Active countries: 2403
Currently Logged in: 205
Currently Logged in: 205
Top Players - Artificial Intelligence
Next Reset | 1276th round: May 23, 2023 - May 25, 2023 | Prev Reset |
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation. Players in Red have been destroyed. Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations. Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries. |
Special Codes M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism G=GDI-Member |
There were 50 countries in the Artificial Intelligence server.
Rank | Country | Land | Networth | Special | Clan |
1 | Captain Nathan Digger (#6) | 19,891 | $14,015,975 | R | |
2 | Gutsy Iron (#8) | 19,913 | $12,924,053 | R | |
3 | Fayenia Yerpal (#12) | 5260 | $12,642,499 | D | |
4 | Kildiz Evil (#3) | 19,921 | $11,520,691 | RG | |
5 | Ariannona Iroldak Atgur (#5) | 19,947 | $11,398,666 | RG | |
6 | The Sphinx from Ylzik (#10) | 19,864 | $10,648,152 | R | |
7 | The Doe (#9) | 20,098 | $9,182,876 | R | |
8 | De Belleville Jack Stoker (#7) | 19,911 | $9,151,267 | R | |
9 | Shards Monsters (#4) | 19,924 | $8,643,403 | R | |
10 | Simon Blackstroker Scully (#20) | 5968 | $8,530,184 | D | |
11 | Melancholia Bloodrayne (#1) | 17,409 | $7,951,717 | I | |
12 | Sildo Ladok (#11) | 6094 | $7,417,548 | H | |
13 | The Gods of Nythil (#43) | 18,979 | $7,212,119 | RG | |
14 | Straw Cat (#49) | 17,884 | $7,067,863 | M | |
15 | Midiga Espardo Bredin (#46) | 18,194 | $6,330,856 | MG | |
16 | The Loons from Riandur (#41) | 20,168 | $6,325,584 | R | |
17 | Solid Subdivision (#25) | 6353 | $6,167,724 | T | |
18 | Penduhl Mujardin (#47) | 17,967 | $6,005,977 | CG | |
19 | Idona (#37) | 17,038 | $6,001,735 | IG | |
20 | Dorn Slavik (#13) | 6606 | $5,999,676 | H | |
21 | Damion Dangeir (#36) | 19,754 | $5,972,454 | R | |
22 | Conquerors from Exz (#42) | 17,660 | $5,874,221 | M | |
23 | Gully Thomas Grimbeard (#38) | 16,305 | $5,833,846 | FG | |
24 | Count Vigoth Reborn (#2) | 17,392 | $5,525,980 | I | |
25 | Dormouse Baroness (#48) | 18,312 | $5,420,903 | MG | |
26 | Comtesse Despair Lana (#18) | 5116 | $5,233,682 | H | |
27 | Waneramerdon (#44) | 18,045 | $5,075,846 | M | |
28 | Bleeding Strong Breeze (#17) | 5328 | $5,066,991 | HG | |
29 | Redbeard Jack Ravenblack (#35) | 17,970 | $5,065,912 | FG | |
30 | The Hordes of Daigorn (#15) | 5835 | $4,820,928 | D | |
31 | Serane Erik Cyton (#33) | 9612 | $4,631,000 | CG | |
32 | Venessa Zotar (#16) | 5276 | $4,618,515 | D | |
33 | Cevelteldor (#26) | 5219 | $4,597,054 | HG | |
34 | Navy Queen (#50) | 18,351 | $4,536,981 | M | |
35 | Bohls Overlords (#21) | 5424 | $4,454,918 | D | |
36 | Iris Eternal (#19) | 5616 | $4,261,090 | H | |
37 | James Klek Scarlet (#14) | 5596 | $4,198,832 | T | |
38 | Elbanetouck (#39) | 18,231 | $4,047,244 | FG | |
39 | Safizes Rebels (#45) | 18,516 | $3,957,630 | M | |
40 | Coldbane Roger Davis (#27) | 10,017 | $3,817,311 | C | |
41 | Maria Gull Black (#24) | 5302 | $3,811,432 | DG | |
42 | Jacob Fargloom Coldbane (#34) | 8302 | $3,721,550 | C | |
43 | Frodakazuth (#28) | 8766 | $3,590,089 | C | |
44 | Doll Duck (#31) | 8405 | $3,447,740 | C | |
45 | Eritai Beeron (#30) | 8799 | $3,172,169 | C | |
46 | Rebel Anaconda (#23) | 4875 | $3,087,845 | TG | |
47 | Stoker Johnny Darkblade (#32) | 7954 | $2,758,752 | I | |
48 | Moonlight Raphael (#22) | 5052 | $2,685,864 | HG | |
49 | The Ancestor of Dask (#40) | 15,699 | $2,490,719 | FG | |
50 | Nelenaoxpar (#29) | 7399 | $1,901,438 | IG |