Aug 24 - Oct 22
Oct 2 - Oct 6
Sep 12 - Nov 10
Sep 2 - Sep 30
Active countries: 3332
Currently Logged in: 198

Top Players - Artificial Intelligence

Next Reset 1285th round: Jun 10, 2023 - Jun 12, 2023 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 50 countries in the Artificial Intelligence server.

1 Viieli (#2) 19,735$15,724,771 R  
2 Vethelotcos (#23) 5204$13,542,816 HG  
3 Olivia Darkboon (#4) 19,757$13,301,257 R  
4 Hungry Moose (#5) 19,545$11,628,621 RG  
5 Sevestra (#9) 19,858$10,786,483 R  
6 Silpaz Grimmel (#7) 19,862$10,604,704 R  
7 Fast Boy (#10) 19,906$9,971,421 R  
8 Adiannonmeridan (#1) 19,928$9,850,533 R  
9 Teressairoldak (#3) 19,831$9,841,735 RG  
10 Salty John Darkblood (#8) 19,703$9,540,314 R  
11 Early Cloudy Toupee (#11) 5660$8,811,989 D  
12 Count Bryce Von elfstein (#6) 19,612$8,376,931 R  
13 Galin (#44) 18,237$7,853,218 H  
14 Vital Mutant (#43) 17,793$7,040,776 MG  
15 Tumbler Running (#38) 17,855$6,633,262 FG  
16 Blackstroker Peter Silverblade (#45) 19,138$6,567,556 R  
17 Mathars Falcons (#47) 17,633$6,322,708 MG  
18 Brutal Swush (#42) 17,165$6,189,896 M  
19 Maria Gull (#14) 6596$6,008,521 T  
20 Bloodrayne Jacob Blackbeard (#37) 19,832$5,905,209 RG  
21 Mujardins Ogres (#49) 18,230$5,616,945 M  
22 Sad Brave Swush (#46) 16,850$5,420,743 IG  
23 Fayne (#16) 5998$5,331,144 H  
24 Vildhers Rebels (#36) 19,896$5,259,800 R  
25 Proton Disappointed (#21) 5111$5,025,194 T  
26 Survivors of Xandread (#25) 5049$4,870,805 D  
27 Intense Panther (#13) 5878$4,740,949 H  
28 Seagull Johnny Silverblade (#33) 9337$4,483,357 CG  
29 The Pinkie (#35) 17,178$4,478,320 FG  
30 Salty Margaret Sangre (#20) 5255$4,439,361 D  
31 Rosa Crawhawk (#22) 5733$4,416,230 DG  
32 Thea Uerthe (#17) 5657$4,398,771 TG  
33 Neowalds Wolves (#26) 5298$4,378,598 DG  
34 The Beasts of Ibfist (#19) 5287$4,241,518 D  
35 Laela Weshin (#18) 5844$4,133,024 T  
36 Orange Venus (#15) 6311$4,084,501 H  
37 Bredockibfist (#24) 5067$3,981,474 DG  
38 Tusdar (#32) 8145$3,543,804 C  
39 The Creatures of Irmeli (#29) 9347$3,510,511 CG  
40 Sergeant Bird (#40) 17,043$3,450,750 FG  
41 Grimbeard Walker Black (#41) 17,825$3,410,503 F  
42 Helvetica Vildher Lox (#48) 17,968$3,323,077 MG  
43 Princess Dreaded Lillith (#31) 10,754$3,288,161 C  
44 Hecton Egmardern (#50) 17,768$3,275,541 M  
45 Dana Harker (#39) 17,726$3,164,005 FG  
46 Sliding Official Neutron (#27) 7431$2,904,270 C  
47 Disco Darling (#12) 5029$2,843,521 H  
48 Nilex Mylo (#30) 7983$2,838,021 C  
49 George Ravenblack (#34) 8805$2,352,679 C  
50 Reindeer Bad (#28) 5619$1,529,498 C  

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