Aug 24 - Oct 22
Oct 2 - Oct 6
Sep 12 - Nov 10
Sep 2 - Sep 30
Active countries: 3394
Currently Logged in: 206

Top Players - Artificial Intelligence

Next Reset 1311th round: Aug 01, 2023 - Aug 03, 2023 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 50 countries in the Artificial Intelligence server.

1 Idona Barbaric (#2) 19,820$19,055,187 R  
2 Ladoks Riders (#9) 19,706$11,694,394 R  
3 Bill Silverblade Bloodrayne (#8) 19,757$11,655,794 R  
4 Firdorn Elthen (#3) 19,566$11,442,108 RG  
5 Billy Sangre (#1) 19,712$10,048,246 R  
6 Deathmar Tristan (#4) 17,430$9,618,996 I  
7 Metaphor New (#5) 19,876$9,297,385 RG  
8 Spacy Indigo Grizzly (#10) 19,728$9,207,157 R  
9 Errinaya Justahl (#13) 5179$8,494,523 H  
10 Updar Drit (#11) 5182$8,396,668 D  
11 Scully Brutus Digger (#6) 17,479$8,347,202 I  
12 Gothorniro (#7) 19,765$8,265,815 R  
13 El Wildcat (#44) 17,532$6,799,205 M  
14 Tessa Ravenblack Bloodrayne (#46) 18,695$6,715,850 HG  
15 Husky Heart (#36) 17,475$6,602,081 I  
16 Shadow Prince (#41) 18,211$6,545,700 F  
17 Captain Stud (#50) 17,598$5,919,743 M  
18 Sad Weeknight (#43) 17,668$5,716,918 MG  
19 Johnny Wormwood (#40) 18,808$5,635,828 RG  
20 Steep Doorstop (#19) 5541$5,392,054 H  
21 Risky Steel (#22) 5169$5,299,201 HG  
22 Silver Gamma (#42) 18,079$5,246,875 M  
23 Bloody Ruby Seagull (#14) 5059$5,091,159 D  
24 Ruthless Doran (#25) 5487$5,069,907 D  
25 Crawhawk Johnny White (#15) 5472$5,017,865 H  
26 Realkoyosadaron (#27) 9673$4,979,938 C  
27 Empty Doorstop (#37) 18,103$4,885,025 FG  
28 Zander Slavik (#16) 5964$4,672,489 T  
29 Brana Darkboon (#29) 9571$4,543,322 CG  
30 Pendus Suktar (#24) 5545$4,510,884 HG  
31 Dirty Plutonium (#26) 5308$4,374,390 HG  
32 Midiga Rythen (#23) 5126$4,347,984 HG  
33 Ursula Puthor (#49) 18,089$4,337,261 M  
34 Vilder Dementoio (#21) 5218$4,286,739 D  
35 Carolina Gully Davis (#18) 5555$4,243,753 T  
36 Zoucka (#12) 5023$4,104,651 H  
37 Sir Otter (#31) 9804$4,100,146 C  
38 Arrynetar (#38) 17,888$4,081,943 FG  
39 The Angels of Suktar (#28) 9121$4,042,080 C  
40 Bredockcyton (#20) 5812$3,904,441 T  
41 Voltain (#17) 5095$3,829,337 DG  
42 Chinchilla Dreaded (#33) 8616$3,279,602 CG  
43 Teslanarrikar (#34) 8885$3,193,341 C  
44 Alien Street (#35) 19,860$2,949,844 RG  
45 Cevelt Hecton (#32) 7620$2,700,631 C  
46 Captain Francois Darkmoon (#39) 18,314$2,462,879 FG  
47 Lich (#47) 18,247$2,401,053 MG  
48 Kafar (#30) 8698$2,384,553 I  
49 Maroon Dreadful Antique (#48) 18,444$2,102,442 MG  
50 Narisa Enro (#45) 18,072$1,903,456 T  

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