Aug 24 - Oct 22
Oct 2 - Oct 6
Sep 12 - Nov 10
Sep 2 - Sep 30
Active countries: 3317
Currently Logged in: 199

Top Players - Artificial Intelligence

Next Reset 1294th round: Jun 28, 2023 - Jun 30, 2023 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 50 countries in the Artificial Intelligence server.

1 Ravenbeard Charlotte Shelley (#4) 19,580$17,448,773 R  
2 Penduhlkimdar (#3) 19,897$17,242,647 RG  
3 Daemons from Bydern (#7) 19,611$11,139,486 R  
4 Homeless Stud (#6) 19,864$10,932,048 R  
5 Ivory Sound (#5) 17,338$10,803,666 IG  
6 Daburn Darkmoon (#1) 19,981$10,624,799 R  
7 The Spirits of Eli (#2) 19,762$10,339,175 R  
8 Der Child (#9) 19,843$9,678,431 R  
9 Captain Jack Darkblade (#10) 19,796$9,214,794 R  
10 Synestra Soderman Mitar (#8) 17,362$9,041,273 I  
11 Touck Zotar Gehardt (#11) 6224$8,075,218 H  
12 Ysanelurd (#35) 17,980$7,349,291 FG  
13 Harker Nathan Scully (#44) 16,942$7,181,371 M  
14 Navy Polarbear (#49) 17,723$6,546,465 M  
15 Maria Hawkins (#43) 17,021$6,162,719 MG  
16 Thomas Silverbeard Seagull (#47) 17,323$6,145,541 MG  
17 Grimbeard Jack Dreadbeard (#40) 19,721$6,079,078 RG  
18 Philadona Mylo Qupar (#50) 17,681$5,988,578 M  
19 The Brutes of Slogum (#46) 18,186$5,889,692 MG  
20 The Villains of Veulix (#39) 19,678$5,751,845 RG  
21 Frida Shelley (#14) 5552$5,582,973 H  
22 Yerpal Gods (#23) 5279$5,558,257 HG  
23 Blackman James Digger (#45) 17,971$5,503,185 M  
24 Tiboltkilbas (#41) 19,700$5,448,633 R  
25 Prince Viktor Grimryder (#21) 5456$5,315,082 H  
26 Dismer Nephilim (#38) 17,986$5,144,803 DG  
27 Pure Sergeant Kitten (#17) 6099$5,075,476 HG  
28 Captain Sally Hawkins (#42) 17,455$5,069,989 M  
29 Skilled Eagle (#19) 5495$5,030,214 H  
30 Redblade Johnny Harker (#15) 5373$5,002,350 H  
31 Meldin (#25) 5870$4,959,640 H  
32 Lena Fargloom (#48) 17,595$4,766,835 MG  
33 Jack Dreadbeard De Belleville (#16) 6599$4,729,696 H  
34 Fierce Rubber (#37) 19,248$4,685,165 RG  
35 Disappointed Skilled Helium (#22) 5284$4,418,703 HG  
36 Albrecht Hawkings (#31) 10,162$4,345,105 C  
37 Yodelers Freaky (#12) 5529$4,225,873 D  
38 James Seagull White (#30) 9439$4,157,679 C  
39 Wooden Pure Cobra (#20) 5409$4,130,320 D  
40 Kiddo Rotten Sapphire (#18) 5087$4,080,530 H  
41 Wathmon Beasts (#24) 5658$4,008,920 HG  
42 Latzaf Angels (#26) 5073$3,820,234 HG  
43 Gutsy Stony Stud (#13) 5363$3,693,938 T  
44 Latzaf (#27) 9292$3,544,981 C  
45 Niktohal of the Hordes (#33) 9662$3,381,231 CG  
46 Updars Ancestor (#29) 8075$3,367,884 CG  
47 Shelley Steve Blackstroker (#34) 8396$3,193,047 C  
48 Zathe (#36) 18,094$3,172,983 F  
49 Bitter Autopsy (#28) 8106$2,852,101 C  
50 Helpless Goldbeast (#32) 8612$2,834,805 C  

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