Which is neveeeer gonna happen. :)

crysk Game profile


Feb 2nd 2012, 1:26:12

msg sent :) Sorry I'm the only one available atm and I'm usually not around until this time :)

crysk Game profile


Feb 1st 2012, 1:12:17

I shared it with TKO and FOCUS, admins on your side have to do their thing now :)

crysk Game profile


Jan 31st 2012, 1:35:22

Come one come all :D My contacts are below, zip and marshal shall be around at some point with their contact info :)

crysk Game profile


Jan 30th 2012, 19:51:11

and THAT is where clans are gonna have to make decisions. Do we sit back and let tags like imp grow outside their tag or do we kill any small tag that doesnt give a contact. It's a grey line. I had actually thought of killing the higher numbered string weeks ago, just because it seemed odd, but I didn't, out of pure respect for those that DO wish to play alone. Whoever that guy ruining for many who do wish to play alone. Show yourself sunshine:) Seems I should have listened to myself :P But ah well, they killed a few of us off, we still tag killed em :)

crysk Game profile


Jan 30th 2012, 19:48:50

pwnt ice? if that's your idea of have issues :P Let me show you what pwnt is in MW3 ;) They killed 1 persons string too..least they coulda done was piss off more than one of us :P I stopped playin my turns weeks ago.

Evil's calling out stuff we've admitted to, we ain't afraid to say we weren't the best. We know it. And we know we need improvement. At least we have the balls to say it. Alas, we know we'll see you again imp :)

crysk Game profile


Jan 30th 2012, 19:44:59

considering at least one of them that tagged imp has been hiding all set (with the high #'s), he had some intentions early on...glad he chose us as well.

crysk Game profile


Jan 30th 2012, 10:12:59

eh its the end of the set, they added a few kills to their count. Funny they had to wait :P but its all good, they were already tag killed once. :) Welcome back imp :) About time!

Edited By: crysk on Jan 30th 2012, 10:30:01
See Original Post

crysk Game profile


Jan 30th 2012, 1:59:43

welcome mob :) you know where to find me for pacts mista :D

crysk Game profile


Jan 24th 2012, 21:37:31


crysk Game profile


Jan 24th 2012, 21:32:59

I'm available now if you haven't found anyone :)

crysk Game profile


Jan 20th 2012, 22:45:51

they're bored, and I wouldn't let them do anything else :D

crysk Game profile


Jan 14th 2012, 22:32:42


crysk Game profile


Jan 13th 2012, 11:33:27

Originally posted by Deerhunter:
Patience, 10s of millions. Think about that. Opera has BILLIONS and BradJal make 20-30 every movie.

I don't do politics with people in an online game...however, its OPRAH :D Unless of course you mean the opera is making billions, which very much could be the case :) Good day sir!

crysk Game profile


Jan 12th 2012, 1:50:35

With me of course!

I'll keep all of you sane :)

crysk Game profile


Jan 9th 2012, 20:03:24

Tebows a nice guy...mediocre player. I'm so tired of hearing about him, its bad enough I LIVE in Florida and everyone in this state worships him ( at least in North Florida). SHHH!!!!! No more Tebow!

crysk Game profile


Jan 8th 2012, 20:42:25

My advise to you planit is to join a bigger tag and re-learn the game...before you go and get yourself killed for NOT knowing :)

crysk Game profile


Jan 2nd 2012, 17:08:53


crysk Game profile


Jan 2nd 2012, 2:30:02

A little late..but confirmed ect ect. You can find meeee if you have questions/concerns about any FA stuff with NA :D

crysk Game profile


Dec 29th 2011, 14:54:42

Its not elysium's fault that IMP feels the need to hide.(especially after claiming to be better ones in this war) Nor is it our fault that other tags don't agree with your hiding like pansies and feel the need to kill you for it. Tag up and it wouldn't be an issue.

crysk Game profile


Dec 27th 2011, 23:58:50

1) I'm VP, not pres, I am not the leader of ely. Zip is the Presient. We work as a TEAM. ;)

2) Why would I let you guys get the upper hand on us? Your leader made it very clear by talking to way too many people about killing us because Rockman and Llaar was in our tag. I wouldn't have given it a second thought if it was just one person, but it wasn't, it was multiple people. Seems you're likely the only one with any sense in IMP sublime, and you know damn well if there was talk like that about someone hitting IMP, you wouldn't take the chance and you'd hit first regardless of numbers (Look at the numbers vs the little tags you've picked on the last few sets)

3) I fully expected you'd kick our butts no matter what the numbers were. It's actually a shame you didn't, I fully expect more fun to come

4) If tko hit us with the numbers game, I sure as heck wouldn't let my clan hide. ANYWHERE. A loss is a loss, I wouldn't dishonor my clan for my own gain, which is exactly what IMP is doing hiding in multiple tags and then tagging over to hit.

5) I've said it multiple times, NBK knew we wouldn't be involved in the war with Semper, it was made VERY clear. And Gungrave also knew that IMP was our target very early in the set. If they wanted IMP, they should have made it clear they did. They didn't.

And now...I'm done with this. A month left in the set, tag up and fight a bit. It ain't over til its over.

Edited By: crysk on Dec 28th 2011, 0:03:57
See Original Post

crysk Game profile


Dec 27th 2011, 22:29:32

You know damn well none of those clans were going to hit you. Hell, We had a CF ready 3 days before with KC(HE came to US), out of pure respect for KC, not IMP, but when KC came back to you, you didn't want it. THATS on YOU.

You really want me to bring this here? So be it. YOU refused to accept the terms with ANTE as our DP. Refusing it right there made it VERY clear you wanted to hit ANTE. NO leader would leave a DP out to dry. We had DP's, they were our obligations. NOT Imp. Keep it up pretty boy, you're pretty good at this!

And TKO had nothing to do with llaar. Let em be.

Edited By: crysk on Dec 27th 2011, 22:41:10
See Original Post

crysk Game profile


Dec 27th 2011, 22:26:12

Ely hasn't been around for quite some time, most of us haven't been around since the inception of Earth Empires. Has nothing to do with 1A'ers trying to do ANYTHING. But PLEASE continue to make stuff up. Its enjoyable.

The CF agreement was that you didn't hit our DP's. You couldn't handle that. Its on you. I'm not leaving my DP's in the dust for IMP. NO clan would.

crysk Game profile


Dec 27th 2011, 21:52:54

TAG your guys up and maybe you wouldn't be killed. If they're not tagged, they're not imp. You know damn well this server doesn't support multiple tags from one clan. It's not my problem ya'll can't grow balls (That you continue to threaten me with) and want to hide.(and not very well may I add). Nor is it my problem that you have so many people who dislike you that want to kill you just because you're you.

I was surprised to see such a pansy move to be honest, expected well more from IMP but goes to show that you guys really don't have ANY balls.

Edited By: crysk on Dec 27th 2011, 21:57:17
See Original Post

crysk Game profile


Dec 24th 2011, 20:18:28

country numbers that low...he was waiting in the shadows since the beginning of the set. Probably Sych again because ya'll got on him for suiciding rockman last set.

crysk Game profile


Dec 24th 2011, 0:17:19

What was that despie? I beat you! :P You'd never get any anyways :P

Week 3: Crystal's Team 95.900 Despie's ass kickers 92.900 Matchup

Edited By: crysk on Dec 24th 2011, 0:37:45
See Original Post

crysk Game profile


Dec 21st 2011, 14:56:15

noobs GOW :P MW3! grrrawr

crysk Game profile


Dec 20th 2011, 11:05:01

multiple untaggeds have assisted them. Tagging up is apparently not the thing to do.

crysk Game profile


Dec 20th 2011, 11:03:44

Good for you Rockman :) Now do something about it. Ely knew it was going to be a fight with Imp, I've said it multiple times, none of us had warred together before, many of us just came back to game. It happens. We know where we need improvement and it will be done accordingly.

crysk Game profile


Dec 20th 2011, 10:41:43

mrford is baaaad. :P

crysk Game profile


Dec 20th 2011, 1:42:13

It's ok BW, I avenged you :) Papa got screwed with Cutler and Forte out as well as Jennings out. Bad luck there.

crysk Game profile


Dec 20th 2011, 0:00:13

And I'll beat you again :) bahaha. Whats it like to get beat by a girl my lovelies? :P RAWR. teehee I <3 me some football

crysk Game profile


Dec 19th 2011, 23:56:59

No one put Ely up to anything. NO ONE outside of the leaders knew anything and that includes llaar rockman and nightshade. It wasn't discussed. And for the record, NBK (Gungrave at least) KNEW that Imp was high on my list WELL before ANYTHING happened. This isn't about the NBK/SF war, never has been. Ask KC about that :)

crysk Game profile


Dec 19th 2011, 14:41:12

I haven't died sunshine :) I sure do wish you'd try though.

crysk Game profile


Dec 19th 2011, 14:14:41

oopsie! Sorry Donny :D :P