Active countries: 2405
Currently Logged in: 204
Currently Logged in: 204
Top Players - Artificial Intelligence
Next Reset | 489th round: Jan 18, 2018 - Jan 21, 2018 | Prev Reset |
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation. Players in Red have been destroyed. Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations. Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries. |
Special Codes M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism G=GDI-Member |
There were 37 countries in the Artificial Intelligence server.
Rank | Country | Land | Networth | Special | Clan |
1 | Zidar (#8) | 5781 | $584,286 | R | |
2 | Mjoed (#33) | 5607 | $526,781 | R | |
3 | Modern Agent Moose (#7) | 6323 | $456,030 | H | |
4 | Tobaz Dask (#22) | 5989 | $442,118 | H | |
5 | Errinaya (#4) | 3301 | $431,683 | C | |
6 | Senira Draghone (#35) | 4812 | $424,372 | C | |
7 | Captain Anne Ravenbeard (#19) | 3716 | $414,912 | C | |
8 | The Bird (#28) | 5043 | $410,236 | R | |
9 | Random Street (#20) | 4895 | $409,683 | M | |
10 | Hungry Monkey (#9) | 3209 | $408,623 | C | |
11 | Steel Gutsy (#27) | 5676 | $405,099 | H | |
12 | Johnoseryth (#11) | 5291 | $402,971 | R | |
13 | Vectomonvirdo (#5) | 4435 | $382,527 | M | |
14 | Xandread (#6) | 5129 | $377,409 | F | |
15 | Lacspor Creators (#26) | 4415 | $376,945 | R | |
16 | Prince Kildaz Sangre (#21) | 5381 | $367,787 | F | |
17 | Sun Dusty (#13) | 4616 | $361,685 | R | |
18 | Zio Galin (#32) | 5119 | $360,257 | H | |
19 | Navy Waterbird (#18) | 4484 | $359,534 | R | |
20 | Sennetta Darkmoon (#10) | 3939 | $357,828 | M | |
21 | El Weasel (#25) | 4165 | $355,592 | D | |
22 | Naria (#31) | 4944 | $342,833 | R | |
23 | Pointless Morning (#30) | 4981 | $341,412 | M | |
24 | Kerans Runners (#23) | 4569 | $340,476 | R | |
25 | Count Silver Vladimir (#29) | 3241 | $338,972 | C | |
26 | Pig Sleepy (#2) | 4854 | $337,284 | D | |
27 | Agonlurd (#12) | 4748 | $334,099 | D | |
28 | Persistent Solid Storm (#1) | 4707 | $322,531 | F | |
29 | Deathmars Maestros (#34) | 3062 | $320,128 | C | |
30 | Skilled Gazelle (#14) | 2646 | $308,722 | C | |
31 | Seryth Casdon (#15) | 4348 | $300,159 | T | |
32 | Sinners from Virdo (#3) | 4094 | $298,319 | R | |
33 | Count Zotar Wormwood (#17) | 4237 | $295,736 | D | |
34 | Thea Alkirk Doran (#24) | 2582 | $291,823 | C | |
35 | Melisande Markard (#16) | 2438 | $168,989 | D | |
36 | pang1 (#36) | 100 | $4717 | M | |
37 | pang2 (#37) | 100 | $4717 | M |