Aug 24 - Oct 22
Oct 2 - Oct 6
Sep 12 - Nov 10
Sep 2 - Sep 30
Active countries: 3414
Currently Logged in: 208

Top Players - Artificial Intelligence

Next Reset 1327th round: Sep 02, 2023 - Sep 04, 2023 Prev Reset
Jump to Current Reset

Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 50 countries in the Artificial Intelligence server.

1 Kdensejes Trolls (#7) 4917$323,441 R  
2 Meldin Oceloth Idon (#2) 4396$284,724 R  
3 Discarded Warehouse (#3) 4287$281,251 RG  
4 Silvergrim Jack Moonship (#4) 4079$267,350 R  
5 Lahorn (#9) 3815$251,585 R  
6 Cult Sir Salamander (#5) 3856$249,746 RG  
7 Parthinia Espardo Greste (#6) 3829$247,774 R  
8 Fargloom Francois Coldbane (#8) 3772$246,288 R  
9 Illia (#1) 3503$231,856 R  
10 Lahorn Loons (#10) 3294$213,141 R  
11 Doktor Nastly (#32) 100$4717 M  
12 Count Nicholas Hunger (#33) 100$4717 M  
13 Ariel Nastly (#34) 100$4717 M  
14 Bydern (#35) 100$4717 M  
15 Daimons out of Vacon (#36) 100$4717 M  
16 Elthen Cibrock Idon (#37) 100$4717 M  
17 Wombat Dancing (#38) 100$4717 M  
18 Pet Hurricane (#39) 100$4717 M  
19 Elastic Gravy (#40) 100$4717 M  
20 Bydern (#41) 100$4717 M  
21 Coldbane Jane Moonship (#42) 100$4717 M  
22 Elson Neowald (#50) 100$4717 M  
23 Captain Unique Prince (#49) 100$4717 M  
24 Lord Kildaz Dybbuk (#48) 100$4717 M  
25 Creatures of Tusdar (#47) 100$4717 M  
26 Magenta Cat (#46) 100$4717 M  
27 Ariannona Cardon (#45) 100$4717 M  
28 Ariannona Wathmon (#44) 100$4717 M  
29 The Parents of Quid (#43) 100$4717 M  
30 The Savages of Madon (#31) 100$4717 M  
31 Elvar (#30) 100$4717 M  
32 Peter Black Darkmoon (#19) 100$4717 M  
33 Sunshine Tasty (#18) 100$4717 M  
34 Temil Tusdar (#17) 100$4717 M  
35 Moonship Joe Blackman (#16) 100$4717 M  
36 Roger Bloodrayne (#15) 100$4717 M  
37 Salty Johnny Black (#14) 100$4717 M  
38 Sildo (#13) 100$4717 M  
39 Dusaro Light (#12) 100$4717 M  
40 Essential Rhinestone (#20) 100$4717 M  
41 Lilith Ravencrypt (#21) 100$4717 M  
42 Elenor Ruthless (#29) 100$4717 M  
43 The Sapphire (#28) 100$4717 M  
44 Kildar (#27) 100$4717 M  
45 Helmon (#26) 100$4717 M  
46 Uhmar Draghone (#25) 100$4717 M  
47 Small Hook (#24) 100$4717 M  
48 Venessatesio (#23) 100$4717 M  
49 Stoker John Fargloom (#22) 100$4717 M  
50 Gruesome Crayon (#11) 100$4717 M  

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