Active countries: 2461
Currently Logged in: 201
Currently Logged in: 201
Top Players - Artificial Intelligence
Next Reset | 1308th round: Jul 26, 2023 - Jul 27, 2023 | Prev Reset |
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation. Players in Red have been destroyed. Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations. Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries. |
Special Codes M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism G=GDI-Member |
There were 50 countries in the Artificial Intelligence server.
Rank | Country | Land | Networth | Special | Clan |
1 | Der Fox (#1) | 19,939 | $15,114,914 | R | |
2 | Lady Zama Visigoth (#2) | 19,859 | $13,989,173 | R | |
3 | The Brutes of Ackmard (#3) | 19,843 | $11,433,106 | RG | |
4 | Dakamon Bredock (#5) | 19,653 | $9,764,168 | RG | |
5 | Gustov Children (#7) | 19,609 | $9,731,323 | R | |
6 | Witfar Elbane (#9) | 19,883 | $9,496,645 | R | |
7 | The Rebels of Safize (#10) | 19,808 | $9,288,368 | R | |
8 | Ledal (#8) | 19,658 | $9,118,764 | R | |
9 | Unique Storm (#6) | 19,680 | $8,493,149 | R | |
10 | Kildiz Garlic (#11) | 5838 | $8,318,028 | H | |
11 | Fierce Longitude (#38) | 19,751 | $7,379,307 | RG | |
12 | Vladimir Silver (#4) | 17,623 | $6,753,303 | I | |
13 | Phalloz (#42) | 17,251 | $6,554,785 | M | |
14 | Olivia (#39) | 19,747 | $6,175,725 | RG | |
15 | Kildiz Vanislav (#25) | 5967 | $6,154,487 | D | |
16 | Knights from Silpal (#43) | 18,328 | $5,814,313 | HG | |
17 | Aurora Thanatos (#36) | 16,720 | $5,557,841 | F | |
18 | Touckuhrd (#45) | 18,421 | $5,549,325 | H | |
19 | Adel Visigoth (#16) | 5748 | $5,276,574 | D | |
20 | Alexander Morganthe (#50) | 18,313 | $5,229,484 | M | |
21 | Bad Pet (#48) | 17,952 | $5,217,426 | HG | |
22 | Strong Test (#47) | 17,719 | $5,205,638 | MG | |
23 | Dwarfs from Latzaf (#14) | 5082 | $4,948,096 | D | |
24 | Silver Foot (#40) | 19,813 | $4,882,643 | RG | |
25 | Otter Yellow (#44) | 17,272 | $4,749,880 | M | |
26 | Toucks Protector (#18) | 5059 | $4,687,533 | D | |
27 | Thomas Moonship Scarlet (#46) | 19,948 | $4,654,084 | RG | |
28 | Airis (#35) | 17,838 | $4,578,645 | FG | |
29 | Brynhilde (#37) | 18,164 | $4,574,899 | FG | |
30 | Fargloom Joe Silverblade (#28) | 9965 | $4,495,446 | C | |
31 | Devilish Palid (#22) | 5387 | $4,427,135 | HG | |
32 | Count Nathaniel Ravenryder (#49) | 17,557 | $4,393,914 | M | |
33 | Intense Toothbrush (#20) | 5345 | $4,247,890 | D | |
34 | Modric Creators (#17) | 6863 | $4,155,837 | TG | |
35 | Friends from Erik (#31) | 9985 | $4,154,228 | C | |
36 | Lady Devil Marcia (#34) | 9856 | $4,124,340 | C | |
37 | Alligator Meaty (#21) | 5778 | $4,122,375 | H | |
38 | Elmut Vi (#30) | 9677 | $4,112,946 | C | |
39 | Meldin Badek Randar (#26) | 6191 | $4,060,232 | HG | |
40 | Princess Silver Elenor (#12) | 5408 | $4,055,180 | T | |
41 | Eager Trustee (#13) | 5564 | $3,976,256 | H | |
42 | Warmage Achard (#15) | 5342 | $3,951,296 | H | |
43 | Prince Etar Bloody (#23) | 5034 | $3,938,907 | DG | |
44 | Peitar Firdorn (#24) | 5043 | $3,617,808 | DG | |
45 | Grimbeard Simon Darkblade (#27) | 9291 | $3,057,855 | C | |
46 | Tomara Pendus Eldor (#32) | 8687 | $3,013,954 | C | |
47 | Sangre Carolina Crawhawk (#19) | 4647 | $3,003,803 | H | |
48 | Sabalzs Beasts (#29) | 7264 | $2,570,564 | CG | |
49 | Captain Katja Hawkins (#41) | 17,901 | $2,444,403 | F | |
50 | Raccoon Tiny (#33) | 7945 | $2,242,210 | IG |