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I get why Tella made the rules for this server now. Everyone complains but offers no realistic solutions. I have yet to see any suggestions as to which rules should be modified or adjusted to make them clearer.
Once again, your lack of experience and history raises its head. Tella did not make these rules. Tellarian is far too smart to have come up with anything this unworkable. He is just trying to implement the work of others. Tella is a good soldier and he's going to toe the party line even though he knows its bullfluff.
Celphi, the hardest lesson for a teenaged boy to learn is the power of silence. Kids are always trying to establish their position in the social hierarchy, its their nature. They have no power and they know nothing, but they still try to fill every void in a conversation by jabbering about things they know nothing about. Consider that while scrolling back through this and many other conversations on this forum.
I never learned a damn thing by talking.