
SuperFly Game profile


Jan 19th 2025, 17:04:25

As we trudged through 2024, we were sold dreams of nostalgia, revival, and a promise to “make the game great again.” We dared to hope for more players, fresh sparring partners, fertile farmland for conquest... you know, the good old days.

But as the year limped to a close, what did we get instead?

- Team server shutting down.
- Bans for free speech (good riddance, Black Hole).
- Bans for hurt feelings over trash talk

Now, as the server approaches its final gasp, we—the almighty Alpha team of Darkness—decided it’s only fitting to carve our names into the history books in the most glorious, ruthless way possible. Here’s how it’s going down:

For the first (and last) time, Darkness will take EVERYTHING:

- Average Net Worth? Ours.
- Total Net Worth? Ours.
- Every single Top 10 spot? Absolutely ours.

For years, we’ve watched you ungrateful untaggeds and underwhelming teams peacefully netgain in our shadow. We’ve generously allowed you a free ride to our Top 10 spots. But now? The free ride is over.

It’s simple:

- Give us land and grovel peacefully at the bottom, and maybe we’ll let you breathe a little longer.

- dare to get in our way, and your countries will burn bright and brief, your red and dead ruins serving only as stepping stones on our march to the top.

Before this beloved server dies, Darkness will give it the send-off it deserves: Total domination. No mercy. No survivors.

So here’s an early congratulations to Darkness, the undisputed kings of this final round. While we take our rightful place in history, may you all enjoy bot farming and mediocrity over on the co-op server.

Your favorite antihero,
SuperFly, Darkness Soldier


F U, delete yourself or get rekt

Leto Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 19th 2025, 17:06:17

Rock on brother
M4D Founder

Leto Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 19th 2025, 17:06:17

Rock on brother
M4D Founder

Symbolic Game profile


Jan 19th 2025, 17:06:48


SuperFly Game profile


Jan 19th 2025, 17:09:50

Originally posted by Leto:
Rock on brother

Thank you brother in arms. See you at the bot farming fest!

Rokkie Game profile


Jan 19th 2025, 17:23:47

Confirmed Darkness will be taking triple crown this set, I still feel very sour from many sets ago when I was pushed out of rank 1 spot into 2nd, so this is my time to shine and finish first! many thanks to everyone who will suffer for my glory!

major Game profile


Jan 19th 2025, 19:52:07

Confirmed. And yet again, victory will be ours!

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 19th 2025, 20:13:24

Kill #29
- Premium Patron Member

SuperFly Game profile


Jan 19th 2025, 20:15:47

Originally posted by Requiem:
Kill #29

29 has graciously asked to be farm land and thus he will be spared as he will be providing a service to Symbolic

SuperFly Game profile


Jan 20th 2025, 4:09:25

Well I do have a big girthy and healthy 9 incher so I guess I am winning?

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Jan 22nd 2025, 22:32:38

Originally posted by SuperFly:
As we trudged through 2024, we were sold dreams of nostalgia, revival, and a promise to “make the game great again.” We dared to hope for more players, fresh sparring partners, fertile farmland for conquest... you know, the good old days.

But as the year limped to a close, what did we get instead?

- Team server shutting down.
- Bans for free speech (good riddance, Black Hole).
- Bans for hurt feelings over trash talk

Now, as the server approaches its final gasp, we—the almighty Alpha team of Darkness—decided it’s only fitting to carve our names into the history books in the most glorious, ruthless way possible. Here’s how it’s going down:

For the first (and last) time, Darkness will take EVERYTHING:

- Average Net Worth? Ours.
- Total Net Worth? Ours.
- Every single Top 10 spot? Absolutely ours.

For years, we’ve watched you ungrateful untaggeds and underwhelming teams peacefully netgain in our shadow. We’ve generously allowed you a free ride to our Top 10 spots. But now? The free ride is over.

It’s simple:

- Give us land and grovel peacefully at the bottom, and maybe we’ll let you breathe a little longer.

- dare to get in our way, and your countries will burn bright and brief, your red and dead ruins serving only as stepping stones on our march to the top.

Before this beloved server dies, Darkness will give it the send-off it deserves: Total domination. No mercy. No survivors.

So here’s an early congratulations to Darkness, the undisputed kings of this final round. While we take our rightful place in history, may you all enjoy bot farming and mediocrity over on the co-op server.

Your favorite antihero,
SuperFly, Darkness Soldier


F U, delete yourself or get rekt

This guy tempting me with the delete button. Mwhahahaha
feet pics or team server goes poof tonight.

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

SuperFly Game profile


Jan 23rd 2025, 0:38:51

Originally posted by galleri:

This guy tempting me with the delete button. Mwhahahaha
feet pics or team server goes poof tonight.

Mi amor! Long time no see! Te extraño! 🥰

Symbolic Game profile


Jan 23rd 2025, 2:24:38

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
As we trudged through 2024, we were sold dreams of nostalgia, revival, and a promise to “make the game great again.” We dared to hope for more players, fresh sparring partners, fertile farmland for conquest... you know, the good old days.

But as the year limped to a close, what did we get instead?

- Team server shutting down.
- Bans for free speech (good riddance, Black Hole).
- Bans for hurt feelings over trash talk

Now, as the server approaches its final gasp, we—the almighty Alpha team of Darkness—decided it’s only fitting to carve our names into the history books in the most glorious, ruthless way possible. Here’s how it’s going down:

For the first (and last) time, Darkness will take EVERYTHING:

- Average Net Worth? Ours.
- Total Net Worth? Ours.
- Every single Top 10 spot? Absolutely ours.

For years, we’ve watched you ungrateful untaggeds and underwhelming teams peacefully netgain in our shadow. We’ve generously allowed you a free ride to our Top 10 spots. But now? The free ride is over.

It’s simple:

- Give us land and grovel peacefully at the bottom, and maybe we’ll let you breathe a little longer.

- dare to get in our way, and your countries will burn bright and brief, your red and dead ruins serving only as stepping stones on our march to the top.

Before this beloved server dies, Darkness will give it the send-off it deserves: Total domination. No mercy. No survivors.

So here’s an early congratulations to Darkness, the undisputed kings of this final round. While we take our rightful place in history, may you all enjoy bot farming and mediocrity over on the co-op server.

Your favorite antihero,
SuperFly, Darkness Soldier


F U, delete yourself or get rekt

This guy tempting me with the delete button. Mwhahahaha
feet pics or team server goes poof tonight.

Just get it over with.

Thunder Game profile


Jan 23rd 2025, 22:31:26

hmmm provocative
ICQ 56183127

2010 Armchair GMs League Champion

NA FA/Senate

Ninja since born....Awesome Forever!

Cathankins Game profile


Jan 27th 2025, 14:30:48

There is zero chance darkness can break the networth record set by the team myself and Tmac put together (snake) with a 5 man team. Numbers don’t lie, we are the most skilled 5 man team to ever play.

I’ll be impressed if you guys can even take first with the entire server United and cheating with multiple teams.

Rank Name Score
1 Cathankins $123,179,138
2 smlandau84 $107,946,059
3 ingle $95,367,252
4 afaik $92,484,677
5 Tmac $92,220,621
6 AndrewMose $89,374,777
7 Getafix $87,867,287
8 Lucifer $87,403,761
9 Gerdler sucks lol $86,001,997
10 h2orich

You cannot break that with 5 men ^^^

Symbolic Game profile


Jan 27th 2025, 19:14:35

Who cares about netting? I wanted a fire to roast some of my marsh mellows on so I could make smores.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jan 27th 2025, 19:51:57

The deletion of the team server has been moved forward by one month due to this thread.

I've always felt that a true badass wouldn't need to lie about anything. The truth should just speak for itself. That's clearly a minority opinion around here though.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 27th 2025, 20:25:51

Has the deletion date been announced anywhere?
- Premium Patron Member

EmpyreanMKR Game profile


Jan 27th 2025, 20:29:18

The glory is equivalent to wiping your butt and and having nothing left on the paper.
M4D - IA/War


Rokkie Game profile


Jan 27th 2025, 21:30:45

Originally posted by Slagpit:
The deletion of the team server has been moved forward by one month due to this thread.

I've always felt that a true badass wouldn't need to lie about anything. The truth should just speak for itself. That's clearly a minority opinion around here though.

Care to elaborate on this cryptic 2nd paragraph, or are you just touting nonsense with no meaning.

Also if you’re going to shut the server down just do it, stop threatening to do it, be a man not a tease just get on with it

Symbolic Game profile


Jan 27th 2025, 21:39:32

Originally posted by Slagpit:
The deletion of the team server has been moved forward by one month due to this thread.

I've always felt that a true badass wouldn't need to lie about anything. The truth should just speak for itself. That's clearly a minority opinion around here though.

You should just do it now and save us all some grief or are you not badass enough?

Rokkie Game profile


Jan 27th 2025, 21:45:30

Originally posted by Cathankins:
There is zero chance darkness can break the networth record set by the team myself and Tmac put together (snake) with a 5 man team. Numbers don’t lie, we are the most skilled 5 man team to ever play.

I’ll be impressed if you guys can even take first with the entire server United and cheating with multiple teams.

Rank Name Score
1 Cathankins $123,179,138
2 smlandau84 $107,946,059
3 ingle $95,367,252
4 afaik $92,484,677
5 Tmac $92,220,621
6 AndrewMose $89,374,777
7 Getafix $87,867,287
8 Lucifer $87,403,761
9 Gerdler sucks lol $86,001,997
10 h2orich

You cannot break that with 5 men ^^^

Why do you always turn up spouting numbers?

here is some numbers for you.

personal best finishes in team unaided

Cathakins - 152 4 The Hydra (#28) 11,798 $80,170,310 HG Snake
Rokkie - 119 2 Fear of the Dark (#22) 10 $83,300,355 HG Darkn3ss

As one can see I am a far superior net gainer here than you are because I have you beat personally by 3.2m net worth, ill take my 2nd spot knowing I legit earned it, Where as you need to flex some numbers and claim you're amazing when you was nothing but aided into them top spots on the leaderboards, pathetic, truly pathetic, also before you come back posting how low my best of 3 is compared to your aided best of 3, I play in a war tag that spends most of it's time killing, we don't net often net, so case mute.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 27th 2025, 21:57:08

I have a higher finish than him on the Alliance server too.

He is a fraud.
- Premium Patron Member

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jan 27th 2025, 22:03:12

Happy to answer questions from premium patron members: no announced date at this time.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 27th 2025, 22:05:52

Originally posted by Slagpit:
Happy to answer questions from premium patron members: no announced date at this time.

Thank you good sir!
- Premium Patron Member

Leto Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 27th 2025, 22:11:10

Originally posted by Slagpit:
The deletion of the team server has been moved forward by one month due to this thread.

I've always felt that a true badass wouldn't need to lie about anything. The truth should just speak for itself. That's clearly a minority opinion around here though.

M4D Founder

Cathankins Game profile


Jan 27th 2025, 22:32:43

I have barely played team and alliance but that is hilarious I am also a top player on those servers.

My point was my team was the best. The numbers don’t lie.

Rollie: I can beat that score. Notice on tourney I always hit my highest scores with techers but I rarely play techer.

I just simply was playing
For fun. If I was strictly playing for record high scores I could have done it as a techer for sure and not always switched strategies.

The only server I have really dedicated time to making top ten on was express and I think I’m ranked 7 over there. I could do that on any server and I will do other servers next.

I just thought team and alliance was shady so I left. Slag is right I’m not with the shady stuff and I don’t want to be a part of a community like that.

Symbolic Game profile


Jan 27th 2025, 22:36:11

Lol what shady stuff?

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 27th 2025, 22:47:00

Originally posted by Cathankins:
I have barely played team and alliance but that is hilarious I am also a top player on those servers.

My point was my team was the best. The numbers don’t lie.

Team has consistently fallen short because it has never truly embodied the spirit of the server. It’s nothing more than a failed experiment, an idea that never lived up to its potential.

Your take is so flawed, I refuse to waste another millisecond entertaining such egregious lapses in logic. Consider this my final acknowledgment of your misguided reasoning.
- Premium Patron Member

Cathankins Game profile


Jan 27th 2025, 22:52:37

The best example is when milk came here and darkness infiltrated his clan as a new player acting like they would help him in order to sabotage his team he was building, its no wonder he ended up playing the way he did after the way he was treated. Imagine having to cheat to beat some new players. Your titles are all a joke because of how you guys played to get it.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jan 27th 2025, 22:55:00

To be fair to Cathankins, he's at least talking about the team server and providing supporting evidence for his position. He's even taking pride in his ingame accomplishments! You can disagree with his conclusion, but his behavior is 1000X preferable to spreading lies that hurt the game for no reason.

Cathankins Game profile


Jan 27th 2025, 23:04:03

Originally posted by Requiem:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
I have barely played team and alliance but that is hilarious I am also a top player on those servers.

My point was my team was the best. The numbers don’t lie.

Team has consistently fallen short because it has never truly embodied the spirit of the server. It’s nothing more than a failed experiment, an idea that never lived up to its potential.

Your take is so flawed, I refuse to waste another millisecond entertaining such egregious lapses in logic. Consider this my final acknowledgment of your misguided reasoning.

I was actually going to bring in a second team but the team didn’t want to because of that exact reason. I don’t have a take. My take is that snake hit the highest score ever on this server period. That’s why my name is up in 1st.

We hit 200 mil + with 5 guys unaided. That was the one set we got very serious and we nailed it our first try. That’s a fact, Jack. My opinion is irrelevant.

Andrew did the number crunching that set so it was really him that was the wizard behind the score of you want to talk about best players

Coalie Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 27th 2025, 23:08:36

Cath? You’re talking about the guy that suicided monsters and evo? Promised to continue to suicide them because they took in laf players? And got his ass kicked by sol and mercs?

Cath, the guy that took a bunch of blues clues brigade to kill Superfly in alliance and then got his tag wiped by the defenders?

The one that posted all over AT about wanting to get rid of Muslims because he is a Zionist?

Coalie, MBA B.Acc
Mercenaries for Hire
Deputy Commander

Cathankins Game profile


Jan 27th 2025, 23:09:41

Originally posted by Slagpit:
To be fair to Cathankins, he's at least talking about the team server and providing supporting evidence for his position. He's even taking pride in his ingame accomplishments! You can disagree with his conclusion, but his behavior is 1000X preferable to spreading lies that hurt the game for no reason.

I will be genuinely sad if this place ever closes due to its history regardless of my personal feelings about anyone here.

I think if you got some of these gamer influencers to do a segment on the game you could possibly attract some new players. This video has 40k views and was posted last month and I think a lot of guys here are underestimating the potential of this place.

Why NOW Is The Golden Age Of Retro Gaming!

Cathankins Game profile


Jan 27th 2025, 23:13:04

Originally posted by Coalie:
Cath? You’re talking about the guy that suicided monsters and evo? Promised to continue to suicide them because they took in laf players? And got his ass kicked by sol and mercs?

Cath, the guy that took a bunch of blues clues brigade to kill Superfly in alliance and then got his tag wiped by the defenders?

The one that posted all over AT about wanting to get rid of Muslims because he is a Zionist?


Lol milk posted that?

Im pretty sure that was me that said I wish the world had one religion so everyone could quit fighting over what their beliefs are. Then everyone twisted it into some hysterical Karen Being offended genocide thing like always.

But yes that guy came here to play. Saw how darkness does it and adopted your tactics.

I shamed it them and I shame it now. I give my enemies a fair shot at battle because I like war and the spirit of a warrior and battle.

Coalie Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 27th 2025, 23:16:27

That’s not what you said. You said

You said “I want for Muslims to not exist”

I’m glad we have good mods to clean that bs up.

I think you got milkman and bhole confused. Bhole was the guy that came to teams, milkman was just a sidekick that ended up doxxing bhole over some drama.
Coalie, MBA B.Acc
Mercenaries for Hire
Deputy Commander

Cathankins Game profile


Jan 27th 2025, 23:17:16

And coalie you brag all the time about being an armed goon for the Zionist regime lol how can you be offended at Zionism when you are an enforcer if it? That’s laughable.

At least milk just talks about it instead of actually living it out right lol

Cathankins Game profile


Jan 27th 2025, 23:18:42

Yes I want for a one world religion to exist so we can have world peace. As long as Muslims and Christians and Jews exist we will never have that.

Feigning being offended at zionism while you always brag about being its enforcer is hilarious though

Cathankins Game profile


Jan 27th 2025, 23:19:26

What that means is I wish we could all come together under one belief set or truth not genocide

Cathankins Game profile


Jan 27th 2025, 23:21:52

Notice who always brings this up by the way lol

Is this where you cry out to ban me now?

Cathankins Game profile


Jan 27th 2025, 23:22:43

Why is it ok for coalie to always attack zionist jews and no one can respond it my question

Especially weird since he brags about being a goon destined to be sent to war with Iran lol

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jan 27th 2025, 23:27:06

Bringing up stuff that was already deleted by moderators is not helpful. Taking the bait that hard is not helpful. None of this has anything to do with the team server.

We were doing so well =(

Cathankins Game profile


Jan 27th 2025, 23:28:26

Glad you see who always brings this up though. It’s like this every single time.

Symbolic Game profile


Jan 27th 2025, 23:33:18

Originally posted by Slagpit:
To be fair to Cathankins, he's at least talking about the team server and providing supporting evidence for his position. He's even taking pride in his ingame accomplishments! You can disagree with his conclusion, but his behavior is 1000X preferable to spreading lies that hurt the game for no reason.

What lies? This game is burning dumpster fire of what is used to be, the only thing holding it together is the vets and some of the old alliances heads.

Cathankins Game profile


Jan 27th 2025, 23:52:28

Seems more like the small core group is more intent on driving away players. I bet this antagonistic behavior has driven away a majority of the people who left. Then you guys play the victim and get offended is what is really crazy.

Symbolic Game profile


Jan 28th 2025, 0:02:36

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Seems more like the small core group is more intent on driving away players. I bet this antagonistic behavior has driven away a majority of the people who left. Then you guys play the victim and get offended is what is really crazy.

Coming from the guy who literally drove away netters by greifing them lol. Do you even know what you are typing down?

Coalie Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 28th 2025, 0:04:10

Oh I don’t want to drive anyone away. I’m a premium user and a forum patron. I have financially contributed to the game, therefore I have skin in the game.

I want to drive YOU from the game cath, you’re a toxic charlatan. As confirmed by your history of multiple bans on the forum.

Good thing your daddy, Slagpit, made you a netting server where you have a safe space to hide from us.

Coalie, MBA B.Acc
Mercenaries for Hire
Deputy Commander

VicRattlehead Game profile


Jan 28th 2025, 0:08:42

Originally posted by Coalie:
Oh I don’t want to drive anyone away. I’m a premium user and a forum patron. I have financially contributed to the game, therefore I have skin in the game.

I want to drive YOU from the game cath, you’re a toxic charlatan. As confirmed by your history of multiple bans on the forum.

Good thing your daddy, Slagpit, made you a netting server where you have a safe space to hide from us.

Hey, aren't you the guy constantly tossing out fake accusations of racist behavior? Yes, that's right, that is you. You're a lying, fraudulent, underhanded piece of trash.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jan 28th 2025, 0:10:58

Cathankins doesn't play on the coop server, so if you want to make fun of his netting go with that approach.

I'd be happy to improve the warring experience (I've put a fair amount of thought into it actually) but players who prefer war aren't clear about what they want on the boards. There are a few minor ideas posted but they usually go 50:50 in terms of support.

I don't think that I've ever asked anyone to financially support the game. It's not an expectation. The expectations are not to cheat and not to break any laws. Exceeding expectations means not doing stuff that deliberately hurts the game.

Rokkie Game profile


Jan 28th 2025, 0:14:20

Maybe it’s just me but every time cath enters a thread it tends to get derailed into something else, when he doesn’t enter it seems to stay on topic…