
brujodale Game profile


Mar 10th 2022, 19:27:41

/me lQQks forward to banging him again. better than a clan war. he has the right yes, and I have right to feed karma back.

/me drops drum of haz waste in front of Sui,he bends, then me humps em. gives KOH the LQQK

brujodale Game profile


Mar 8th 2022, 20:11:07

karma may not include deth, maybe.................................................. HIGH fives KOH and Farmer.

brujodale Game profile


Mar 7th 2022, 3:12:40

really fun set

brujodale Game profile


Feb 28th 2022, 23:56:58

had a really fun set, planning on doing the same next set.

brujodale Game profile


Feb 24th 2022, 15:11:19

your good gall, I did not mean you. yes KOH this is now fun! and zack I take back what I said about yah. got in game messages you are back in game and doing good. you were/are the best stone waller I saw in the game.

fly, will continue to bang hungry's arse. plus he helps me catch up to you in total missiles lol.

brujodale Game profile


Feb 21st 2022, 3:20:45

your just like zack a pain in the arse

brujodale Game profile


Feb 21st 2022, 2:57:07

hungry; logic to an imbecile is nonsense. that goes for you volvox and stentors as well.

I love messing with you, master parking lot

brujodale Game profile


Feb 18th 2022, 16:32:49

hope ppl lQQk up the the first two names in my country #371, as they equal hungry

brujodale Game profile


Feb 18th 2022, 16:31:42

was just hoping we could block his ass from playing. guess we cannot ban and isp number from playing?

brujodale Game profile


Feb 17th 2022, 23:04:46

and yeah sui don't get your hopes up, I am the ole hippy in that equation.

brujodale Game profile


Feb 17th 2022, 23:03:28

was tired of coming to play a game and enjoy myself and find myself with an asshat in the server being a fricken pain. yes hungry I am talking about you. waited for him to come oop to nail his ass. can use all the help I can get basically doing ab's to make him a major parking lot.

we have had several other players thru the decades that created a problem. Since the mod's cannot block his isp, or whatever took it in my hands to give him payback it is always a MF. Dont mess with an ole hippy or a black lady lol.

so do ab's missiles, fa me, or whatevers just DO NOT KILL. hey we need a hit do not kill tagger lol
thanks all

brujodale Game profile


Feb 17th 2022, 22:56:01

they do Buch from the messages that doug sent me and my reply's that would be good. we want to rid the server of the anus of the game #371 hungry. appreciate the offer, even tho I am in stones.
to me, it is all about keeping ppl in the game.

brujodale Game profile


Feb 14th 2022, 15:54:43

that part of the game truly sucks

brujodale Game profile


Feb 7th 2022, 2:54:39

hey I spent time in WV berkeley springs and dem waitress's could talk the talk.

yeah Doug we worked long and hard to get this way. this hippi of 74 is still a kid. drops keys in front of sui and then humps him and drooools............./me walks away

brujodale Game profile


Jan 31st 2022, 1:54:41

ok gonna end this post, the train has left the tracks into another realm. gonna start a new threat B cause
i will be leaving HELL tomorrow morn. been here 3 weeks with nothing but going from hospital to hospital, paperwork so much sui could use it for TP. from hospitals, mental ward, suicide ward, released, back in etc. but have his paperwork done and the poa and a new will.
in the mean time we had to start cleaning up his house of hoarders for 4o years. dead animals, fecal, urine, mold was so bad went in first time with covid mask made it 30 seconds, came out and puked. we bought special uber resp masks. we filled up a ten yard dumpster in less than a day, so now there is bit of open space. but will have to order about 12 30 yard dumps to remove all the filth. wifers took pics, not sure how to post them here, maybe a link?
ohhh so glad to be going back home as bro is stabilized for now.
st louis is soooo hell, crap all over, guard rails destroyed, billions of cars it seems.
wanna beat the new storm coming up.
Thanks for all the good thoughts. send me ur email will ship you a sardine pie by parcel post. yeah man it ferments, no sui not like ur ferments those are called WV farts.

brujodale Game profile


Jan 31st 2022, 1:39:30

superfly brother, did not know u were a swinger? wtf. all those chats we had and not once did you send me any pics of you swinging on your kids swings. I know u b a fly but u may be a bit heavy for those swings.

brujodale Game profile


Jan 24th 2022, 3:28:19


brujodale Game profile


Jan 19th 2022, 4:09:58

hi my own line family. well first coming to a large city I was screaming after one hour. the first couple days my brother did not know who I was. he just got out of psych ward of VA and think was doped to the max. filled out all the paperwork to cover is visits to va, then talked with one of his 7 docs to get him admitted to a good hospital. he was living at my daughters apt, kept falling, pulling sink off wall, breaking two tables, etc and still super emotional and a bit suicidal. he wanted to go to his unlivable house to end it all. daughter took his keys, I freaked, my daughter is 53 wtf, lol any humor helps. so got him into hospital they changed all his drugs and took away his knives and 109.7 proof wild turkey booze. but today he knew who I was, so we both started crying tears of joy, both ways. so went over and did his living well, poa to my daughter who lives in this crazy town 15 miles south of st louis.
so lots of paper work, and he was a expert hoarder of 50 years, at his unlivable house. so tomorrow we start on that.

thanks all for your thoughts.

brujodale Game profile


Jan 13th 2022, 1:46:06

well my brother got cross over covid and is in really bad shape. my daughters Bf called and said you better get to st. louis if you want to see your brother alive!!!........ death is something I dont cope with well. so I am now over the shock, crying, and now going down to jump his ass. ok bro, you either do your meds and eat and quit falling and talking suicide, or else you die. we are leaving that up to you. got to find him a va assisted place to live. uggg really sucksk getting old.
Just appreciate those you love each day as it is a gift.

brujodale Game profile


Jan 10th 2022, 15:36:35

what most ppl do not realize that there are more than two sides involved with all that's going on. yes! power and wealth or as I call it the human condition.
We have entities that want America up in arms against each other, so that they can follow through with their dominance.
What a left wing sees on the net is not the same as what the right wing sees.
What controls all this info.....AI ...artificial Intelligence and those who program those AI's.
There are powers to be who want America less of a power. what better way than to stir the American fluff pot.
Personally, I think our problem is that American's if lucky can plan a month or several months ahead. China and those gaining more wealth and power look at things on more of a decades of planning.

When I see someone needs help, I jump and help. I could give a rat's ass (sorry ratski) what party they are, color etc etc.

The Media outlets just stir that s pot all the time. I remember when news was about real news, now its about ratings and flash. I go to pbs or cnc Canadian news to get news on America.

Been into politics since 1955 and I am still shocked at how much politics has Morphed.
now gotta call senator ron from Wisc and tell him no i dont think Fauci over HYPED aids or covid. over 800000 dead. how can you over hype that, especially if you had loved ones who died from both.

yeah I am liberal, old hippy, pothead, community activist, carried olympic torch as a community activist, but I still think its time for grandma to move on..... just saying and thanks Das for your well stated points.
now gotta go and make up some sardine pies. Sui has ordered a dozen, and 3 gallons of farmers organic turkey milk. the toms love it. more humor folks less anger

brujodale Game profile


Jan 10th 2022, 14:55:38

I think we should all do what I do, I message him in game to remind him of what he is:
l00ser :)))

brujodale Game profile


Jan 9th 2022, 2:38:51

grilled, smoked or oven fried is da way to go. sushi well done is good too.

brujodale Game profile


Jan 3rd 2022, 16:24:22

just got this from C Aho a very conservative republican, he had to post this on facebook as he felt it necessary.

Christian Aho
YeuSsthaerdan00y s6o1aftm71f 8:26 Ad9M0 ·
“Science is more than a body of knowledge; it is a way of thinking.
I have a foreboding of an America in my children’s or grandchildren’s time – when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the key manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers arc in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what’s true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness.
The dumbing down of America is most evident in the slow decay of substantive content in the enormously influential media, the 30-second sound bites (now down to 10 seconds or less), lowest common denominator programming, credulous presentations on pseudoscience and superstition, but especially a kind of celebration of ignorance.
Carl Sagan
this was wrote many years ago,

brujodale Game profile


Jan 3rd 2022, 16:10:08

This period of time reminds me of 1830 and the wacked out president jackson. he forced through the Indian removal act, taking all lands from native americans and moving them out for white people. Daniel boone fought against him when he represented Tenn. well nut jackson got the vote thru winning by FOUR votes. then he was not satisfied just beating boone, he had to disgrace him run him out of town. so they slandered boone big time, drunk, womanizer etc etc. so they forced him out of office.
That started the many trails of tears of moving native Americans in winter time. tens of thousands died on the trip. two of my relations escaped around cario Illinois.
Presidents are not always right, so are very wrong.

brujodale Game profile


Jan 3rd 2022, 16:03:43

I would debate but I use logic and warranted premises to reach a valid conclusion. yeah took logic twice and philosophy twice.

and why do you have a problem with left handers???????? wtf.

honestly I have run elections for both parties. we helped whomever was not a crook. things are not clear and definite for people to see..There is sooo much that civs do not get to see, that the gov knows.

I took an oath when I joined the military to protect our country from foreign and domestic threats. jan 6, if I was in that building I would have SHOT and killed anyone who would try to stop the legal transference of power. I tell people if you want to change things get elected. I caucus with the demoncrats, but when we left missouri lol. the governor, congressman fluff gebhardt and the st. louis county exec threw a party. we were leaving and getting out of their hairs. we defeated a good amount of demoncrats from winning elections. the one very conservative republican asked me why help me, you do not agree with anything I stand for. told him Mr. Bivens you are an honest and caring person, your opposition is a cheat, asshat. I believe in states rights, term limits, decrim hemp, removed the ancient electoral college, and have every american when they hit 18 get a SS card and registered to vote. half my friends are of each party. I dont care about politics, I care about the people. I love major and farmer no matter what their political affiliation. toooo much violence, too many covididits and maskholes. being an ex cancer research chemist, you cannot stop a spiked protein unless vac'd. I try to stay a way from politics IN THE GAME but sometimes that does not happen.
so yeah Im a leftist and a rightest. I turned orthodox jewish to see prez Eisenhower in 1960, had a constanat letter writing to barry goldwater, god loved those guys. I voted for mc cain last election. he was a hero, the other two were duds. and yeah im super pissed that not ONE republican stood up against trump when he said mc cain was Not a hero. geesh frick. the guy was tortured for years while trump tried not to get std's big difference.

brujodale Game profile


Dec 29th 2021, 22:47:47

ok this total asshat is fricking with us in all servers. is there any fricken way to ban him. like once we have his isp can he be banned. we come here to play a fricken game, not an total and I do mean total ASSHAT. lets help out the game either ban his ass or just keep him a parking lot.

brujodale Game profile


Dec 27th 2021, 16:30:32

hungry is just an asshat that does not fit into the game. have a good idea who it is. can we get an isp number on him?

brujodale Game profile


Dec 21st 2021, 16:22:58

I agree with KSFR, if we are too b ig to hit him then fa to those who can hit him. make him a parking lot everyday. that should be very depressing for him lol.

brujodale Game profile


Dec 15th 2021, 2:32:43

I spent 2 months on a ventilator, passed out from pain dozens of times. and got over 36 shots in my gut, so it could be worse man. just hang in there. each day brings you closer to finishing it.

brujodale Game profile


Dec 13th 2021, 18:31:53

VOLT!!!! how is fruitland fla these days? you still above water level there???? miss ur ass and the rest of yah. major, angry wolf, other old TIE r still around. its the sardine pies and special veggie brownies that keep me in the game.

was delivering turkey dinners to the poor old ppl up here for little brothers friends of the elderly. my last load up slipped on the ice at the church fell and knocked myself out. woke up looking at my tire wondering why the hell am I looking at my tire. its ok, fell on my head thats what saved me. have had 8/9 concussions.

brujodale Game profile


Dec 13th 2021, 18:27:26

glad ur back. yeah lots of changes in the game.

brujodale Game profile


Dec 13th 2021, 18:26:34

just remember to send fa to your favorite sardine pie maker. glad ur in the game. now we need the other 4000 who left!!! wow arrow wars all over again.................

brujodale Game profile


Dec 13th 2021, 18:25:28

Enjoyed our chats last set. get ur ass better. being sick is for really old ppl, coff, hack.
sending u some medical sardine pies. hope your feeling better soon.

brujodale Game profile


Dec 6th 2021, 16:11:30

well no longer homeless, got hammered with our first blizzard last night. so Im above ground! IM GOOD

brujodale Game profile


Dec 5th 2021, 17:12:46

it's hard work, but well worth it. Invited Drunck to join in.

brujodale Game profile


Dec 1st 2021, 0:45:19

I am hoping that players name does not start with a Z

brujodale Game profile


Nov 29th 2021, 15:05:51

roflmao, wonder what gov type he would run

brujodale Game profile


Nov 28th 2021, 16:48:33

seems we have a multi playing in the alliance server. Can someone check out the isp numbers on all the hungry countries. we need to block this asshat! I have an idea who it is, but not saying any names.

brujodale Game profile


Nov 22nd 2021, 16:24:29

heya mr. ed. hope all is well down in my area in the ozarks. still cannot believe you live about 5 miles up river (south) of our old farm on the piney river. stay well

brujodale Game profile


Nov 15th 2021, 22:55:51

I am back
wow what a strange and weird wild ride of life these last 6 months. being homeless, having to do open carry to cover our asses. living in our truck basically most the day then had a room in a 1905 trolly car garage, it was kewl lol. but now back in to a real house. never realized how much a homeless person has to go thru now a days. so after all that, our last kitty miss gracie could not handle the heat and strain and died. broke my heart. kinda hard to get back into real life and society now. but in a nice house still on the island and on a real high point and just above quincy mine shaft #6. oh yeah.
missed all of yah and our chats.
this new normal is such a strange normal. so much anger when we just all need to help out each other. I called the local food pantry and told them would be glad to deliver food to those who cannot drive but need the food.
missed yah. so setting up a table of sardine pies and michigan special veg brownies..

brujodale Game profile


Sep 3rd 2021, 0:53:47

wtf I am 74 been homeless 4 a month. had another crazed landlord like 18 years ago. had 2 get a ppo against him. he has a long record of assults and battery. wifers and I carried nice open carry pistols for a month. guy threatened my life and that was after I had sent him next months rent and he cashed it! wtf again. I kept him appraised on faciebook since april, again wtf! hoping to be in our new house by next week. we are still on the island going out into lake superior. we are that small island giving the world the finger! will b nice 2 have things we all so take for granted.
looking forward 2 b back in the game humps, drools and sardine pies!! miss u all.

brujodale Game profile


Aug 3rd 2021, 22:46:58

miss the old days also my brother. would love some more arrow wars lol

brujodale Game profile


Aug 3rd 2021, 22:45:33

thanks all, we are in the middle of moving so may have to move into a warehouse to live for a month or so. for those of you who have known me knew about my stalker problem. had to move five times to get away from him now have another stalker.

brujodale Game profile


Jul 26th 2021, 2:59:55

well I am super biz with real life moving, but I keep track of the tech I put up for sale.
I put up 75888 tech in biz and res, and 23 hours later no info no cash no tech. this is not the first time this has happened but wondering what is up. appreciate any help

brujodale Game profile


Jul 20th 2021, 2:24:45

what da.. I was born, no egg 74 years ago, the actual date the aliens crashed in area 51.

hope I Never get any flashbacks they would last forever. and thank goodness for undertaker being the oldest fart in the game.
we are also moving, but staying on the island out in Lake superior. but moving rock... I have moved 160 five gallon buckets of rocks from two to four times and they then need to be moved another two times. the buckets average about 35 to 60 pounds. I can now flex my pecks!!! no Sui no pics sorry.
/me likes everyone in da game. /me hides fly swatter

brujodale Game profile


Jul 13th 2021, 2:03:02

that was a tiny weapon lol

brujodale Game profile


Jul 5th 2021, 16:33:12

well if ur OLD OLD like taker and myself then stones is the place.

brujodale Game profile


Jun 28th 2021, 19:52:11

oh I agree with sui on this gotta get back and do another post.

brujodale Game profile


Jun 21st 2021, 18:20:05

my daughter called to wish me a happy fathers day. I told her I could not be a dad without you. she got a kick out of that.

brujodale Game profile


Jun 15th 2021, 22:43:14
