Active countries: 2470
Currently Logged in: 204
Currently Logged in: 204
Top Players - Artificial Intelligence
Next Reset | 1268th round: May 07, 2023 - May 09, 2023 | Prev Reset |
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation. Players in Red have been destroyed. Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations. Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries. |
Special Codes M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism G=GDI-Member |
There were 50 countries in the Artificial Intelligence server.
Rank | Country | Land | Networth | Special | Clan |
1 | Durmark (#1) | 19,967 | $18,000,927 | R | |
2 | The Muskox (#5) | 19,779 | $16,118,621 | RG | |
3 | Aidan Loban Halmar (#9) | 19,938 | $15,340,665 | R | |
4 | Salty Jacob Coldbane (#10) | 19,713 | $15,088,261 | R | |
5 | Brutal Hurricane (#8) | 19,866 | $15,064,167 | R | |
6 | Shining Tapir (#6) | 19,836 | $14,578,766 | R | |
7 | Elthens Parents (#3) | 19,797 | $13,808,887 | RG | |
8 | The Serpent (#7) | 20,078 | $13,648,269 | R | |
9 | Insane Eldar (#2) | 19,756 | $13,102,992 | R | |
10 | Andonna Markard (#11) | 6221 | $11,500,782 | T | |
11 | Navy Lobster (#4) | 19,936 | $11,115,827 | R | |
12 | Thomas Harker Darkblade (#18) | 5557 | $8,172,304 | D | |
13 | Captain Jack Redbeard (#35) | 18,057 | $7,203,900 | FG | |
14 | Olivia (#46) | 18,046 | $6,761,906 | MG | |
15 | Tholan of the Limbo (#25) | 5898 | $6,474,141 | T | |
16 | Brutus Blackbeard (#14) | 7559 | $6,258,944 | T | |
17 | Zerins Renegades (#13) | 5071 | $5,999,880 | D | |
18 | Marius Van cruel (#36) | 17,605 | $5,985,942 | F | |
19 | BeaverBeaver (#44) | 17,681 | $5,722,373 | M | |
20 | Lynessa Bolrock (#17) | 5878 | $5,529,776 | DG | |
21 | Worthy Rolling Raccoon (#50) | 18,480 | $5,510,675 | M | |
22 | Wooden Harsh Snake (#22) | 5844 | $5,381,107 | HG | |
23 | Synestra (#12) | 5538 | $5,276,789 | H | |
24 | Tempist (#45) | 17,604 | $5,266,430 | M | |
25 | Veldar Darkblade (#38) | 17,717 | $5,248,246 | FG | |
26 | Thirsty Elf (#41) | 17,879 | $5,229,297 | D | |
27 | Fronarixen (#48) | 18,119 | $5,102,715 | DG | |
28 | Quality Disappointed Cloud (#49) | 18,314 | $4,997,221 | M | |
29 | Relboron Maestros (#21) | 5222 | $4,802,797 | D | |
30 | Count Marius Allegheri (#19) | 5898 | $4,440,173 | H | |
31 | Trolls of Pildoor (#24) | 6565 | $4,410,492 | HG | |
32 | Dorans Brutes (#26) | 6603 | $4,360,084 | HG | |
33 | Colthan above the Beasts (#23) | 5171 | $4,117,919 | DG | |
34 | Armadillo Sergent (#39) | 16,966 | $4,067,501 | IG | |
35 | Ancestor of Looladin (#15) | 5121 | $3,960,563 | D | |
36 | Ignacio Icing (#47) | 17,662 | $3,891,905 | MG | |
37 | Dokohan Aldaren (#32) | 9262 | $3,782,171 | C | |
38 | The Gods of Gothar (#16) | 5043 | $3,679,542 | T | |
39 | George Digger (#29) | 8329 | $3,545,751 | CG | |
40 | Aidan Eloon (#27) | 8533 | $3,300,643 | C | |
41 | Bill Blackstroker Darkblood (#28) | 8565 | $3,211,224 | C | |
42 | Doctor Baroness (#37) | 18,077 | $3,210,436 | FG | |
43 | Bryce Hunger (#20) | 5145 | $3,189,274 | T | |
44 | Lady Elenor Harker (#40) | 18,131 | $3,179,336 | FG | |
45 | Shards Survivors (#31) | 7304 | $3,026,966 | C | |
46 | Billy Bloodrayne (#33) | 7255 | $2,918,480 | CG | |
47 | Nocturnal Backpack (#30) | 7692 | $2,288,089 | I | |
48 | The Guardians from Modric (#34) | 5864 | $1,973,920 | C | |
49 | Zak Ethelred (#42) | 18,175 | $1,675,962 | T | |
50 | Lord Etar Crawhawk (#43) | 18,528 | $1,600,719 | TG |