Oct 25 - Dec 23
Oct 23 - Oct 27
Sep 12 - Nov 10
Oct 2 - Oct 30
Active countries: 2973
Currently Logged in: 187

Game Profile for Leto on the Team Server

OverallExpressAllianceTeamPrimaryFree For AllTournamentCooperation

Best Finish: Third

Leaderboard Rankings

Top 10019#167
Top 101#167
Best 3$28,753,541#284
Attack Success96.19%#102
Pop Killed4,253,464#56

Countries on this server

172 28 Supreme Bashar Miles Teg (#62) 3880$2,298,711 T Lights
172 Whatsinitforme (#1) 7722$7,743,258 F Lights
171 31 Eating Tang Since 89 (#64) 2178$2,268,273 T Lights
171 16 House Atredies (#7) 8233$9,538,016 R Lights
170 26 Knights of the Round Table (#58) 2880$2,216,024 I Lights
170 Select Blend (#1) 10,849$9,846,451 CG Lights
169 31 Foxtrot Unicorn Charlie Kilo (#76) 2601$2,072,113 I Lights
169 Y2K (#1) 7436$6,662,457 I Lights
168 3 Senor Caliente (#1) 7444$58,245,378 D Lights
167 27 Cinncinnatus (#30) 12,707$18,477,229 C Lights
166 58 Saiya (#158) 1524$329,895 I Lights
166 Senor Caliente (#106) 1337$343,161 I Lights
166 Ride the Lightning (#51) 3784$672,051 I Lights
165 27 Chocolate Covered Pretzels (#97) 3445$3,759,340 I Lights
165 Chemiluminescence (#53) 4583$1,076,713 C Lights
164 54 Star League (#130) 1658$464,420 I Lights
164 Orion (#91) 1337$752,622 T Lights
164 GemStone III then 2025 (#43) 7081$4,144,353 I Lights
163 57 Randy Savage for Prime Minister (#125) 1632$211,830 I Lights
163 Stankonia (#89) 1178$326,604 I Lights
163 Houses Of The Holy (#43) 5591$5,778,483 T Lights
162 53 RIP Rosalynn Carter (#100) 631$285,436 I LIGHT
162 44 Society X (#79) 1130$862,017 I LIGHT
162 Crash Murder Business (#43) 6912$4,479,630 I LIGHT
161 54 Foxtrot Unicorn Charlie Kilo (#101) 1245$240,879 I 1Lumen
161 Nerv Collective Soul HQ2 (#65) 1582$291,328 I 1Lumen
161 Nerv Collective Soul HQ (#28) 4586$456,606 T 1Lumen
160 55 The Cult (#90) 1357$266,899 I Lights
160 Star League (#70) 1407$442,765 I Lights
160 Reefer M4Dness (#36) 5001$1,533,725 M Lights
159 58 Slayer vs ICP (#110) 1365$356,718 I L1GHTS
159 53 Peanuts for Elephants (#98) 1261$1,045,720 I L1GHTS
159 Sailor Jerry (#68) 5492$5,471,723 D L1GHTS

Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism