Active countries: 2458
Currently Logged in: 203
Currently Logged in: 203
Top Players - Artificial Intelligence
Next Reset | 1281st round: Jun 02, 2023 - Jun 03, 2023 | Prev Reset |
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation. Players in Red have been destroyed. Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations. Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries. |
Special Codes M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism G=GDI-Member |
There were 50 countries in the Artificial Intelligence server.
Rank | Country | Land | Networth | Special | Clan |
1 | Shardo Zio (#5) | 19,925 | $16,787,539 | RG | |
2 | Hearty Colt (#2) | 19,801 | $12,575,410 | R | |
3 | MuskoxMuskox (#8) | 19,802 | $11,687,367 | R | |
4 | Ada Riandur (#9) | 19,778 | $11,289,942 | R | |
5 | Dommekoe Vildher (#4) | 19,900 | $10,436,875 | R | |
6 | Eldor (#21) | 5094 | $10,075,826 | D | |
7 | El Phantom (#3) | 20,031 | $9,687,250 | RG | |
8 | Warriors of Puthor (#6) | 19,594 | $9,594,225 | R | |
9 | Sevestra (#1) | 19,854 | $9,590,052 | R | |
10 | Pildoor (#11) | 6317 | $9,076,529 | T | |
11 | Rysdan Fiends (#7) | 19,811 | $9,017,122 | R | |
12 | The Sons from Atmas (#10) | 19,941 | $8,897,410 | R | |
13 | Restless Hammer (#39) | 17,613 | $7,811,105 | FG | |
14 | Nimayagom (#22) | 6607 | $7,472,133 | HG | |
15 | Princess Furious Ophelia (#36) | 19,655 | $6,629,271 | R | |
16 | Dog Pointless (#26) | 5643 | $6,403,360 | DG | |
17 | Luna Drak (#48) | 17,799 | $6,240,028 | MG | |
18 | Captain Grace Hawkins (#42) | 17,714 | $5,983,649 | M | |
19 | Zak Morbid (#49) | 17,570 | $5,796,574 | M | |
20 | Python Morbid (#37) | 19,905 | $5,452,695 | RG | |
21 | Philadona Lalfar (#41) | 17,607 | $5,436,792 | F | |
22 | Kylrad Wider Uerthe (#46) | 17,858 | $5,380,574 | MG | |
23 | Elastic Fever (#44) | 18,043 | $5,147,372 | M | |
24 | Xandar Kilden Durmark (#31) | 10,592 | $5,107,794 | C | |
25 | Vectomon Yesirn Raydan (#12) | 7073 | $5,075,381 | H | |
26 | Prince Stray Titan (#45) | 18,045 | $4,986,297 | M | |
27 | Ayne Gustov Kaldar (#50) | 17,707 | $4,918,458 | M | |
28 | The Sinners of Vigoth (#23) | 5363 | $4,786,335 | DG | |
29 | Sethgryni (#19) | 5755 | $4,761,059 | D | |
30 | Shelley Lana Hawkins (#43) | 17,342 | $4,711,462 | MG | |
31 | Rosa Blacksmith (#17) | 5226 | $4,654,432 | DG | |
32 | Prince Damien Barbaric (#16) | 5066 | $4,523,797 | H | |
33 | Yerpals Creators (#20) | 6502 | $4,437,241 | T | |
34 | Qtis (#18) | 5126 | $4,381,874 | T | |
35 | Fayenia above the Warriors (#14) | 6657 | $4,300,195 | H | |
36 | Zecele Demon (#33) | 9873 | $4,194,828 | CG | |
37 | Walker Silverblade Gully (#15) | 5023 | $4,152,749 | D | |
38 | Nymia Lox (#13) | 5682 | $4,050,728 | T | |
39 | Vildher (#27) | 9338 | $3,924,268 | C | |
40 | Viper Bad (#38) | 17,350 | $3,921,698 | IG | |
41 | Balbaars Fighters (#24) | 5248 | $3,847,154 | DG | |
42 | Permanent Gravel (#29) | 9253 | $3,703,395 | CG | |
43 | Donkey Silly (#35) | 20,083 | $3,518,617 | RG | |
44 | Miss Hyena (#25) | 5281 | $3,425,430 | D | |
45 | Peter Hawkins Dreadbeard (#28) | 7995 | $3,350,908 | C | |
46 | Gully Peter Darkblood (#34) | 8730 | $3,307,076 | C | |
47 | Airis Protector (#32) | 8790 | $3,215,568 | C | |
48 | Dusaro (#30) | 8272 | $3,153,089 | C | |
49 | Rhinestone Scarlet (#47) | 17,744 | $1,910,765 | TG | |
50 | Outstanding Frozen Boomerang (#40) | 17,242 | $1,746,964 | FG |