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Currently Logged in: 199

Top Players - Artificial Intelligence

Current round: Sep 28, 2024 - N/A Prev Reset

Scores & Ranks are updated every 5 minutes.
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There are currently 100 countries in the Artificial Intelligence server.

1 T UgoFTW Lost Fairy (#67) 1157$198,065 C  
2 C Riders of Bedic (#34) 1526$150,643 D  
3 T UgoFTW Daigorns Lords (#63) 1295$129,704 H  
4 O Hook Full (#23) 1411$129,045 H  
5 O Pink Eyelid (#39) 1458$126,746 H  
6 T UgoFTW Relboron Tibolt (#66) 783$126,260 C  
7 F Naphazw (#37) 1324$121,725 D  
8 T UgoFTW Colthan Lahorn (#65) 826$114,458 C  
9 T Darpick Zestor (#12) 1127$104,387 D  
10 T UgoFTW Tidy Windshield (#64) 787$101,824 C  
11 T Bitter Tasty Flea (#31) 1246$100,398 D  
12 T Mafur Lackus (#15) 1057$88,142 T  
13 T UgoFTW The Sinners of Galin (#56) 992$82,418 DG  
14 T UgoFTW Carelenegelan (#58) 968$82,271 H  
15 T UgoFTW Lords of Chamon (#60) 932$80,044 HG  
16 T UgoFTW Tusdar (#59) 932$79,417 H  
17 T UgoFTW Irona (#57) 882$76,409 T  
18 T UgoFTW Student Red (#61) 881$74,729 TG  
19 C Othelen Sadaron (#38) 838$68,810 I  
20 T UgoFTW Ravenblack Anne Gull (#55) 649$47,826 RG  
21 T UgoFTW Dorn (#53) 606$44,383 RG  
22 T UgoFTW Moose New (#54) 617$43,481 RG  
23 T UgoFTW Tok Derik (#51) 624$42,560 R  
24 F Eastern Flannel (#40) 476$41,924 D  
25 T UgoFTW Rollers of Hezaq (#52) 605$41,350 D  
26 O Yeta Xithyl (#47) 503$38,625 H  
27 T UgoFTW Greste Gruesome (#68) 489$37,052 F  
28 R Count Zek Blood (#17) 468$36,613 F  
29 I Derikoxpar (#29) 423$32,745 D  
30 O Rahedark (#8) 406$32,056 D  
31 T UgoFTW Wild Hurricane (#62) 234$14,558 T  
32 I Horde from Kafar (#19) 100$10,499 C  
33 C Edward Harker Grim (#14) 100$10,499 C  
34 C Yerpalritic (#35) 100$10,253 I  
35 T Husky Electrical (#18) 100$7999 C  
36 I Temple Teal (#36) 100$7999 C  
37 I Milens Masses (#10) 100$7999 C  
38 T The Horde of Durma (#44) 100$7999 C  
39 T Outstanding Mustar (#26) 100$7999 C  
40 I Lefty Runny Cobra (#41) 100$7999 C  
41 T Laser Princess (#49) 100$7997 D  
42 I Escariet Bohl Cipy (#46) 100$7995 T  
43 F Reaper Jamik Lacku (#45) 100$7639 R  
44 I Silverblade Jacob (#4) 100$7243 R  
45 O Haston (#3) 100$7243 R  
46 T Riders of Xandar (#42) 100$7243 R  
47 F Massive Tasty Prof (#28) 100$7243 R  
48 T Dusty Hook (#16) 100$7243 R  
49 R Dog Nymph (#6) 100$6477 F  
50 I Zoucka Ohmar (#33) 100$6477 F  
51 T Adorra Ravenryder (#32) 100$6477 F  
52 O Damien Eising (#7) 100$6477 F  
53 R Ogres of Zak (#25) 100$6038 R  
54 C Tibolt Sadaron Jam (#1) 100$6038 D  
55 R Silver Lamb (#43) 100$6038 D  
56 O Helenia (#5) 100$6037 T  
57 I The Light from Jul (#11) 100$5824 I  
58 R Moonlight Kassina (#9) 100$5824 I  
59 R Seriously Young Pi (#30) 100$5421 H  
60 O BelieverBeliever (#27) 100$5421 H  
61 T Daburn Sinners (#22) 100$5421 H  
62 R Princess Doe (#50) 100$5421 H  
63 T UgoFTW Intensive Laser (#90) 100$4717 M  
64 T UgoFTW Zidar Blood (#89) 100$4717 M  
65 T UgoFTW Mirayam (#88) 100$4717 M  
66 T UgoFTW Sherif Cat (#87) 100$4717 M  
67 T UgoFTW Jezebel Le mort (#86) 100$4717 M  
68 T UgoFTW Helvetica (#85) 100$4717 M  
69 T UgoFTW The Monsters of Syr (#84) 100$4717 M  
70 T UgoFTW Dusty Doe (#83) 100$4717 M  
71 T UgoFTW Count Dimitri Devil (#91) 100$4717 M  
72 T UgoFTW Gothor Yesirn Dosman (#92) 100$4717 M  
73 T UgoFTW Rafael Spidergrim (#100) 100$4717 M  
74 T UgoFTW Naria (#99) 100$4717 M  
75 T UgoFTW Zio (#98) 100$4717 M  
76 T UgoFTW Western Xylophone (#97) 100$4717 M  
77 T UgoFTW Gefirr Renegades (#96) 100$4717 M  
78 T UgoFTW Loons from Padan (#95) 100$4717 M  
79 T UgoFTW Ada Ieli (#94) 100$4717 M  
80 T UgoFTW Gehardtactar (#93) 100$4717 M  
81 T UgoFTW Aberrant Locomotive (#82) 100$4717 M  
82 T UgoFTW Gomaslan (#81) 100$4717 M  
83 T Silpal Rebels (#24) 100$4717 M  
84 C Qtiss Creators (#21) 100$4717 M  
85 C Doran Snakecrypt (#20) 100$4717 M  
86 R Lady Sinner (#13) 100$4717 M  
87 C James White Darkbl (#2) 100$4717 M  
88 T UgoFTW Flying Bulldozer (#69) 100$4717 M  
89 T UgoFTW Black Fish (#70) 100$4717 M  
90 T UgoFTW Gutsy Sleepy Fish (#71) 100$4717 M  
91 T UgoFTW White Fox (#72) 100$4717 M  
92 T UgoFTW Connell (#73) 100$4717 M  
93 T UgoFTW Orin above the Spirits (#74) 100$4717 M  
94 T UgoFTW Bella Von dracul (#75) 100$4717 M  
95 T UgoFTW Demon Arturo (#76) 100$4717 M  
96 T UgoFTW Capt Billy Blackman (#77) 100$4717 M  
97 T UgoFTW Veldar Ethelred (#78) 100$4717 M  
98 T UgoFTW Jhin (#79) 100$4717 M  
99 T UgoFTW Brutal Limousine (#80) 100$4717 M  
100 I Brutus Redblade (#48) 100$4717 M  

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