
bstrong86 Game profile


Dec 6th 2014, 14:59:32

Confirmed :)
The Death Knights


Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 6th 2014, 15:01:57

I'd like to point out the new mods for this server and the hope of a better experience has brought me back plus more who are going to play with me. So you gained people ha!
- Premium Patron Member

vern Game profile


Dec 6th 2014, 18:08:06

i'd like to know why 3 tags need deleted

archaic Game profile


Dec 6th 2014, 19:54:01

So they can toss out their set and go all out war over two grabs, but they can't just do a couple of retals for us without getting their tag deleted?

Makes sense.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

bstrong86 Game profile


Dec 6th 2014, 20:07:49

They dont have too. They can choose to.not war them.over two small grabs..

Decisions, decisions...
The Death Knights


KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 6th 2014, 20:47:35

Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Marshal Game profile


Dec 6th 2014, 20:55:05

team = netting server since mods allow warring only under certain conditions.

*wonders if 54th set's war ffa vs arts was legitimate*
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

VicRattlehead Game profile


Dec 6th 2014, 21:55:01

Originally posted by archaic:
So they can toss out their set and go all out war over two grabs, but they can't just do a couple of retals for us without getting their tag deleted?

Makes sense.

Originally posted by bstrong86:
They dont have too. They can choose to.not war them.over two small grabs..

Decisions, decisions...

Ridiculous non sequitur response is ridiculous.

archaic Game profile


Dec 7th 2014, 0:55:25

So essentially, a tag that is losing a war is fair game to being farmed as long as you don't farm them too much and trigger a deletion.

Trainboy, about that double tap - don't sweat it bro, you guys can keep double tapping us every couple of days, we can't really retal anymore and nobody can help us. Should I PM you before I hit the explore button?


This all started because TSO was abusing the server trying to drive netters off the server. So the mod team has implemented a poorly executed knee jerk solution that is driving every body off of the server. Congrats TSO on your belated victory.


(What would RedX do?)
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Marshal Game profile


Dec 7th 2014, 3:04:13

Originally posted by archaic:

Trainboy, about that double tap - don't sweat it bro, you guys can keep double tapping us every couple of days, we can't really retal anymore and nobody can help us. Should I PM you before I hit the explore button?

Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

tellarion Game profile


Dec 7th 2014, 5:22:39

Originally posted by archaic:
So essentially, a tag that is losing a war is fair game to being farmed as long as you don't farm them too much and trigger a deletion.

Trainboy, about that double tap - don't sweat it bro, you guys can keep double tapping us every couple of days, we can't really retal anymore and nobody can help us. Should I PM you before I hit the explore button?


This all started because TSO was abusing the server trying to drive netters off the server. So the mod team has implemented a poorly executed knee jerk solution that is driving every body off of the server. Congrats TSO on your belated victory.


(What would RedX do?)

Wwrxd? He'd implement the rules...

We don't want 10v5, that's it. If you can think of a better way to prevent that, then please let us know.

I really don't see how the rules are limiting warring. The only issue is with suiciders, but if they hit many tags, all those tags are free to demolish them. We want people to handle their own problems, because this server is meant to be 5 man teams vs other 5 man teams.

mrford Game profile


Dec 7th 2014, 5:31:29

the only problem i see is the server's ability to police itself.

what is to stop a tag of people from preying on all the netters set after set? a server needs to be able to police itself. granted this community isnt mature enough to not abuse any condition to these rules, but the problem is still there none the less.

disclamer: im not talking about any recent events, just theory
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Colo Game profile


Dec 7th 2014, 5:35:58

The fluff you can disclaim that ford...we get it. If you honestly can say it didn't look like they wanted to fight this set...then our bad.

Colo Game profile


Dec 7th 2014, 5:36:39

I honestly didn't know they were queens.

mrford Game profile


Dec 7th 2014, 5:39:33

im not in either of the tags involved in this fluff and dont care

stop acting like you are that important to me. im a netter on this server and am concerned about my future netting.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Colo Game profile


Dec 7th 2014, 5:42:48

Originally posted by mrford:
im not in either of the tags involved in this fluff and dont care

stop acting like you are that important to me. im a netter on this server and am concerned about my future netting.

lol ok bender

Vamps Game profile


Dec 7th 2014, 7:18:48

Originally posted by archaic:
So essentially, a tag that is losing a war is fair game to being farmed as long as you don't farm them too much and trigger a deletion.

This all started because TSO was abusing the server trying to drive netters off the server. So the mod team has implemented a poorly executed knee jerk solution that is driving every body off of the server. Congrats TSO on your belated victory.

TSO never meant to drive people off the server. There were a few individuals who felt they could farm TSO without recourse, who ended up dying a few times before they got the message that it wasn't okay. However, there were a few sets after the wars and before the rules were implemented that TSO was working quite successfully with the established netting tags to kill the trouble makers and suiciders. Politics mattered, allies mattered, and the server was getting interesting again. Seemed like a win win for everyone at the time...

None of that matters anymore, because bias mods put stupid rules in place without thinking, and 90% of TSO players (and plenty of non TSO players) have stopped playing altogether. I believe the FBI tag is the only group of TSO players even left. This server is a breeding ground for suiciders and blindside wars now. This is what happens when you implement rules without thinking about them.

mrford Game profile


Dec 7th 2014, 7:20:27

i will confirm that TSO killed a few suiciders for my various netting tags. that was convenient.

however, playing as four or five 5 man tags was clearly against the intended operation of the server.

Edited By: mrford on Dec 7th 2014, 8:28:00
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

tellarion Game profile


Dec 7th 2014, 8:37:23

Originally posted by mrford:
the only problem i see is the server's ability to police itself.

what is to stop a tag of people from preying on all the netters set after set? a server needs to be able to police itself. granted this community isnt mature enough to not abuse any condition to these rules, but the problem is still there none the less.

disclamer: im not talking about any recent events, just theory

If we stop war clans from warring, they'll be just as pissed. At least in the current setup, netting clans don't have to worry about 2-3 tags hitting them at once. They can(and often do) fight back.

Just two possible non-rules related ways to prevent that, that I can think of off the top of my head:

1) Have a warring tag agree to hit them the following set so you're clear to net. Or prepare to war them yourselves next set.
2) Talk to the offending tag and negotiate a pact for the next set.

tellarion Game profile


Dec 7th 2014, 8:39:00

And yeah, I agree with what you said and this is one of the biggest reasons we're having so many issues: This server was never meant to be multiple teams of 5 working together, but it was allowed to do so for way too long before attempts were made to fix it. If we could turn back the clock to the start of the server and enforce that provision of the rules, we would, but instead we have to try and fix something that has gone on for way too long :/

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 7th 2014, 19:47:53

Don't implement more dumb rules, just allow police so the tags at war don't become a free meal for grabbers, how hard is that???
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

bstrong86 Game profile


Dec 7th 2014, 20:21:09

We did, your police can declare full out war on the clans grabbing you.

Had the server been ran the way it was supposed too, none of this would be an issue. All this is, is a bandaid for the crap hole people caused byrunning coaltions here.
The Death Knights


Marshal Game profile


Dec 7th 2014, 20:23:58

players tried to resolve things via war (alliance-teams vs team-teams) and latter won but eventually server became alliance-team.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

tellarion Game profile


Dec 8th 2014, 5:20:28

We've been talking about this more, and I don't see any interpretation of the current rules that 'wouldn't' allow policing. After all, if tag C doesn't want to accept policing action from tag D after they grabbed A or B, they don't have to. It's their choice. As long as A vs B stays A vs B, that's fine.

As we've said before, we don't want 10+ vs 5. THAT'S not ok and was driving people off the server. Blindsiding is a political thing that teams will have to deal with themselves. Currently, there's nothing stopping you from having a warring tag friend hit someone back the next set to cover your backs and give you some breathing room.

The only gray area is how many hits should equal deletion if tag C grabs A or B. I don't have a firm answer for you, since it all depends on the situation, but 2 hits on one tag and 1 on another is not farming.

archaic Game profile


Dec 8th 2014, 5:27:34

Tella, you are completely missing the point. I agree with trying to stop the 20+ player alliances bullying the server, but completely eliminating diplomacy from the game is against everything the spirit of an alliance server is about. The fact that we cannot ask a 4th party tag to police retals for grabs that were made on us by a 3rd party clan while we were warring a dueche party clan is just silly.

I don't want trainboys tag deleted anymore than I want Bolty to have to go to war just to retal 2 grabs for us. Its asinine. We are perfectly capable of warring ghaos by ourselves, but we'd like to be able to call on police to retal for us when we get grabbed.

RedX, bless him, was not capable of thinking out the recipe for a cheese pizza. Letting him perform surgery on Team with a hammer and chisel makes me think that you guys were not thinking much either.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

archaic Game profile


Dec 8th 2014, 5:28:14

And colo, seriously - stay the fluff off of the grown up threads.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

bstrong86 Game profile


Dec 8th 2014, 5:59:16

Archaic, i think you missed what tella was saying...

D can retal C for grabing A or B.

C can war D if they dont like it

D can kill C for grabbing A or B

D CAN kill A or B the following set for blind siding, if they want

So long as everything stays 5 v 5
The Death Knights


tellarion Game profile


Dec 8th 2014, 6:30:06

Yeah, please re-read what I wrote.

archaic Game profile


Dec 8th 2014, 15:07:48

If that is the case then I apologize for misinterpreting the response, the way it was written made me think that policing was not permitted, only a formal war declaration.

As such, weedylar is looking for police - any volunteers? We don't have any open retals at the moment.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Marshal Game profile


Dec 8th 2014, 15:21:26

Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

archaic Game profile


Dec 8th 2014, 17:26:09

Shoot me a PM and the job is yours.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

braden Game profile


Dec 8th 2014, 17:31:43

any hit not from the chaos tag is open for a policed retal. message me if youd like free land.

Boltar Game profile


Dec 9th 2014, 1:23:56

weedy wouldnt have had anything to worry about from outside people if i was playing regularly.. we wouldnt even have posted and asked questions.. first tag to double tap his would be pounded into the ground

Red X Game profile


Dec 9th 2014, 19:28:40

Originally posted by tellarion:
So in an effort to answer your question, I have one of my own: If A and B are warring, and C decides to start grabbing A or B, is there anything in the current rules that would prevent D from declaring war on C and killing them?

The answer is no, unless C is already at war with someone else, in which case they are grabbing outside of an ongoing war and that sounds like a terrible idea. That would be C voluntarily opening themselves up to a 2 front war.

'Policing' in the traditional sense of retalling landgrabs with landgrabs on behalf of another tag is too close to coalitions in the past, and contrary to what we're trying to do. But having your buds full on declare war to defend your back sounds fine to me.

Basically, we don't want to see 10+ v 5 wars. That drove players away and created a ton of bad feelings on this server. Whether you agree with the rules as they are now or not, we are committed(for now) to avoiding the old 10v5 surprise dogpiles of the past.

If you have a better way to go about that than the current rules, please please suggest it.

Rey Rojo
Disgruntled Killer
Marked 4 Death
Vice President - Foreign Affairs
Forever Coalies Twin

Boltar Game profile


Dec 10th 2014, 11:58:58

Originally posted by archaic:
So essentially, a tag that is losing a war is fair game to being farmed as long as you don't farm them too much and trigger a deletion.

Trainboy, about that double tap - don't sweat it bro, you guys can keep double tapping us every couple of days, we can't really retal anymore and nobody can help us. Should I PM you before I hit the explore button?


This all started because TSO was abusing the server trying to drive netters off the server. So the mod team has implemented a poorly executed knee jerk solution that is driving every body off of the server. Congrats TSO on your belated victory.


(What would RedX do?)

u know as well as i do.. this started far before TSO even came about as a brain child of chev's. this was happening from day 1. RD then WoG the TSO. we just stuck around the longest.. u was a part of TSO just under the MKR tag (which we helped live and survive as WoG wanted them dead no sooner they started back up) cant lay blame where its not accurately pointed nor when u was apart of it

archaic Game profile


Dec 10th 2014, 13:54:09

No, it was not just TSO, it has been the marching order on this server from day one. Although, TSO's most recent attempt at driving ETFT and co. out was pretty onerous. We offered you guys an eternal 1-kill pact and you would still not give us peace after 6 months. Thats when the mods stepped in.

The server has been dominated by one coalition or another from day one and I was as guilty of being on both sides numerous times.

I like playing Team, I like the format, but its probably too small of a player base to support effectively. One of the problems is that a 5 player war tag with ADD can completely wreck another 5 player tag forever if they want to keep doing it. As long as both sides start each set, there is no way to strengthen enough to be a deterrent. On the alliance server, eventually the oppressed can become the oppressors and force peace.

With the team size limits and the enforced ban on diplomacy one tag on team can bully another tag off of the server. Thats what chaos appears to be doing to weedy, they will just keep FS each set until we are gone.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

bstrong86 Game profile


Dec 10th 2014, 13:58:25

Heres an alternative, if you think chaos is.gonna FS the same clan.over and.over.

Twothings, have your friends in a war tag hit them asap the following set
Or switch team names amd they hit thewarrers instead of you, the netter

Just some ideas
The Death Knights


vern Game profile


Dec 10th 2014, 15:31:03

archaic, maybe try diplomacy instead of just running your pie hole, just a suggestion

your just mad cause chaos got the FS in

braden Game profile


Dec 10th 2014, 15:39:19

your solution is to disband, bstrong? seriously?

taking your mod status snd running with disbanding? seriously?

tellarion Game profile


Dec 10th 2014, 16:07:17

Originally posted by braden:
your solution is to disband, bstrong? seriously?

taking your mod status snd running with disbanding? seriously?

Disbanding? Nope. Playing a hilarious joke on the would be aggressors and watching them get smashed? Yes :)

braden Game profile


Dec 10th 2014, 16:25:26

rd already did it. we tagged fbi and they tagged rd and mkr hit the wrong tag. we laughed. it occurs to me now that it was stupid and childish.

my country name was hoover was a fascist, tagged fbi.. i am so very clever sometimes.

Xninja Game profile


Dec 11th 2014, 12:20:07

There will be no 3rd FS on Weedy by ChAoS...... we have angered you and some of the other members of the server enough with the decisions we made.
We never had the intention of making any clan disband or hide.

That being said... I don't see why we are being looked at with such despise...

Our boredom and lack of other targets was the initial reason to FS. It was nothing personal, it was either going to be you or some other "netting" clan....

So no matter what we did.. someone be pissed.....

Then the tempers flared and rightfully so.... Then you called us out and we answered.... still nothing personal....

Originally posted by vern:
archaic, maybe try diplomacy instead of just running your pie hole, just a suggestion

your just mad cause chaos got the FS in

Zorp and I have been talking and hopefully you can all get back to your netting ways in the coming resets. With no issues from us of course. My "death to lazy netters" rants are just that... rants to start some fires. I really don't hate people who net....

That being said, I still feel in all fairness your entitled to 2 FS's on us if the ambition strikes you.

Overlord of Chaos<--CLICK ME; JOIN CHAOS

braden Game profile


Dec 11th 2014, 12:31:28

we netgain because you let us? fluff bud, stop being so fluffing kind.

we can fs you twice because you feel we're entitled to give you exactly what you want? fluff, bud, stop being so fluffing kind.

Xninja Game profile


Dec 11th 2014, 12:49:40

Originally posted by archaic:
No, it was not just TSO, it has been the marching order on this server from day one. Although, TSO's most recent attempt at driving ETFT and co. out was pretty onerous. We offered you guys an eternal 1-kill pact and you would still not give us peace after 6 months. Thats when the mods stepped in.

The server has been dominated by one coalition or another from day one and I was as guilty of being on both sides numerous times.

I like playing Team, I like the format, but its probably too small of a player base to support effectively. One of the problems is that a 5 player war tag with ADD can completely wreck another 5 player tag forever if they want to keep doing it. As long as both sides start each set, there is no way to strengthen enough to be a deterrent. On the alliance server, eventually the oppressed can become the oppressors and force peace.

With the team size limits and the enforced ban on diplomacy one tag on team can bully another tag off of the server. Thats what chaos appears to be doing to weedy, they will just keep FS each set until we are gone.

Not sure if I was reading this post right.... :/

But you can't compare ChAoS to TSO... ChAoS at one point was subtagging under the TSO main alliance(when the whole server was many 5 man tags under 1 common alliance).... however all recent activity has been purely the work of just us... you even have fathers of TSO defending you in regards to our "wrong doings".

We fight 5vs5...
We are in no way what so ever dominating the server....
We are not attempting to bully you off the server....

Very woman like thing to try and pull... run your mouth and when you can't back it you twist and manipulate the story...

I stand by my previous post....
Overlord of Chaos<--CLICK ME; JOIN CHAOS

Xninja Game profile


Dec 11th 2014, 12:56:20

Originally posted by Xninja:
Originally posted by braden:
we netgain because you let us? fluff bud, stop being so fluffing kind.

we can fs you twice because you feel we're entitled to give you exactly what you want? fluff, bud, stop being so fluffing kind.

Well what the fluff do you want..... fluffing fs us every set... I'm slowly starting to give two fluffs and a fluff about this stupid ass cry baby fluff boy fluff ass game....

Your sure as fluff not doing any netgaining when we DON'T want you to...... asshole.... trying to patch the wound and you come on here being the fluff boy... wtfe...
Overlord of Chaos<--CLICK ME; JOIN CHAOS

braden Game profile


Dec 11th 2014, 13:03:47

you shouldnt be so sad, its nothing personal. youre being a girl.

Xninja Game profile


Dec 11th 2014, 13:42:44

Originally posted by braden:
you shouldnt be so sad, its nothing personal. youre being a girl.


Such a poonstar....
Overlord of Chaos<--CLICK ME; JOIN CHAOS

archaic Game profile


Dec 11th 2014, 14:30:27

Originally posted by vern:
archaic, maybe try diplomacy instead of just running your pie hole, just a suggestion

your just mad cause chaos got the FS in

Don't you love the guy that reads the last 2-3 posts of a thread and chimes in? Good stuff Vern, keep it up. Diplomacy, what a novel concept.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

braden Game profile


Dec 11th 2014, 15:45:51

what an intelligent response. still so sad :(

Boltar Game profile


Dec 13th 2014, 5:10:13

May wanna check Ur countries doing grabs during stocking time. And not stopping at a single grab but 5. And those are top feeds as well. #18 to be precise