
mrford Game profile


Aug 19th 2015, 11:39:12

Originally posted by archaic:

I'm over xBaDx, but you never seem to get over yourself.

Best advice that celphi will never take for $500 Alex.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 19th 2015, 11:48:41

Originally posted by Celphi:
but some players prefer to attack me rather than discuss the rules specifically.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

mrford Game profile


Aug 19th 2015, 11:52:08

You don't discuss anything. You repeat your view over and over regardlesss of how wrong you are. That isn't a discussion, and people don't wanna waste their time.

It is that simple.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 19th 2015, 11:59:31

And where's Ford's view, or Archaic's or Vamps or Colo's or Selfie's or anyone's view? The only reason mine is front page is because nobody else is voicing theirs. They'd rather complain about what Tella isn't doing for them. But when he asks specifically for suggestions, all you hear are crickets.

Ford you specifically, you just say you're wrong you're stupid blah blah blah.... no explanation, nothing of substance that actually explains why something fails. You're always the troll of the thread.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

mrford Game profile


Aug 19th 2015, 12:01:07

It took me 3 hours to explain why your basic math was wrong the last time I tried with you. Why would I do that again? It was literally elementary level calculations and anyone who wasn't full of themselves would have seen it in seconds.

But you are full of yourself. You are stubborn as fluff. You are not nearly as smart as you think you are.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 19th 2015, 12:03:08

So what if my ideas are wrong. I'm contributing to an idea at least. A suggestion. I'm not afraid to be wrong. Instead of you focusing all your energy to tell a person is wrong, how about offering a better solution to the TEAM server problem?
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 19th 2015, 12:06:24

Originally posted by Dissident:
For instance:
celphi-"My suggestion is 1 special attack is required per 24hrs (successful or not is irrelevent) If nothing occurs within those 24hrs from either tag then both tags should be valid targets."
dissident-This idea is undercooked. My team, while at war, frequently saves turns for over 24 hours... does that mean the war is over? 72 hours... that i can see.

This is contributing. He offered a better solution. Nothing about Celphi you suck, or you're stupid blah blah blah. If he feels that way, fine, but discuss the issues on TEAM not your problems with me.

Edited By: Celphi on Aug 19th 2015, 12:08:56
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

mrford Game profile


Aug 19th 2015, 12:07:47

Originally posted by Celphi:
So what if my ideas are wrong. I'm contributing to an idea at least. A suggestion. I'm not afraid to be wrong. Instead of you focusing all your energy to tell a person is wrong, how about offering a better solution to the TEAM server problem?

You don't give up when you are wrong. You are an asshole the same as me.

Also, I don't have a problem with anything that is going on with team. This is a joke server amd stupid fluff happens. The only time I challenge you is on your retard math. You do that a lot.

Edited By: mrford on Aug 19th 2015, 12:30:12
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

archaic Game profile


Aug 19th 2015, 13:02:49

Originally posted by Celphi:
I get why Tella made the rules for this server now. Everyone complains but offers no realistic solutions. I have yet to see any suggestions as to which rules should be modified or adjusted to make them clearer.

Once again, your lack of experience and history raises its head. Tella did not make these rules. Tellarian is far too smart to have come up with anything this unworkable. He is just trying to implement the work of others. Tella is a good soldier and he's going to toe the party line even though he knows its bullfluff.

Celphi, the hardest lesson for a teenaged boy to learn is the power of silence. Kids are always trying to establish their position in the social hierarchy, its their nature. They have no power and they know nothing, but they still try to fill every void in a conversation by jabbering about things they know nothing about. Consider that while scrolling back through this and many other conversations on this forum.

I never learned a damn thing by talking.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 19th 2015, 13:19:44

Who needs experience when it's in black and white?

Originally posted by archaic:
Once again, your lack of experience and history raises its head. Tella did not make these rules. Tellarian is far too smart to have come up with anything this unworkable. He is just trying to implement the work of others. Tella is a good soldier and he's going to toe the party line even though he knows its bullfluff.

Originally posted by tellarion:
After a week of discussion and debate, we have finally nailed down exactly what our intentions were with the new rules changes. On behalf of the moderation team, I apologize for the inconsistencies and the delay in getting this information back to you, but we've reached a consensus on the new rules.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

mrford Game profile


Aug 19th 2015, 13:29:29

Where does he say he created the rules in that post? He mearly re-interpreted them.

You never fail to prove someone else's point about you.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 19th 2015, 13:29:29

When you're as old as Archaic, everyone seems like a teenager...
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 19th 2015, 13:32:05

If you re-interpret a law, and make it the new standard, you make a new one.

Do you know what case law is?
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

mrford Game profile


Aug 19th 2015, 13:33:52

The rules were not changed. Stop being you for a moment. Seriously.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 19th 2015, 13:35:30

The constitution doesn't change either; but, it does gets reinterpreted. Guess what happens there?
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

mrford Game profile


Aug 19th 2015, 13:37:18

Because someone reinterprets the constitution doesn't mean they wrote it. Thanks for proving my point.

Every preacher that interprets the bible wasn't involved in its creation.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 19th 2015, 14:01:07

Reinterprets yes- interprets no.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 19th 2015, 14:02:03

3rd person present: reinterprets

interpret (something) in a new or different way
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 19th 2015, 14:06:34

Judges who reinterpret laws create case law (which then becomes the new prescedent). Of course they didn't make the original and not I'm not arguing that Tella made the original.

Tella & a group of other moderators debated & discussed on *new* rules, replacing the old ones.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

mrford Game profile


Aug 19th 2015, 14:10:01

Tella did not make the rules. No new rules were made. An implementation and enforcement was hammered down.

Stop being a jackass. And if you arnt trying to be a jackass, then you are truly a stupid person.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 19th 2015, 14:13:07

Perfect examples of Judges reinterpreting orginal laws and making new ones with their decisions:

Roe v. Wade - legalization of abortion
Miranda v. Arizona - requirement of miranda rights
Terry v. Ohio - legalization of stop & frisk
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 19th 2015, 14:21:57

Originally posted by mrford:
Tella did not make the rules. No new rules were made. An implementation and enforcement was hammered down.

Originally posted by tellarion:
but we've reached a consensus on the new rules.

*new rules*

Edited By: Celphi on Aug 19th 2015, 14:25:36
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

archaic Game profile


Aug 19th 2015, 15:39:29

Celphi, have you ever noticed that you respond to every post? In any given thread that you choose to participate in, you end up making over half of the posts in the thread. Yet, for all of that talking, you rarely ever really say anything. Perhaps you too need to learn the power of silence?

You are quite possibly the easiest person to troll I've ever seen.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Colo Game profile


Aug 19th 2015, 15:57:23

Originally posted by Celphi:
And where's Ford's view, or Archaic's or Vamps or Colo's or Selfie's or anyone's view?

My view has been made abundantly clear. You are a fluffing tool celphi.

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 19th 2015, 16:00:55

Silence? Haha! This server would be boring w/o me. What would you all go back to doing? KR'ing defenseless netters?! This server needs a villian. Imagine Roadrunner without the Coyote. Yes, I likened myself to the Coyote. Who cares? It's all entertainment.

I have some players who email me & thank me for the forums entertainment. Dissident took it extremely personal at first and now I think he's learned to have fun with it. Everyone gets their enjoyment from EE in different ways. Mine just turns out to be perpendicular to many of the players on TEAM.

Don't expect me to conform. It won't happen. As ford has said, and he's right, I'm a stubburn asshole.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Colo Game profile


Aug 19th 2015, 16:03:11

Archaic nailed it. You want to improve your social rank. Since you lack the tools to do it ingame, you make a jack ass out of yourself on the forums for a bunch of cheap laughs. Basically you are a comedic whore.

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 19th 2015, 16:04:40

Lack the tools to do it in-game? Let's see. You must be referring to a specific server and not the game in general.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Colo Game profile


Aug 19th 2015, 16:05:53

No I mean you are a garbage player. Any server. Your pick.

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 19th 2015, 16:09:24

Sure. My pick is the server I've played the most: EXPRESS.

Let's compare stats shall we?
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 19th 2015, 16:10:47

Elite stats by Colo:

Game Profile for Colo on the Express Server

Best Finish: Eleventh

Leaderboard Rankings
Leaderboard Score Rank
Networth $141,124,624 #378
Land 245,845 #305
Top 100 17 #377
Top 10 Unranked N/A <<-------- N/A means none available.
Best 3 $14,563,595 #352
Attack Success 82.35% #588

Those are some elite ranks.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Colo Game profile


Aug 19th 2015, 16:10:52

lol You sure you don't want to talk about your 20k acre 14M NW finish last set?? Pretty impressive.

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 19th 2015, 16:11:42

My last set doubles your best 3 networths.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 19th 2015, 16:14:24

Originally posted by Colo:
lol You sure you don't want to talk about your 20k acre 14M NW finish last set?? Pretty impressive.

I'm not sure where you're getting your info from... I placed 2nd.
2 Arizona Cardinals 29 12,544 acres $29,255,588 DG 2332
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 19th 2015, 16:17:07

Nobody even finished with 20k land w/ 14mil networth. At least make the trolling seem authentic. We have an audience watching us.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Colo Game profile


Aug 19th 2015, 16:17:53

cmon celphi, I know thinking is hard. Take your time. You had a country with 20k acres yet only finished with 14M NW. Take all the time you need to figure this out.

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 19th 2015, 16:19:38

Originally posted by Colo:
lol You sure you don't want to talk about your 20k acre 14M NW finish last set?? Pretty impressive.

If I'm reading your sentence correctly, it says *last set*. So did you make an error or does telling me to think hard disguise your error?
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

mrford Game profile


Aug 19th 2015, 16:22:48

Maybe he really doesn't understand how stupid he is acting.

Has to be some disorder.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 19th 2015, 16:26:16

I'm sorta on standby-- Colo's definition of *last set* could mean anything. Are we talking about last year?
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 19th 2015, 16:32:51

See-- and now the silence, because he probably saw why my net was $14mil.
He began by prompting me the choice of which server, I selected: EXPRESS and he changes the topic to my ALLIANCE country.

Yeah let's take a look at it, shall we?

How many attacks did I have?
How much land did I have when I got suicided on?

I hope you're honestly not using this example as evidence....
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Colo Game profile


Aug 19th 2015, 16:36:42

Yay...He finally figured it out!

Colo Game profile


Aug 19th 2015, 16:37:28

Way to go celphi!!! You are a rockstar!

Colo Game profile


Aug 19th 2015, 16:38:57

Originally posted by mrford:
Maybe he really doesn't understand how stupid he is acting.

Has to be some disorder.

It's important that we as a community support him. You can't say this little guy doesn't try.

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 19th 2015, 16:42:48

Colo, the object of TEAM's forum is to make me look bad, but for some reason you're doing the opposite. Feeling charitable?
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Colo Game profile


Aug 19th 2015, 16:46:27

I just know how hard your life is. You are quite the champ just waking up every morning when you know you have to live another day as you. Way to go!

*tussles your hair*

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 19th 2015, 16:49:24

Yes. It's very hard. You should send me some paypal donations to make it easier.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Colo Game profile


Aug 19th 2015, 16:50:28

That is a brilliant idea. Way to go champ!

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 19th 2015, 16:51:33

Please send to:
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Colo Game profile


Aug 19th 2015, 16:54:02

Did you come up with that all by yourself??

High-five, alright!

*finger guns towards you in celebration*

mrford Game profile


Aug 19th 2015, 16:55:15

Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 19th 2015, 17:02:25

They'll get bigger after I memorize those big words Ford uses: Idiot, retard....

My vocabulary & creativity has grown exponentially since I've met him.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.