Aug 24 - Oct 22
Oct 2 - Oct 6
Sep 12 - Nov 10
Oct 2 - Oct 30
Active countries: 3531
Currently Logged in: 196

Top Players - Artificial Intelligence

Next Reset 142nd round: Mar 14, 2015 - Mar 16, 2015 Prev Reset
Jump to Current Reset

Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 29 countries in the Artificial Intelligence server.

1 VillainVillain (#13)  Game profile 19,228$18,088,029 R  
2 Saints of Johno (#18)  Game profile 19,658$13,270,219 R  
3 The Ogres from Yakkityyak (#22)  Game profile 9367$10,648,819 T  
4 Hungry Liquid Hippopotamus (#7)  Game profile 8154$10,478,351 H  
5 Maximum Student (#8)  Game profile 18,833$9,717,684 R  
6 Digger John Bloodrayne (#23)  Game profile 16,981$8,720,301 I  
7 Dak (#26)  Game profile 15,669$4,093,441 R  
8 Bolrockkeran (#15)  Game profile 14,066$3,616,704 H  
9 Olivia Insane (#17)  Game profile 14,976$3,267,341 T  
10 Demons of Gundir (#2)  Game profile 15,387$3,183,919 T  
11 DoeDoe (#12)  Game profile 15,759$3,108,869 T  
12 Amerdan (#16)  Game profile 7230$2,457,909 F  
13 Yard Dusty (#28)  Game profile 8745$1,902,603 R  
14 Railroad Lucky (#10)  Game profile 7070$1,676,888 R  
15 Aurora Barbaric (#11)  Game profile 10,456$1,645,710 F  
16 Sergent Lady Doggy (#1)  Game profile 7216$1,515,763 F  
17 Frozen Sun (#20)  Game profile 6380$1,463,231 R  
18 Captain Peter Harker (#27)  Game profile 8475$1,185,536 T  
19 Aslan Ogres (#21)  Game profile 6605$1,082,968 F  
20 Irana Stoker (#6)  Game profile 6078$1,016,354 F  
21 Greste Vinkol (#5)  Game profile 4461$983,389 M  
22 Eagles of Tiamath (#24)  Game profile 9645$842,424 C  
23 Grimbeard Donna Bloodrayne (#4)  Game profile 7032$591,480 C  
24 Palpur (#14)  Game profile 6444$543,693 C  
25 Pendus Cainon (#25)  Game profile 2172$443,702 F  
26 Rikar Jihb (#9)  Game profile 5044$430,944 C  
27 Fenrirrs Fighters (#29)  Game profile 3891$347,782 C  
28 Sathe (#19)  Game profile 3799$321,115 C  
29 Fearlockweshin (#30)  Game profile 1594$246,091 M  

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