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I have to keep it simple when I'm dealing with you Heston, you're too dense to understand the level of insults I would use with Marshal or Colo. If I use a bunch of big words, you get all sulky and quit on me. What fun is that?
You can keep it simple and still say something relevant. It must be tough thumbing through liberal talking points and blanket insults to keep it fresh. All thats left for you is hillary coughing fits and pelosi studdering sessions. Maybe you should end all your posts with "In christs name... Amen" to add some validity.
You're a strange little fat person Heston. Its like you have these pre-conceived ideas of what you want someone to be so that it matches the narrative in your head. I spent the weekend with a bunch of oilfield buddies slaughtering doves with one of my many guns, its true that I am a militant atheist, but I have also rep'd for Gary Johnson on these threads repeatedly (I've even written checks for him), but OK whatever - I get that you probably cannot afford to support your politics financially. But hey, uou wear a tinfoil hat and masturbate to pictures of Anne Coulter so anybody that disagrees with you must be a gay communist abortion doctor. Keep making 'Murica great Heston - its very entertaining.
I don't dislike yo because I'm a liberal, I dislike you because you make conservatives look like idiots.