
Scott Game profile


Feb 29th 2016, 3:24:02

Originally posted by clintonista:
Unfortunately for me. I am not yet at the point where I assume that all mods are incompetent boobs. I know from experience that forums can be a great development tool for a game. I regret that this game has decided to forgo the opportunity presented by a healthy forum.

You regret that your pissing and moaning didn't get someone who called you out for acting like a jack ass banned. That is your only regret.



Feb 29th 2016, 5:44:37

Dissident Game profile


Feb 29th 2016, 5:50:57

Originally posted by clintonista:
Unfortunately for me. I am not yet at the point where I assume that all mods are incompetent boobs. I know from experience that forums can be a great development tool for a game. I regret that this game has decided to forgo the opportunity presented by a healthy forum.

I think the boat has sailed on development... or you're new.

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 29th 2016, 10:45:40

Originally posted by Scott:

You talking about the rule where you can't connect via VPN to mask your IP? Irrelevant!

It's not against rules to mask IP using VPN/TOR. In fact., a number of players from overseas cannot play unless they use them, or something similar.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Scott Game profile


Feb 29th 2016, 12:17:22

Originally posted by Celphi:
Originally posted by Scott:

You talking about the rule where you can't connect via VPN to mask your IP? Irrelevant!

It's not against rules to mask IP using VPN/TOR. In fact., a number of players from overseas cannot play unless they use them, or something similar.

You may want to double check that one. Probably goes hand and hand with intent (watch how logic works).

Player A: Uses VPN because he lives in Iran. He needs to use VPN to play. Probably ok.

Player B: We will call her celphi. She says she is unbannable. Lives in the US. She uses VPN to hide identity because she got banned. Probably against the rules

Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 29th 2016, 12:32:50

Whenever I accuse someone of violating a rule, I post the rule.

You post a bunch of feelings and assumptions. Both which are irrelevant.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Scott Game profile


Feb 29th 2016, 12:48:36

Originally posted by Celphi:
Whenever I accuse someone of violating a rule, I post the rule.

You post a bunch of feelings and assumptions. Both which are irrelevant.

I am confident that,logically speaking, if you are banned for breaking some kind of rule, that circumventing ban would be against the rules. I wasn't aware that even had to be posted. It is common sense.

It is also hypocritical of you to try and split hairs on rules yet flagrantly claim you wil break the rules if you are banned. This has nothing to do with feelings or oppinion. You display the logic of a pet rock - again.

clintonista Game profile


Feb 29th 2016, 12:59:21

Look mrford has been banned before and he will be banned again, for me it is not about him being banned this time. All I wish is that we could have a forum where ideas are discussed. As long as he and his trainees like Scott, Thunder and the other PwD are given free reign we will be discussing their love of swordfish with or without gerbils.

Perhaps you are right. Perhaps stagnation and slow death are the fate of this game. Perhaps we should just join in the fun of pointless insults and trying in vain to get the mods to ban us. The other guys have tried everything possible to get banned from cheating to gay sex references to insulting the mods to insulting the inventors to racism. I have stumbled upon the one thing that can get you banned, outlining a process for mods to follow.

Tissue Vendor


Feb 29th 2016, 13:17:04

Originally posted by clintonista:
Look mrford has been banned before and he will be banned again, for me it is not about him being banned this time. All I wish is that we could have a forum where ideas are discussed. As long as he and his trainees like Scott, Thunder and the other PwD are given free reign we will be discussing their love of swordfish with or without gerbils.

Perhaps you are right. Perhaps stagnation and slow death are the fate of this game. Perhaps we should just join in the fun of pointless insults and trying in vain to get the mods to ban us. The other guys have tried everything possible to get banned from cheating to gay sex references to insulting the mods to insulting the inventors to racism. I have stumbled upon the one thing that can get you banned, outlining a process for mods to follow.

Show me on this doll where Mrford touched you. Tissue?

mrford Game profile


Feb 29th 2016, 14:24:53

Originally posted by clintonista:
Look mrford has been banned before and he will be banned again, for me it is not about him being banned this time. All I wish is that we could have a forum where ideas are discussed. As long as he and his trainees like Scott, Thunder and the other PwD are given free reign we will be discussing their love of swordfish with or without gerbils.

i have never been banned.

you make up everything you say. that is why no one cares.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Kat Game profile


Feb 29th 2016, 16:44:10

Scott is not in Heroes.

Kat Game profile


Feb 29th 2016, 16:49:41

But... go ahead and ridicule another member for siding against you as you have already spent a good while name calling with your ridiculous PwD acronym.

Wait... didn't you say it was Ford who does that? Hmm.....

I think there's a word for people who do the things they preach are wrong and against the rules. OH. yes. Hypocrite.

Tissue Vendor


Feb 29th 2016, 17:49:12

archaic Game profile


Feb 29th 2016, 20:47:42

Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Celphi:
Originally posted by Scott:

You talking about the rule where you can't connect via VPN to mask your IP? Irrelevant!

It's not against rules to mask IP using VPN/TOR. In fact., a number of players from overseas cannot play unless they use them, or something similar.

You may want to double check that one. Probably goes hand and hand with intent (watch how logic works).

Player A: Uses VPN because he lives in Iran. He needs to use VPN to play. Probably ok.

Player B: We will call her celphi. She says she is unbannable. Lives in the US. She uses VPN to hide identity because she got banned. Probably against the rules

You keep using those words, TOR and VPN, I'm not sure they mean what you think they mean. If one person is allowed to use them, then everybody can - because, well logic. I've not seen anything in the rules that would prevent me from using TOR, in fact I have used TOR a few times just as a proof of concept to see how hard it would be for me to run multies. It would be pretty easy.

If I gave more of a fluff, and if there were a few thousand more countries where I could hide multies from, I might have even be bothered to try it back when SOF and Laf were oppressing PDM. Now, I can barely be bothered to run one all-x farmer on this server.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Scott Game profile


Mar 1st 2016, 0:50:18

Originally posted by archaic:
Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Celphi:
Originally posted by Scott:

You talking about the rule where you can't connect via VPN to mask your IP? Irrelevant!

It's not against rules to mask IP using VPN/TOR. In fact., a number of players from overseas cannot play unless they use them, or something similar.

You may want to double check that one. Probably goes hand and hand with intent (watch how logic works).

Player A: Uses VPN because he lives in Iran. He needs to use VPN to play. Probably ok.

Player B: We will call her celphi. She says she is unbannable. Lives in the US. She uses VPN to hide identity because she got banned. Probably against the rules

You keep using those words, TOR and VPN, I'm not sure they mean what you think they mean. If one person is allowed to use them, then everybody can - because, well logic. I've not seen anything in the rules that would prevent me from using TOR, in fact I have used TOR a few times just as a proof of concept to see how hard it would be for me to run multies. It would be pretty easy.

If I gave more of a fluff, and if there were a few thousand more countries where I could hide multies from, I might have even be bothered to try it back when SOF and Laf were oppressing PDM. Now, I can barely be bothered to run one all-x farmer on this server.

Did you use your VPN or Tor to circumvent an IP ban? Context, it is a beautiful thing.

Goofy Game profile


Mar 1st 2016, 1:25:17

I would have to agree with the fact that a restart starts with a strat that is similar to the killed original. That would be another reason to not allow posting of spy ops on the forums. Plus it has always been against the rule to post any spy op info on the forums, weather the country was dead or alive.


Celphi Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 1st 2016, 1:32:21

Originally posted by Goofy:
I would have to agree with the fact that a restart starts with a strat that is similar to the killed original. That would be another reason to not allow posting of spy ops on the forums. Plus it has always been against the rule to post any spy op info on the forums, weather the country was dead or alive.


+1 - Solid point

I didn't know you were a Linux user. Or do you use a VM? I hope you're not using it on Windows!
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

mrford Game profile


Mar 1st 2016, 1:47:37

The restart from that country was not harmed from the op. If it even came oop, it died at the hands of the people that posted the op.

It was posted as proof, not to gather help in destruction.

You people have a really hard time with context.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

tellarion Game profile


Mar 4th 2016, 11:10:05

Still a violation.

mrford Game profile


Mar 4th 2016, 12:10:00

And you are still the moderator that destroyed team server.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Link Game profile


Mar 4th 2016, 16:37:04


I Am a meat popsicle.


Marshal Game profile


Mar 4th 2016, 16:37:17

i thought it was red x.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

Link Game profile


Mar 4th 2016, 16:37:49


I Am a meat popsicle.
