
mike Game profile


Feb 3rd 2012, 15:13:23

where was my e-vite? i'd come in to beat someone up. i hated the way fbi/wog/dbd acted like my country was theirs to grab and threatened anyone who touched their precious friends :)
Carpe Cerevisi

CGiboney Game profile


Feb 3rd 2012, 15:17:30

Doesnt LaF farm others into the ground

Unholy Monks

Hohiro Game profile


Feb 3rd 2012, 15:48:52

@Boltar: TheFist did hit TSO only AFTER TSO killed one of their country AND started bad farming, both for no reason ... you should be careful stating false things that can easily be seen in server logs!

ViLSE Game profile


Feb 3rd 2012, 15:59:11

mike: DBD would always be fine with you retalling our hits on your country. We were not threatening anyone unless they started suiciding on us or doing other naughty things.

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Feb 3rd 2012, 16:19:37

Originally posted by Boltar:
Tso did kill wog early yes. As for thefist they attacked us first and threatened us on other servers. As for the no talent. We have multiple alliance top10 finishers in tso. Multiple top10 hitters. Ur claims are off on that one pain
lol. you killed our country for no reason first and made threats to kill every clan on the server before we told you that we'd just retal on another server instead of playing your game here.
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF

Boltar Game profile


Feb 3rd 2012, 16:57:23

Tso's retal policy is double tap equal death. And we don't take kindly to threats



Feb 3rd 2012, 17:46:42

"don't worry, we'll get our land back another way ;)"

sounds like a threat to me hohiro
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

Boltar Game profile


Feb 3rd 2012, 18:03:12

Yea exactly what elves posted. After that threat #57 I believe double tapped the same country. So yes we killed it

Hohiro Game profile


Feb 3rd 2012, 18:20:00

#57 got killed for attacking a country in EoS, which at that time was not obvious of being TSO country, especially seeing this, you probably want to kill #53, too?

Jan 26/12 8:48:53 PM PS Mrs Boltar want SEX (#53) (LoTsaSEX) diamonds and guns (#7) (EoS) 16 A (+1 A)
Jan 26/12 8:48:47 PM PS Mrs Boltar want SEX (#53) (LoTsaSEX) diamonds and guns (#7) (EoS) 33 A (+11 A)
Jan 26/12 8:48:39 PM PS Mrs Boltar want SEX (#53) (LoTsaSEX) diamonds and guns (#7) (EoS) 34 A (+11 A)
Jan 26/12 8:48:33 PM PS Mrs Boltar want SEX (#53) (LoTsaSEX) diamonds and guns (#7) (EoS) 46 A (+24 A)
Jan 26/12 7:43:33 AM SS Mrs Boltar want SEX (#53) (LoTsaSEX) diamonds and guns (#7) (EoS) 31 A (+17 A)
Jan 26/12 7:43:28 AM SS Mrs Boltar want SEX (#53) (LoTsaSEX) diamonds and guns (#7) (EoS) 51 A (+26 A)
Jan 26/12 7:43:18 AM PS Mrs Boltar want SEX (#53) (LoTsaSEX) diamonds and guns (#7) (EoS) 70 A (+60 A)
Jan 26/12 7:43:12 AM PS Mrs Boltar want SEX (#53) (LoTsaSEX) diamonds and guns (#7) (EoS) 91 A (+77 A)
Jan 26/12 7:43:06 AM PS Mrs Boltar want SEX (#53) (LoTsaSEX) diamonds and guns (#7) (EoS) 87 A (+99 A)
Jan 26/12 7:42:58 AM PS Mrs Boltar want SEX (#53) (LoTsaSEX) diamonds and guns (#7) (EoS) 91 A (+101 A)

And well, you could just post the whole message instead part of it? At least it was posted in our forums and you missed out the things before, which talk of a topfeed from TSO ...

Boltar Game profile


Feb 3rd 2012, 18:38:55

We don't recognize topfeds

dLpLow Game profile


Feb 3rd 2012, 19:09:24

oh no dont kill me!!!

and Vilse yes i understand u dont want to fight...but in the end the past 3 sets u have......if instead u would of killed TSO OOP all 3 sets it wouldnt be much of a problem netting in piece now would it?
you got to see where im coming fromand i do see where u r too.....but i mean in the was up to choices....and basically the whole server choose not to kill TSO.....
poor laf
10:36 ee: GS pLow is HERE (#422) [SoF] --> Oslo 1952 (#201) [LaF] -- 2C/81F
And for you freaks.



Feb 3rd 2012, 19:17:51

I was only posting the relevant part of the message out of respect for the person who sent it. A message went to a TSO member also saying I authed something when the auth request was ignored. So I authed the farming of fist, since I apparently authed fist farming a TSO member for 1 grab. I would have authed the L:L if it was the same country taking the retals, but I only auth 1:1 otherwise. Officially we don't recognize topfeeds, but I'm willing to bend a bit when the country that got grabbed does the retals.

In case you haven't noticed, if nothing else, we do keep to our word. If we say something, even if another person does wrong, Boltar and I do what we can to make it right.

We flat out said we were going to do this last set, yet none of you listened. Hell, I even topped the thread earlier this set, posted an old thread about organizing resistance, and changed my sig to reflect an idea for killing us. How could I have made it more obvious? Hell, I even gave out the FS time in the most public IRC channel EE has.

So you can take all your blindside bullfluff and shove it up your collective asses. It was known we were doing this. When we were doing this was leaked by me. Not my fault none of you can see.

Only reason we even had the idea to do this was because it was suggested on this board. You all complain about the "spirit of team". When has there ever been a spirit of team? Thanks to the response this has received, we will continue until change is forced, or you get enough to stop us set after set.

This server will burn until we are stopped, and I would like you to find one time I've been dishonest on this board. It will happen, and you can thank your own responses.
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

Pain Game profile


Feb 3rd 2012, 19:21:09

its good to know your intentions are to ruin the server. have fun twiddling your tiny fluffs next set.
Your mother is a nice woman

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Feb 3rd 2012, 20:44:39

The problem isn't that you "blindsided" the server, it's that you FSed the server.

I don't agree with Pain a lot but yeah, what he said.
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF

Killa Game profile


Feb 3rd 2012, 22:47:58

You people fluff and moan, Yet you still grab/farm TSO tags and wonder why they kill you off

Next set try not to touch tso

de1i Game profile


Feb 3rd 2012, 23:18:38

Originally posted by elvesrus:

We flat out said we were going to do this last set, yet none of you listened. Hell, I even topped the thread earlier this set, posted an old thread about organizing resistance, and changed my sig to reflect an idea for killing us. How could I have made it more obvious? Hell, I even gave out the FS time in the most public IRC channel EE has.

Where was the warning ha? And if you link the thread mob made then prepared to be laughed at, because like I said on that thread no one takes mob seriously for obvious reasons.

And to requote myself from another thread and to continue on that thought:

Originally posted by de1i:
TSO are the the third group of tags most of us have seen come in and take control of the server. The server as a whole doesn't like each other enough (let alone care) to organize themselves to take down the 'bad guys.' Probably because most of us realize in all likelyhood if we just weather the storm then somewhere down the line another group of people will come in and do it for us or TSO will get bored and leave, and someone else will just take their place.

The real (and only) challenge in all of this was whether or not you would give yourself enough time to pull it off NOT if the server could keep you from doing it. Because to most people here this server really isn't worth the time or effort for people to put up a fight against actions like these because there is no reassurance that this won't happen again.

Honestly (and obvious to most people that know me at all) I don't really give a fluff this happened as I am just here to fluff around and snipe kills and I believed it was bound to happen eventually. TSO's actions are a reflection of their character not the server's. To quote a very wise man Ben Parker "With great power comes great responsibility." People might have more respect (or something resembling it) for your actions if you just owned up to it being a douche move rather than trying to blame the people you are killing for allowing it to happen.

braden Game profile


Feb 3rd 2012, 23:48:05

de1i and i had a text message conversation earlier. i was at work, but it made my day that much better <3

maybe boltar and i will have one soon, too! <3 :P

de1i Game profile


Feb 3rd 2012, 23:50:56

Yeah sorry I wasn't more responsive I was at work at well, was kinda crazy today.

Boltar Game profile


Feb 4th 2012, 1:09:01


archaic Game profile


Feb 4th 2012, 1:42:52

Originally posted by boneSAW1:
Iam out of this server no need waste time here...

Thanx for destroying a whole server, admins you can shut team server down.

lol, never heard this before - oh wait, I was the one saying it when Laf -
I mean RD -
I mean - FBI
oops, I mean DBD got a big group together and dominated the server.

Actually Pain, I just came back to play a set in MKR and sort of backed into this whole TSO thing. I have to admit its pretty funny though.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

braden Game profile


Feb 4th 2012, 1:44:45

but we never refused to let you be alive alongside us. (not in the last four years, at least!)

archaic Game profile


Feb 4th 2012, 1:53:41

Actually braden, you guys did exactly that - its water under the bridge now, but this server was, is, and always will be a joke.

The notion of the 'team' never took hold. I have been as guilty of it as anyone of contributing the its demise, but the facts are the facts - the entire history of the server is a litany of one coalition after another.

All Boltar did was bring about the reductio ad absurdum that was pretty much inevitable. It is somewhat ironic that the same thing basically happened to the limited server on the old game as well.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

braden Game profile


Feb 4th 2012, 2:00:08

no, because we were never at war with the entire server that wasn't our enemy, we were at war our enemies. playing the server didn't make you our enemy, you wanting to fight us did.

(unless i'm forgetting some terrible wrong directed personally at you where we refused to let you play anywhere? in which case i apologize)

you are dead right about reductio ad absurdum, but pretty much inevitable i would contest- you mentioned three power blocks that never had the notion of trying this, let alone conceiving it. Trainboy innocently made a thread suggesting something that in his original post he stated WAS NOT a challenge, and then they took it as one. Nothing inevitable about it.

(joke is right, too, though i've been on your side of that argument for a while now..)

crest23 Game profile


Feb 4th 2012, 2:46:34

My country has been killed. See you guys. I'm out.
The Nigerian Nightmare.

Pain Game profile


Feb 4th 2012, 5:28:10

Originally posted by archaic:
Actually braden, you guys did exactly that - its water under the bridge now, but this server was, is, and always will be a joke.

The notion of the 'team' never took hold. I have been as guilty of it as anyone of contributing the its demise, but the facts are the facts - the entire history of the server is a litany of one coalition after another.

All Boltar did was bring about the reductio ad absurdum that was pretty much inevitable. It is somewhat ironic that the same thing basically happened to the limited server on the old game as well.

RD never killed MKR for no reason, nor anyone else, only when you declared war on us over our retal policy. theres a difference between killing someone because they attack you and killing someone because you can.
Your mother is a nice woman

Pain Game profile


Feb 4th 2012, 5:29:55

but my point still stands, you are a hypocrite. at least admit to that.
Your mother is a nice woman

de1i Game profile


Feb 4th 2012, 6:39:26

Confirmed, archaic was not allowed to play on this server during our reign.

braden Game profile


Feb 4th 2012, 7:16:39

then i apologize- though if deli cares to look up the logs i'm willing to bet i was the closest thing to a friend you had on this side, archaic..

archaic Game profile


Feb 4th 2012, 14:38:30

meh, like I said it was never really personnal - I had and still have several friends that were in RD at at the time. I was not happy about the 1:kill thing because it took so much land off of the table on a server that was pretty lean to begin with.

The only ones I really had a serious issue with were lime, iris, and NOW3P

but like I said, thats a long time ago and I've no grudge to hold. I came back because next set is when we usually do the Gunner memorial theme in MKR - I backed into this war. It reminds me of when ORDER killed 4A for no reason (which I also helped out for a lol), so I signed on.

Pain, I'm a hypocrite
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Mr. Iris Game profile


Feb 4th 2012, 17:43:00

I forgive you.
Originally posted by archaic:
see many colors
fluttering in the spring winds
Iris blooms again

braden Game profile


Feb 4th 2012, 19:09:07

don't worry, archaic, anybody who has ever changed their mind on an issue is a hypocrite- i stopped trying to not be :P

archaic Game profile


Feb 5th 2012, 1:21:53

If only I changed my underwear as often as I changed my mind
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Getafix Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 5th 2012, 1:59:15

That I believe

Pain Game profile


Feb 5th 2012, 7:07:19

Originally posted by archaic:
meh, like I said it was never really personnal - I had and still have several friends that were in RD at at the time. I was not happy about the 1:kill thing because it took so much land off of the table on a server that was pretty lean to begin with.

actually if it wasnt for you and your MKR buddies never shutting up about RDs policy, eventually it would have gone away. ask clans like Lords, WoG/FBI, DBD, Rag etc we never enforced the 1:kill on them after all was said and done because they stopped trying to fight with us over it. the only ones we kept doing it to was MKR and untaggeds/spam tags
Your mother is a nice woman

braden Game profile


Feb 5th 2012, 12:57:09

i was always told that you should wear clean underwear in case you got hit by a car.. the ME has to undress you for the autopsy..

it of course never occurred to me back then that had i been hit by said car, my boxers would be the least of my worries- however, if i met a girl, that's a different story.. ;)

right idea from the parents, just poor reasoning

(pain doesn't have this problem, he'd never meet a girl so just wears dirty britches)

Boltar Game profile


Feb 5th 2012, 14:59:32

The old saying wear clean underwear invade ur in a accident means nothing if the accident is bad enuff u might ajar Urself anyway

K_L Game profile


Feb 5th 2012, 18:52:19

If you live like that... It's better to change gears with your arse. That atleast leaves investicators something to laught about.

archaic Game profile


Feb 5th 2012, 22:29:22

Originally posted by Pain:
Originally posted by archaic:
meh, like I said it was never really personnal - I had and still have several friends that were in RD at at the time. I was not happy about the 1:kill thing because it took so much land off of the table on a server that was pretty lean to begin with.

actually if it wasnt for you and your MKR buddies never shutting up about RDs policy, eventually it would have gone away. ask clans like Lords, WoG/FBI, DBD, Rag etc we never enforced the 1:kill on them after all was said and done because they stopped trying to fight with us over it. the only ones we kept doing it to was MKR and untaggeds/spam tags

Is that why you guys hunted my country down after I had netted quietly in OG for three sets? I'd let it go long before you guys did.

Anyhow, TSO FTW!
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov



Feb 5th 2012, 22:36:59

this is stupid to keep talking about.

TSO is a bunch of idiots who should be banned from this server. end of story.

Jiman Game profile


Feb 5th 2012, 23:33:31

Yes. Banned. For playing the game. OOOOOO.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Feb 5th 2012, 23:54:54

I can't remember LaF taking over the server, I do remember MKR-RAG-BEER trying to do it and getting the snot beaten out of them though.

I'm kind of confused why Jiman complains so much about other people ruining the alliance server but proceeds to act like a total server-ruining asshole here. Oh wait that's not confusing at all!

Boltar Game profile


Feb 6th 2012, 0:25:07

its simple slagpit.. he keeps servers seperate..

Jiman Game profile


Feb 6th 2012, 2:02:02

As said, I keep the server seperate from one another.



Feb 6th 2012, 2:18:23

Originally posted by TheTruth:
this is stupid to keep talking about.

TSO is a bunch of idiots who should be banned from this server. end of story.

Says JJ23...
•The Anti Cheat•

Originally posted by JJ23:
do this to me again next reset, and you will all get run into the ground. ill create 40 countries on this server discretely if i have to do end you fools.

de1i Game profile


Feb 6th 2012, 2:29:16

Originally posted by Hohiro:
#57 got killed for attacking a country in EoS, which at that time was not obvious of being TSO country, especially seeing this, you probably want to kill #53, too?

Jan 26/12 8:48:53 PM PS Mrs Boltar want SEX (#53) (LoTsaSEX) diamonds and guns (#7) (EoS) 16 A (+1 A)
Jan 26/12 8:48:47 PM PS Mrs Boltar want SEX (#53) (LoTsaSEX) diamonds and guns (#7) (EoS) 33 A (+11 A)
Jan 26/12 8:48:39 PM PS Mrs Boltar want SEX (#53) (LoTsaSEX) diamonds and guns (#7) (EoS) 34 A (+11 A)
Jan 26/12 8:48:33 PM PS Mrs Boltar want SEX (#53) (LoTsaSEX) diamonds and guns (#7) (EoS) 46 A (+24 A)
Jan 26/12 7:43:33 AM SS Mrs Boltar want SEX (#53) (LoTsaSEX) diamonds and guns (#7) (EoS) 31 A (+17 A)
Jan 26/12 7:43:28 AM SS Mrs Boltar want SEX (#53) (LoTsaSEX) diamonds and guns (#7) (EoS) 51 A (+26 A)
Jan 26/12 7:43:18 AM PS Mrs Boltar want SEX (#53) (LoTsaSEX) diamonds and guns (#7) (EoS) 70 A (+60 A)
Jan 26/12 7:43:12 AM PS Mrs Boltar want SEX (#53) (LoTsaSEX) diamonds and guns (#7) (EoS) 91 A (+77 A)
Jan 26/12 7:43:06 AM PS Mrs Boltar want SEX (#53) (LoTsaSEX) diamonds and guns (#7) (EoS) 87 A (+99 A)
Jan 26/12 7:42:58 AM PS Mrs Boltar want SEX (#53) (LoTsaSEX) diamonds and guns (#7) (EoS) 91 A (+101 A)

And well, you could just post the whole message instead part of it? At least it was posted in our forums and you missed out the things before, which talk of a topfeed from TSO ...

57 was killed for double tap on the d4dvd (sp) tag, not EoS. EoS is not a Tao protected tag, I just like to snipe their kill runs.



Feb 6th 2012, 3:05:04

EoS is a sniper! Hide JJ, hide!
•The Anti Cheat•

Originally posted by JJ23:
do this to me again next reset, and you will all get run into the ground. ill create 40 countries on this server discretely if i have to do end you fools.

Pain Game profile


Feb 6th 2012, 7:23:11

Originally posted by Jiman:
As said, I keep the server seperate from one another.

and as said, thats the biggest load of bullfluff ever.

if you are a piece of fluff in one place, youre the same person in the others.
Your mother is a nice woman

Jiman Game profile


Feb 6th 2012, 8:29:28

Originally posted by Pain:
Originally posted by Jiman:
As said, I keep the server seperate from one another.

and as said, thats the biggest load of bullfluff ever.

if you are a piece of fluff in one place, youre the same person in the others.

Once you jump the lines and boundaries seperating different enviroments, situations and context of events and attempt to compare them to one another, you start to get into a very complex ordeal of attemping to decipher the meaning behind certain events and actions that may very well be based on different emotions, logics and purposes.

What you may see as peices of fluff, some others see another means to an end.

That is pretty hard to see though when all you use is emotions to make your choices for you :-)

Pain Game profile


Feb 6th 2012, 8:35:58

thats a pretty fancy way of saying you like to be a douchebag but only want it to affect how people view you where you dont care if it matters. my morals dont change from server to server. im sorry if you like to pretend differently.
Your mother is a nice woman

Jiman Game profile


Feb 6th 2012, 8:57:18

Its a fancy way of saying that I am playing two different games, and how I play any game besides what I do on alliance is my business and my time, so fluff off and dont attempt to judge me on how I play a game. derp.

Unless of course you are commening on what I do from the prospective of a player on team server, then continue. :)

And Ya, I guess you could call it pretending, because you know its a game O:

*hugz Pain*

Edited By: Jiman on Feb 6th 2012, 9:05:36
See Original Post