
Xelah Game profile


Apr 30th 2010, 16:53:49

I can see how it might be confusing for you guys in SoL that our restarts might be capable of turning this war around and killing you all, seeing how it's been years since you've won a fair fight and all.

I must have been smoking crack when I expected you guys to honor the CF that you made with Rahl. You couldn't grace us with a DoW, why would you stop attacking us 3 days after we're all dead and you said you were done?

I'd just like to offer a toast now:

To the biggest douchebags the game has seen in a long time. *raises his beer*
Death Knights
-*-*- First to get banned from the new forums 04-05-2010 -*-*-


Game Development

Apr 30th 2010, 17:04:05

I don't really want to get much into this sort of discussion.... but I'll try to steer the conversation away from the inflammatory things here and towards something more constructive....

I've started talking with some of the SoL leaders about ways in which we can create an environment where everyone can thrive. I think everyone on both sides realize that these types of wars are just bad for all involved.... major win one set for one side, complete loss the next set, lather, rinse, repeat.

This is something which myself and a few other non-partisan staffers want to initiate, as we feel it's a good time to move forward as we prep to expand the community.

There are a plethora of things that need to be done to make this server successful again, but we need to begin taking those steps together so we can move out of perpetual cycle of having the same wars reset after reset -- regardless of who anyone thinks is to blame.

Edited By: Pangaea on Apr 30th 2010, 17:05:18
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires' Clan & Alliance Hosting

Klown Game profile


Apr 30th 2010, 17:18:03

To the biggest whiner this forum has ever seen. *raises beer*

Xelah Game profile


Apr 30th 2010, 17:22:39

Yeah, meanwhile SoL has violated their CF. I just thought AT should be aware of the level of douchebaggery points SoL has accumulated lately.

Score so far this set:
--FSing two alliances that together are half their size
--Pacting everyone else so the two small alliances cannot get any help from anyone
--Violating a CF on an alliance that's been tag killed for 3 days and never stood a chance to begin with
--Not still attacking EVO, so we can infer that the CF violation is deliberate and not the work of noobs that haven't gotten word that hostilities had ended.

Sons of Liberty
Members: 70
TNW: 313.48M
ANW: 4.48M

The Death Knights
Members: 8
TNW: 2.89M
ANW: 0.36M

Death Knights
-*-*- First to get banned from the new forums 04-05-2010 -*-*-

TAN Game profile


Apr 30th 2010, 17:28:18

PDM is not pacted to SOL, but we're too busy hugging trees to get involved anyways. Besides, if we helped, we'd probably make you guys lose faster. =P

joe2 Game profile


Apr 30th 2010, 17:32:04


AoS Game profile


Apr 30th 2010, 17:34:20

Pang, if you could get the leaders of SoL to leave, I think that would create an awesome environment where everyone can thrive. :D
The dreamer is banished to obscurity.

Ivan Game profile


Apr 30th 2010, 18:04:04

Death Knights got into the war last set on their own accord, not to mention Xelahs posts on this board im not suprised at all that SoL thrashed them, infact if SoL hadnt done so im sure someone else would have

and I dont seem to recall DKnights etc leaving our restarts alone last set so i dont see why theyd give you that respect in return


dktuck Game profile


Apr 30th 2010, 18:38:15

We never promised a cf last set and then continued attacking after the cf was called. I messaged Tir Na SOL (#655) about this and got this back.......

Message from Tir Na SOL (#655) sent on 04/28/2010 23:04:01
Report this message
My orders say Farm at will until the top guys are all out of Vacation --

I will tell you no DK has went on vacation we took the beating and restarted instead of hiding like others have done in the past. If this shows what SOL is really like I am glad I never went with them when EE started because this shows they really don't know how to play the game they just want to BULLY a bunch of other players around.
DKTuck.. Death Knight VP Alliance Server


icq 591055473

Xelah Game profile


Apr 30th 2010, 18:43:50

"Death Knights got into the war last set on their own accord, not to mention Xelahs posts on this board im not suprised at all that SoL thrashed them, "

Correction: Post. Not "posts"
Everything I've said to/about SoL up to this point has been in good fun. Such as composing SoL's war declaration for them. If you can't smell the fluff on that, you need your nose examined. I've posted ONCE about our war with SoL prior to this. Get your facts straight.

"infact if SoL hadnt done so im sure someone else would have"

Hmmm, besides SoL, clans DK has gotten into disagreements with this set....
1) EVO- wouldn't have fought over it without further provocation
2) SoF- is on the fluff list with most of DK's DPs due to your pact breaking last set and we'd probably have to turn people away.

So we've got us a fairly even fight and us being on the winning side of a gangbang. So, who exactly was going to thrash us besides SoL?

"and I dont seem to recall DKnights etc leaving our restarts alone last set so i dont see why theyd give you that respect in return"

Death Knights offered SoL/NS a CF after you were all tag killed. We saw no point in continuing the fighting. You refused, stop crying about your restarts when the fault is your own.
Death Knights
-*-*- First to get banned from the new forums 04-05-2010 -*-*-

Xelah Game profile


Apr 30th 2010, 18:44:56

"you're not actually taking the beating with dignity if you're on here whining about it. "

So you're saying we have no reason to be upset about SoL violating their CF agreement? Get real.
Death Knights
-*-*- First to get banned from the new forums 04-05-2010 -*-*-

Xelah Game profile


Apr 30th 2010, 18:49:26

Seek life elsewhere, troll.
Death Knights
-*-*- First to get banned from the new forums 04-05-2010 -*-*-

Xelah Game profile


Apr 30th 2010, 18:55:23

That doesn't even make sense.
Death Knights
-*-*- First to get banned from the new forums 04-05-2010 -*-*-

Xelah Game profile


Apr 30th 2010, 19:00:27

No, you just need time to learn what cause-effect relationships are. There are always negative comments about anyone, whether that person wants them or not.

President Obama, Adored in Europe, hated on Fox News.
Death Knights
-*-*- First to get banned from the new forums 04-05-2010 -*-*-

mazooka Game profile


Apr 30th 2010, 19:04:22

you two should text each other.

Xelah Game profile


Apr 30th 2010, 19:09:14

No, I'm pretty familiar with getting tag killed after annoying another alliance. I was in imag for 5 years.

And yes, you do need to learn about cause-effect relationships. Such knowledge would help in times like this when you're trying to put together an argument you want anyone to take seriously.
Death Knights
-*-*- First to get banned from the new forums 04-05-2010 -*-*-

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Apr 30th 2010, 19:39:11

Pang has good intentions, but alliances should be held responsible for what they say. I don't see why we should necessarily avoid passionate trash talking. I don't have any direct knowledge of this particular incident though, but I can confirm what Xelah is saying. EVO and Dknights didn't fight as a favor to collab, basically.

Xelah Game profile


Apr 30th 2010, 20:06:50


Have a peek at Collab's contacts page then come back and post again. Pay careful attention to the name just under Hardy

That's a totally official war declaration.... assuming Collab declares war for SoL these days. Just when I thought you wouldn't be able to make me laugh too.
Death Knights
-*-*- First to get banned from the new forums 04-05-2010 -*-*-

joe2 Game profile


Apr 30th 2010, 20:11:21

Confirmed Collab now makes SoL's War decs

Edited By: joe2 on Apr 30th 2010, 20:11:39

Xelah Game profile


Apr 30th 2010, 20:16:40

I knew it!

In retaliation for this, DK is now making all of Rage's war decs, and Rage hereby declares war on LaF. Take that Collab!
Death Knights
-*-*- First to get banned from the new forums 04-05-2010 -*-*-

joe2 Game profile


Apr 30th 2010, 20:27:08

I would retal by declaring war on one of your friends but we all know DK has no friends

Xelah Game profile


Apr 30th 2010, 20:28:19

Yes, once our parents stopped paying people to hang out with us, it was very traumatic.
Death Knights
-*-*- First to get banned from the new forums 04-05-2010 -*-*-

joe2 Game profile


Apr 30th 2010, 20:30:05

at least we can all still have fun with your mom ;)

dktuck Game profile


Apr 30th 2010, 21:38:18

As long as you remember to leave the money at the end of the night I don't care how much fun you have with her.
DKTuck.. Death Knight VP Alliance Server


icq 591055473

Hobo Game profile


Apr 30th 2010, 21:56:38

That is NOT a SOL DoW.



Apr 30th 2010, 22:05:00

Confirmed, Sol is worthless
The Death Knights

Hobo Game profile


Apr 30th 2010, 22:05:21

Based on how it was phrased, yes.

Eric171 Game profile


May 1st 2010, 0:34:18

threads like this makes me feel all warm and fluffy. :S

joe2 Game profile


May 1st 2010, 1:03:18

What Hobo really means is that only I am allowed to post war decs from SoL

Hobo Game profile


May 1st 2010, 3:22:55

heh :P

martian Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

May 1st 2010, 12:26:45

this is the situation where things get dicey.

Alliance 1 and alliance 2 are at war.
alliance 3 decides to hit alliance 1 for whatever the reason (maybe at the request of alliance 2 or maybe just because). Alliance 3 is much smaller than alliance 1.

Reset ends with alliance 1 getting tag killed.

The following set alliance 1 decides to take it out on alliance 3 because alliance 3 decided to participate in their war. Alliance 3 gets upset because alliance 1 is significantly larger than them.

I've seen this scenario played politically multiple times with a whole variety of combinations. Is alliance 1 in the right to hit alliance 3 or not?

When I lead SoF I openly admit we were not consistent in how we dealt with that situation. Sometimes we would wait a couple of sets and then beat the tar out of alliance 3, sometimes we would just let it go. In other cases we would talk to alliance 3 and get some other favor out of them in return.

There is no easy answer to this but I think this situation is clearly different than hitting a smaller tag out of the blue for no reason. You get involved with a tag already at war you have to expect that there are going to be repercussions to you down the line.
you are all special in the eyes of fluff
( ._.) -----)-->
(_(' )(' )


BobbyATA Game profile


May 1st 2010, 12:46:49

I think its more simple martian.

Collab/NA/EVO hate SOL/SOF for making them war every set and being generally dishonest.

SOL/SOF hate Collab/NA/EVO for crushing them in war set after set.

The problem is there is no way for us to stop you from warring us certainly, and given the skill level you guys have exhibited you wouldn't beat our side in a war anytime soon either. So I don't see this situation ending...



May 1st 2010, 13:15:33

Unfortunately Martian your scenario doesnt fit here

Alliance 1 and 2 are at war

Alliance 1 is getting pounded so they call in alliance 3 and 4

Alliance 2 has a small alliance 5 come to there aid and later 6 and 7 join

Next set

Alliance 1 Allie alliance 2 and 6 so they can hit the much smaller alliance of 5 and 7

Now my question is who r the Bigger Douche Bags? Alliance one for trying to get some vengence


Alliance 2 for allowing the people who came to there aid, to get pummeled after they had helped alliance 2?
The Death Knights

Strife Game profile


May 1st 2010, 13:21:02


PraetorNLS Game profile


May 1st 2010, 15:34:04

But DK never asked me for a CF ,so all your points are moot Xelah

i will quote what i told Hellz
"Praetor{NLS} SOL FR ‎(25.04.2010 22:51):
after the originals die we can talk about it, but shouldt be a problem"

Also, if you had contacted me for one, i would have given you one, and like i told Rahl, id even offer to police for you when this was done.

After all this AT bashing from your leadership, im not so sure i want to be nice anymore.

SOL Head of FR

Edited By: PraetorNLS on May 1st 2010, 15:52:13
Praetor - disqualified from the human race for being three laps ahead in the second round.

AoS Game profile


May 1st 2010, 16:42:13

SoL just likes feeling like they can win something. Gotta throw 'em a bone every once in a while. Don't worry guys, you're champs in my book. :)
The dreamer is banished to obscurity.

jagernacht Game profile


May 1st 2010, 22:58:44

AoS speaks da trufe
they call meh juggsy!!!
AIM: juggernautnbk

dktuck Game profile


May 1st 2010, 23:40:00

Well good thing I never plan on netting when I play this game. They can kill me all they want but I will never leave.
DKTuck.. Death Knight VP Alliance Server


icq 591055473



May 2nd 2010, 0:36:33

Praetor I talked to you and Maki both, no need to bring it up cause who cares
The Death Knights

PraetorNLS Game profile


May 2nd 2010, 10:19:05

Your alliance (i see a Pres, a VP and a head of war) is bringing it up, your saying we broke a CF that doest exist.

Xelah`s main point is that we didt honor this "CF"

Please tell me, when did i say that we had a CF ?

I said we could talk about one, but neither of you contacted me (Your head of FA ist even replying me so)
Praetor - disqualified from the human race for being three laps ahead in the second round.

dagga Game profile


May 2nd 2010, 11:48:50

Originally posted by martian:
There is no easy answer to this but I think this situation is clearly different than hitting a smaller tag out of the blue for no reason. You get involved with a tag already at war you have to expect that there are going to be repercussions to you down the line.

Wow, martian's making sense! The moon is made of cheese!

And yes, he's right DK/Evo.. as much as you would like to jump into a war, have your fun and go on your merry way (crowing about whata great warring entity you are, or in Slappits case, that he is the best warchat leader EVAH), your participation means you have to expect to either cut a deal with the alliance you hit or prepare for the consequences. You did neither very well, and you have the gall to come on here and piss and moan for over a week.

Shut up please.

Edited By: dagga on May 2nd 2010, 11:52:52
signatures are stupid.
Months since LaF netgained: 22

Ivan Game profile


May 2nd 2010, 11:49:41

yeah im sure most of your DP's would have stopped netgaining if sof had wanted to trash you Xelah

or not


your skill level must suck if you didnt beat SoL this set then, since we've lost our wars with pretty much the same numbers towards us


warKitty Game profile


May 3rd 2010, 10:41:30

Ivan before you speak check your facts. Kthxbye.
FFA - Death Knights Emperor <br>
Alliance - Death Knights Head of Internal Affairs<br>
[ICQ 317982982 ][ MSN ]

martian Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

May 3rd 2010, 11:41:21

bobby: that's not really it at all but there is no point in rehashing the same arguments over and over.

Edited By: martian on May 3rd 2010, 11:44:39
you are all special in the eyes of fluff
( ._.) -----)-->
(_(' )(' )


Devestation Game profile


May 3rd 2010, 12:11:50

You people did not just compare each other to Obama, did you?

Ivan Game profile


May 3rd 2010, 13:48:01

yeah cause im sure you know more about the facts then I do warkitty, did you get them from Xelah?

Dk rahl or whatshisname should keep his newbies on a shorter leech on AT you guys have enough problem as its without adding more


Eric171 Game profile


May 4th 2010, 20:14:24

Originally posted by Devestation:
You people did not just compare each other to Obama, did you?

maybe they were implying that who trust on them are suckers? :P

Eric171 Game profile


May 4th 2010, 20:14:39

Originally posted by Ivan:

yeah cause im sure you know more about the facts then I do warkitty, did you get them from Xelah?

Dk rahl or whatshisname should keep his newbies on a shorter leech on AT you guys have enough problem as its without adding more


Duh, who would think that the oppressors know why they are oppressing? No one!

Edited By: Eric171 on May 4th 2010, 20:15:20