Don't you get tired of using same jokes for different ppl?
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well, you are the original cucumber. you have that going for you.
you can call everyone an idiot all you want, but your actions ingame prove you have the deductive logic of a jar of mayonnaise.
im actually surprised you have duped someone into paying you enough for your services as so you can afford internet.
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Maybe you should learn to run something other than a pathetic rainbow before you come at me. Or atleast develop some deductive logic. Right now you seem to be as smart as a jar of mayo.
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i would rather be a poor speller, something my trade is actually comically known for, than someone with the deductive logic of a jar of mayo. spell check can help me when i actually care, you are just fluffed.
i said ruin your set AND (let me break this down for you, and means in addition to) mock you.
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no, because you are a liar, you change your story more than a menstrating fluff changes her tampon. you know my tag, gimme your tag. wait, i thought you were untagged, wait, i thought you wernt playing FFA. you wonder why people ACTUALLY think you are an idiot, not just internet fluff talk. its because you are full of fluff, and have the deductive logic of a jar of mayonaise.