
kwmi Game profile


Aug 25th 2010, 20:38:08

Care to Explain?

Aug 25/10 7:50:15 PM NM Death By SNUSNU (#112) (FBI) Ephesian Peloponnese (#54) (MKR) 825 A
Aug 25/10 7:50:04 PM NM Death By SNUSNU (#112) (FBI) Ephesian Peloponnese (#54) (MKR) 869 A
Aug 24/10 4:03:46 PM PS Ephesian Peloponnese (#54) (MKR) Death By SNUSNU (#112) (FBI) 185 A (+299 A)

Your guy destroyed 1700 acres off a 185A land grab.

gwagers Game profile


Aug 25th 2010, 22:05:59

Well... this is irritating.
Peloponnese (PEHL-oh-puh-NEES): a mythical land of cheesecake

"We cannot enter into alliance with neighboring princes until we are acquainted with their designs..."--Sun Tzu

Who has time for that? BLAST THEM ALL!

NOW3P Game profile


Aug 25th 2010, 22:45:44

lol - you did realize you're talking to FBI, right? When did they ever retal by the book? :-)

Detmer Game profile


Aug 26th 2010, 1:42:14

I see nothing wrong here. I personally would have only used one nuke there... but to each his own.

gwagers Game profile


Aug 26th 2010, 1:45:38

Yes, you would think that.

And here I was putting FBI in my list of nice people to work with...
Peloponnese (PEHL-oh-puh-NEES): a mythical land of cheesecake

"We cannot enter into alliance with neighboring princes until we are acquainted with their designs..."--Sun Tzu

Who has time for that? BLAST THEM ALL!

Detmer Game profile


Aug 26th 2010, 1:53:50

We have been nothing but civil to my knowledge. Do you have some foreign social moray that I did not pick up on?

*bows with hands clasped*

gwagers Game profile


Aug 26th 2010, 1:58:21

I don't mean to say that you haven't been civil. But nukes are rude! If I'd known I would get that kind of response, I would have grabbed him twice!
Peloponnese (PEHL-oh-puh-NEES): a mythical land of cheesecake

"We cannot enter into alliance with neighboring princes until we are acquainted with their designs..."--Sun Tzu

Who has time for that? BLAST THEM ALL!

Detmer Game profile


Aug 26th 2010, 1:59:59

But maybe that would have provoked him to do more in return? It really isn't nice to outright attack people unprovoked.

gwagers Game profile


Aug 26th 2010, 2:02:00

Perhaps, but don't the rules of the game provoke grabbing? And, following that logical train of thought, wouldn't playing the game itself be a provocation for a land grab?
Peloponnese (PEHL-oh-puh-NEES): a mythical land of cheesecake

"We cannot enter into alliance with neighboring princes until we are acquainted with their designs..."--Sun Tzu

Who has time for that? BLAST THEM ALL!

Detmer Game profile


Aug 26th 2010, 2:21:05

Originally posted by gwagers:
Perhaps, but don't the rules of the game provoke grabbing? And, following that logical train of thought, wouldn't playing the game itself be a provocation for a land grab?

Doesn't look like the rules provoke grabbing.

Dear player,

Welcome to Earth Empires, an online game which continues in the tradition of one of longest living text based web games on the net.

Before you read the brief information on our different game servers in Earth Empires we would like you to take a moment and read the following general rules for Earth Empires (latest revision: May 14th 2010). The following policies and rules apply to every Earth Empires player. Any player who does not agree to these policies should stop playing immediately. Players caught breaking these rules may be subject to country deletions or other penalties. Game moderators are happy to explain why country deletions occur and will overturn deletions as necessary.

Players are only allowed to have one (1) game account.
One account provides full access to the game and creating multiple accounts is not permitted. In addition, players may not login to another player's account for any reason. Players violating these rules may suffer country deletions and account closures.

Proxy use
The use of proxies to login to your account is not allowed. Some players, such as those using satellite internet, may require the use of proxies to access the internet. We ask those players to contact us to request special exemption. We generally do not allow proxies because they can be used to facilitate ingame cheating.

Automated scripts, bots and macros
Earth Empires does not allow players to use any form of script, program, macro or other software tool to perform user actions in an automated manner. Scripts that enhance game play by helping users complete actions quicker, such as auto-form fill fields, are permitted. However, these must not play the user's country without user input.
In addition, players are not permitted to collect news, scores, or market data with scripts or bots. For players who wish to use such data, the Earth Empires team grants API keys to developers. These keys can be obtained by contacting Earth Empires Staff directly via e-mail or through live chat. API codes are given out on a case-by-case basis: applying for a key does not automatically mean a user will be granted one.

Bugs and exploits
Earth empires is undergoing aggressive development. The developers try their best to prevent bugs and exploits but occasionally one may slip through. Our players are expected to immediately report any bugs or exploits they find. Deliberately exploiting bugs for player gain will result in country deletion.

Ingame behavior
We understand that competition can get fierce and emotions may get heated, but we expect all players to show sportsmanship and to remain civil when dealing with other players. Players should behave appropriately in all areas related to the game, including ingame messages, affiliated websites, the game forums, and irc. Players who send offensive messages ingame will find their countries deleted and players who post offensive messages on the forums will find their forum accounts banned. In extreme cases, such as hacking or breaking other laws, players may find themselves banned from all game related areas.

Advertising on the Earth Empires forums or in-game messaging system for products, services or other areas not directly related to Earth Empires will result in immediate deletion and account banning, along with the removal of subject messages from the Earth Empires site.

Spirit of the rules
Players should strive to play according to the spirit of the rules, especially on servers without clans. These servers are designed for individual play. To make the game fair for all players and accessible to new players, players in the primary, express, and tourney server should not engage in any outside of game organizing which gives them an advantage over what can be accomplished through normal, ingame diplomacy. Warnings will be issued to countries suspected of breaking this rule, and in extreme cases, the offending countries may be deleted.

In order to accommodate players who are playing from the same household or workplace, Earth Empires has a safelist system to ensure legitimate players are not deleted upon suspicion of game rule violations. When playing from the same household or office, players should email the Earth Empires staff with the information of the multiple accounts from the same household or router. Please note that safelisted countries are under more scrutiny than countries not on the safelist. Countries associated with each other through the safelist are not allowed to interact with each other in-game. Examples of prohibited behaviors include allying together, sending FA, doing market buyouts, or attacking the same target. Countries created by safelisted users can, however, play in the same tag and participate in clan-wide kill runs. This policy is subject to review on a case-by-case basis as Earth Empires staff deems appropriate.

Please note: these policies are subject to change at any time.

-The Earth Empires Team.

OGT Game profile


Aug 26th 2010, 5:21:30

rules are overrated

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 26th 2010, 5:31:58

I love to LG detmer... His land is so juicy.
- Premium Patron Member

Detmer Game profile


Aug 26th 2010, 12:52:23

That is because all of my farms are actually orchards and all of my indies are belong to Minute Maid.

gwagers Game profile


Aug 26th 2010, 15:21:13

Ah, but do those rules explain how the game is actually played? I was referring to the system by which the game operates, which can itself be called a set of "rules."
Peloponnese (PEHL-oh-puh-NEES): a mythical land of cheesecake

"We cannot enter into alliance with neighboring princes until we are acquainted with their designs..."--Sun Tzu

Who has time for that? BLAST THEM ALL!

kwmi Game profile


Aug 26th 2010, 17:39:03

Taking 2:1 for the escalating retals.


Detmer Game profile


Aug 26th 2010, 18:11:00

There are no rules for gameplay. The ability to do something does not imply the imperative to do something. Just because people do it does not make it in anyway related to the rules. Even if something is an expectation that is not a justification.

kwmi, I take it you have given up on netting for the round?

kwmi Game profile


Aug 26th 2010, 19:40:01

i'm just enforcing our normal retal policies.

NOW3P Game profile


Aug 26th 2010, 19:45:12

FBI like-a, do da, cha cha

gwagers Game profile


Aug 26th 2010, 19:46:50

The justification, good sir, is that by playing this game you take the risk of being grabbed because, as a game mechanic, it is going to happen. If you are in this game, you will grab or be grabbed (or in most cases both), and if you find that problematic, this game is probably not for you.
Peloponnese (PEHL-oh-puh-NEES): a mythical land of cheesecake

"We cannot enter into alliance with neighboring princes until we are acquainted with their designs..."--Sun Tzu

Who has time for that? BLAST THEM ALL!

Detmer Game profile


Aug 26th 2010, 20:01:15

As a game mechanic it can happen. See my above arguments on how ability does not necessitate occurrence.

Following the same reasoning if you are in this game you will be nuked.

And I hope you enjoy constant pestering by the most mediocre collection of players this game has ever known! You will soon wonder why you thought any policy was worth the buzzing you now endure!

kwmi Game profile


Aug 26th 2010, 20:12:52

I'm glad to see this is the way you handle FA. Our policies accept missiles retals and we would have moved on had it been one missiles, but it was not, it was two missiles for one LG. Our policy is 2:1 for the escalating retal.

This is closed on our end. If you want to keep harassing our players, go ahead, but we will continue to enforce our policies.

gwagers Game profile


Aug 26th 2010, 20:16:00

No, Detmer, I followed that reasoning to the same conclusion on my end before posting the response. The difference is, I was not the one that mentioned "provocation." Simply rudeness.
Peloponnese (PEHL-oh-puh-NEES): a mythical land of cheesecake

"We cannot enter into alliance with neighboring princes until we are acquainted with their designs..."--Sun Tzu

Who has time for that? BLAST THEM ALL!

Detmer Game profile


Aug 26th 2010, 23:21:06

gwagers, what was rude? We are back at the beginning again where I show that we were not rude.

kwmi, could you pm me your retal policy?

Trife Game profile


Aug 27th 2010, 0:17:02

Detmer makes me happy in the pants.


kwmi Game profile


Aug 27th 2010, 0:41:10

pm sent.

it is pretty basic, we accept 1:1 retals for single hits. We do accept missiles retals, but your player sent two missiles for only one attack, which is 2:1.

The excessive retal was dealt with by allowing my player 2:1 for the extra hit. This allowed my player to recuperate the acreage he lost due to the extra missile.

Obviously we are all allowed to set and play by our own rules, but we hold others to the same standard we hold ourselves and we believe our policies are reasonable.

Let's close this and you guys can focus on sticking it to the tags that are farming your more heavily.


gwagers Game profile


Aug 27th 2010, 1:17:53

It is funny, really... I'm not sure if I have an answer for you, Detmer, since originally I was trying to be lighthearted. It seems that, as we became more literal, the lightheartedness disappeared.

You win.
Peloponnese (PEHL-oh-puh-NEES): a mythical land of cheesecake

"We cannot enter into alliance with neighboring princes until we are acquainted with their designs..."--Sun Tzu

Who has time for that? BLAST THEM ALL!

OGT Game profile


Aug 27th 2010, 3:39:41

thats pretty nice kwmi cause not many people except missiles as retals these days.

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 27th 2010, 21:13:35

Sorry Detmer I have left you alone for so long.

As FBI has not LG'd MKR in the past, in my personal opinion, you provoke a future of aggression. We respected the fact that you didn't take land from us. All respect has vanished from here on out. I understand that this is a competitive game and you need land just like everyone else. But we don't play this game for your netting rounds, nor do we plan on doing any netting.

So you tell me, is it better to retaliate on alliances that have never held respect for our retaliation capabilities? Or to instill respect in an alliance who recently lost it?

I am going with the latter. See you in my news.


Female Body Inspector

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 27th 2010, 21:17:51

Unless we get apologies.

I am not without reason. You must also declare Detmer your deity because his penis is the size of all of yours' combined.

That is all.

My missiles be waiting.


Female Body Inspector

gwagers Game profile


Aug 27th 2010, 21:56:19

Ah, but ZEN, herein lies the problem. If I'm reading your post right, you're saying that it is better to instill respect in those that don't already respect you. But no one respects a group of people that fly off the handle upon receiving such a trivial slight. You're not instilling respect in anyone right now.

I am not an official MKR mouthpiece. But I'm sure you'll be hearing from one soon.

Sorry to preempt you, kwmi.
Peloponnese (PEHL-oh-puh-NEES): a mythical land of cheesecake

"We cannot enter into alliance with neighboring princes until we are acquainted with their designs..."--Sun Tzu

Who has time for that? BLAST THEM ALL!

Tross Game profile


Aug 27th 2010, 22:37:13

All this because of 1 lg

Missles can be takin care of.....

I say wait talk to kwmi....

kwmi Game profile


Aug 28th 2010, 6:03:10

Well then it appears there is no reasoning with you. I see this country has unloaded 6 more missiles on my player's country.

Aug 27/10 6:56:04 PM EM Death By SNUSNU (#112) (FBI) Ephesian Peloponnese (#54) (MKR) 10038 MU
Aug 27/10 6:55:17 PM NM Death By SNUSNU (#112) (FBI) Ephesian Peloponnese (#54) (MKR) 936 A
Aug 27/10 6:55:00 PM CM Death By SNUSNU (#112) (FBI) Ephesian Peloponnese (#54) (MKR) 16247 C/587 B
Aug 27/10 6:54:57 PM CM Death By SNUSNU (#112) (FBI) Ephesian Peloponnese (#54) (MKR) Defence Held
Aug 27/10 6:54:55 PM CM Death By SNUSNU (#112) (FBI) Ephesian Peloponnese (#54) (MKR) Defence Held
Aug 27/10 6:54:50 PM CM Death By SNUSNU (#112) (FBI) Ephesian Peloponnese (#54) (MKR) Defence Held


NOW3P Game profile


Aug 28th 2010, 6:55:41

Originally posted by gwagers:
Ah, but ZEN, herein lies the problem. If I'm reading your post right, you're saying that it is better to instill respect in those that don't already respect you. But no one respects a group of people that fly off the handle upon receiving such a trivial slight. You're not instilling respect in anyone right now.

I am not an official MKR mouthpiece. But I'm sure you'll be hearing from one soon.

Sorry to preempt you, kwmi.

I dunno - I bet MKR won't be grabbing FBI in future sets if they want to net happily. There's 2 kinds of respect, ya know....respect out of mutual agreement/admiration, and respect from knowing that someone will fluff you the fluff up if you piss them off :-)

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 28th 2010, 15:47:27

kwmi - ha ha ya. He is a drunk Fin...what do you expect.

That was the reason for the second post. I saw that he already sent a few love messages.

It is really up to you people at this point. You definitely have more to lose than we do. There are other fish I would rather fry, so....ball....court....yours?

Btw. I retalled one of the guys in your other tag. I really don't want anymore land, so tell the other guy to beef up his defenses.


Female Body Inspector

Ravi Game profile


Aug 28th 2010, 18:44:32

Zen is good people. You always know where you stand with him. I think he is being very reasonable here.

OGT Game profile


Aug 28th 2010, 21:06:18

lol looking at the news hes being rather unreasonable.. 1 missile for 1 hit woulda been reasonable considering the amount of acres that was taken.

both sides are having a pissing match, thats all I read here.

gwagers Game profile


Aug 29th 2010, 0:45:37

Originally posted by NOW3P:
I dunno - I bet MKR won't be grabbing FBI in future sets if they want to net happily. There's 2 kinds of respect, ya know....respect out of mutual agreement/admiration, and respect from knowing that someone will fluff you the fluff up if you piss them off :-)

I don't call the second 'respect.' I call it 'fear.' And based on the spy ops I've seen, no one should be afraid of FBI.
Peloponnese (PEHL-oh-puh-NEES): a mythical land of cheesecake

"We cannot enter into alliance with neighboring princes until we are acquainted with their designs..."--Sun Tzu

Who has time for that? BLAST THEM ALL!

kwmi Game profile


Aug 29th 2010, 1:04:37

What do you mean you retalled a guy in my other clan? We were owed no retals . That was an unprovoked hit. You are an idiot. If you think I give a flying fluff about winning #1 you are dead wrong. That seems to be your only leverage is threatening me with having to stop netting to put you retards in your place. Your clan sucks and your countries are weak.

Tross Game profile


Aug 29th 2010, 12:07:37

Like fishing in a bucket :-) Nice farm land!!!

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 30th 2010, 15:42:15

Originally posted by kwmi:
What do you mean you retalled a guy in my other clan? We were owed no retals . That was an unprovoked hit. You are an idiot. If you think I give a flying fluff about winning #1 you are dead wrong. That seems to be your only leverage is threatening me with having to stop netting to put you retards in your place. Your clan sucks and your countries are weak.

Congratulations! We are finally communicating!

I don't understand why it took so long for you to figure this out. So, to the battlefield we go.

gwagers Game profile


Aug 30th 2010, 17:02:49

Well, if you want to be owned, your call.
Peloponnese (PEHL-oh-puh-NEES): a mythical land of cheesecake

"We cannot enter into alliance with neighboring princes until we are acquainted with their designs..."--Sun Tzu

Who has time for that? BLAST THEM ALL!

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 30th 2010, 17:14:07

By owned, you mean us being killed? If we don't go a round without getting killed it's a bad one.

So, sure if you think so?

gwagers Game profile


Aug 30th 2010, 17:21:31

Then I guess we'll all be happy.
Peloponnese (PEHL-oh-puh-NEES): a mythical land of cheesecake

"We cannot enter into alliance with neighboring princes until we are acquainted with their designs..."--Sun Tzu

Who has time for that? BLAST THEM ALL!

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 30th 2010, 17:38:55

I know MKR was busy getting reamed by RD the past few rounds, but you haven't paid attention to our political prowess once while bending over?!

We basically war all round. Get killed after the 3rd-4th alliance we rumble with. If all else fails, we start killing each other.

This is our mantra.

K_L Game profile


Aug 30th 2010, 17:41:43

Uuh your seriousness gives me a huge boner...

Whoever has provoked men to rage against him has always gained a party in his favor, too.

Detmer Game profile


Aug 30th 2010, 17:47:48

KL is the new Confucius.

kwmi Game profile


Aug 30th 2010, 17:59:30

well clearly ZEN, your FA does nothing but provoke war. We aren't afraid of war and you certainly will not be able to use the threat of war to push us around, so game on, have fun.

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 30th 2010, 17:59:53

Just drunker and less Asian.

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 30th 2010, 18:04:19

kwmi - Woah woah! We have an FA? Who is it?

Seriously, I need to talk to that guy. He is dodgy and most likely shady. I wouldn't trust him.

As for us pushing you around. You still seem unable to grasp the concept of what we are. We aren't here to push you around. We are here to be entertaining and entertained. If you think we were attempting to "push" you around, you are highly mistaken. If anything, by you killing us we successfully pushed you around. we did push you around.

Where is that FA?! He will be punished.

Detmer Game profile


Aug 30th 2010, 18:55:11