Oct 25 - Dec 23
Oct 30 - Nov 3
Sep 12 - Nov 10
Nov 2 - Nov 30
Active countries: 3171
Currently Logged in: 197

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Details of the ninetieth round of Alliance

Multiple Countries

Multiple countries are not allowed.


Clans are allowed.

Turn Rate

Turns are given every 20 minutes.

Maximum Turns

Countries can hold a maximum of 120 (120) turns.

Time to Market

The minimum time for market goods to arrive on the market is 4 hours. The maximum time is 5 hours.

Time on Market

Unsold goods stay on the market for 48 hours.

Public Market Tech Floor

Technology priced at or below $500 is automatically purchased on the public market.

Planned Strikes

A planned strike brigade is unavailable for 20 hours after launching.

Spyops per Day

A country can carry out a maximum of 50 spy operations per day.


Humanitarians protest if a country attempts to attack another country which is 12 times bigger or smaller than it.


The cost of GDI membership is $3 per non-cs building.

Major Change Set

The Major Change Set number of this server is 25.

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