Active countries: 2496
Currently Logged in: 185
Currently Logged in: 185
Scores & Ranks are updated every 5 minutes. Players in Green are under protection or on vacation. Players in Red have been destroyed. Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations. |
Special Codes M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism G=GDI-Member |
There are currently 43 countries in the Primary server.
Rank | Country | Land | Networth | Special | |
1 | This is Seremban SOL (#17) | 1195 | $103,937 | RG | |
2 | Blackjack (#15) | 1248 | $90,715 | MG | |
3 | Tits R Us (#7) | 969 | $83,187 | CG | |
4 | kammerjaeger (#18) | 765 | $76,688 | HG | |
5 | PrimeTime (#32) | 742 | $76,524 | CG | |
6 | Link (#31) | 839 | $70,316 | HG | |
7 | Keep On Truckin (#34) | 645 | $68,874 | CG | |
8 | Arathodoxia (#2) | 578 | $65,409 | CG | |
9 | wolfy (#21) | 799 | $58,167 | CG | |
10 | IOWA (#28) | 745 | $54,003 | RG | |
11 | blueberry (#30) | 727 | $53,833 | FG | |
12 | Mutantville (#33) | 668 | $49,265 | MG | |
13 | Cartel Del Norte Sicarios (#14) | 760 | $48,853 | MG | |
14 | Papaver somniferum (#27) | 519 | $37,013 | RG | |
15 | FeelingcutemightsuicidelaterIDK (#13) | 435 | $34,558 | HG | |
16 | AEROHEAD (#41) | 341 | $34,499 | HG | |
17 | Wings of Elysium (#43) | 402 | $33,899 | HG | |
18 | willvania (#23) | 422 | $33,471 | TG | |
19 | Ipso facto (#24) | 456 | $32,980 | RG | |
20 | Wraith (#5) | 434 | $32,977 | MG | |
21 | Killer Bee (#4) | 409 | $32,245 | MG | |
22 | Bail Bonds and Beyond (#39) | 340 | $22,528 | DG | |
23 | Macdiddy (#8) | 331 | $21,589 | FG | |
24 | Deviant (#42) | 267 | $20,898 | MG | |
25 | DeadOnArrival (#36) | 279 | $19,096 | MG |