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Active countries: 3501
Currently Logged in: 207

Top Players - Artificial Intelligence

Next Reset 535th round: Jun 05, 2018 - Jun 07, 2018 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 100 countries in the Artificial Intelligence server.

1 Tiny Pony (#6)  Game profile 20,872$17,657,596 RG  
2 Simon Klek (#3) 20,916$14,354,925 R  
3 Liquid Sparrow (#18) 20,873$13,108,305 R  
4 Leurketyden (#10) 16,611$10,897,432 D  
5 Darpick Obayifo (#41)  Game profile 18,670$9,757,041 F  
6 The Conquerors of Mitar (#1)  Game profile 18,805$8,925,201 DG  
7 Tire Stormy (#78) 20,751$8,906,252 R  
8 Badek Incubus (#85) 15,195$8,780,416 D  
9 Prince Zio Van locker (#55) 17,137$8,511,377 HG  
10 Calina Aslan Keran (#60)  Game profile 17,295$8,483,418 M  
11 Comtesse Zecele Insane (#86)  Game profile 21,026$8,433,762 RG  
12 Greste Grimrage (#65) 19,298$8,133,588 R  
13 Phar Ibfist (#47)  Game profile 20,923$8,070,748 RG  
14 Dusty Flannel (#63) 20,727$8,064,636 RG  
15 Sabalz Dakamon (#66)  Game profile 18,503$7,884,260 I  
16 Lady Crypt Luna (#25)  Game profile 18,531$7,634,022 M  
17 Niktohal Updar Thol (#97) 20,883$7,587,225 R  
18 Katja Slavik (#34)  Game profile 20,811$7,543,639 R  
19 Galin (#100)  Game profile 21,089$7,406,335 R  
20 Eckard (#88) 20,848$7,190,380 R  
21 Stud Miss (#5) 17,485$7,107,601 M  
22 Ackmards Demons (#4)  Game profile 18,283$7,051,988 C  
23 Cardon (#40) 17,961$7,044,218 M  
24 Santhil above the Horde (#14)  Game profile 18,179$7,006,750 C  
25 Captain Johnny Bloodrayne (#11)  Game profile 20,829$7,001,238 RG  
26 Fydar of the Sphinx (#38)  Game profile 20,952$6,972,753 R  
27 Gruesome Senic (#30)  Game profile 18,631$6,952,534 M  
28 Warmage Creatures (#28) 20,911$6,927,964 RG  
29 Stormy Sheep (#13) 20,963$6,918,373 R  
30 Lyna Gefirr (#8) 20,791$6,855,823 R  
31 Nocturnal Flag (#23) 20,854$6,828,058 R  
32 Lord Vladi Ghoulblade (#15)  Game profile 20,959$6,806,208 R  
33 Tabithi Ryodan Bredin (#9)  Game profile 18,400$6,794,927 C  
34 Laenaya (#87) 20,820$6,770,565 RG  
35 Dargs Savages (#33)  Game profile 20,869$6,716,656 R  
36 Masters from Greste (#7)  Game profile 6780$6,702,486 TG  
37 Daimons of Voltain (#80) 16,902$6,619,683 M  
38 The Rat (#98) 18,525$6,484,270 I  
39 Shining Gnu (#89)  Game profile 5643$6,471,567 D  
40 Chick Slidy (#54)  Game profile 18,431$6,420,904 C  
41 Strawberry Moon (#91) 21,034$6,411,089 RG  
42 Anne Black Grimbeard (#62)  Game profile 21,056$6,371,895 RG  
43 Onathe (#79)  Game profile 5178$6,307,963 T  
44 Western Gamma (#68) 21,013$6,305,751 R  
45 Kimdar Nadorn Lacspor (#59)  Game profile 16,306$6,300,548 C  
46 Shillen Erik (#94) 20,914$6,273,637 R  
47 Meridan (#44) 18,588$6,238,017 C  
48 Jhin Raydan (#58) 18,391$6,191,855 I  
49 Celestine (#74) 18,708$6,126,373 C  
50 Captain Johnny Sangre (#53) 21,001$6,016,566 RG  
51 Kid Zebra (#45)  Game profile 18,352$5,899,749 D  
52 Wooden Nitrogen (#35) 17,818$5,769,580 M  
53 Gamma Rare (#48)  Game profile 21,059$5,765,483 RG  
54 Loose Hook (#49) 18,305$5,579,740 C  
55 Lord Deathmar Grimryder (#90) 18,500$5,564,241 C  
56 Knights of Dak (#52)  Game profile 20,975$5,299,228 R  
57 Sergent Circus Kitten (#75) 18,400$5,108,293 M  
58 Cat Flaming (#67) 5272$5,089,673 D  
59 Yeta Rythen (#12)  Game profile 5111$5,052,694 D  
60 Wroogny beneath the Knights (#2)  Game profile 5052$4,883,721 T  
61 Redblade Billy Silverbeard (#64) 18,224$4,797,346 C  
62 Sythrilladok (#37) 5133$4,746,356 D  
63 The Wolves of Gryni (#19)  Game profile 18,001$4,662,285 CG  
64 Shardo Vildar (#70)  Game profile 20,324$4,600,624 RG  
65 Wellisa Gundir (#96)  Game profile 19,909$4,571,456 RG  
66 Full Mars (#51)  Game profile 20,380$4,529,035 R  
67 Cloudy Scarecrow (#69) 18,039$4,526,190 CG  
68 The Birdie (#39)  Game profile 18,095$4,424,842 C  
69 Color Steel (#17)  Game profile 5318$4,351,085 D  
70 Los Weasel (#72) 5229$4,271,592 H  
71 Tabithi Boldel (#84) 18,298$4,271,589 C  
72 Pioneer Dangerous (#50) 18,212$4,257,596 F  
73 The Parrot (#43)  Game profile 18,551$4,241,103 F  
74 Grestes Masses (#29)  Game profile 19,290$4,145,206 H  
75 Bathelie (#93)  Game profile 20,105$4,037,522 R  
76 The Monsters of Elson (#36)  Game profile 20,662$4,021,033 R  
77 Updar Vi (#81) 18,342$3,901,594 F  
78 Serythalderman (#46) 18,656$3,772,357 F  
79 Vildar (#27)  Game profile 5665$3,731,535 H  
80 Joe Deadwood Ravenbeard (#21) 18,762$3,670,093 F  
81 Captain Tessa Fargloom (#73)  Game profile 20,642$3,653,703 R  
82 Gloomy Kangaroo (#56)  Game profile 20,537$3,637,167 R  
83 Teslanar Bein (#76)  Game profile 18,952$3,601,700 D  
84 King Hamster (#26) 17,803$3,588,557 F  
85 Elidin (#99)  Game profile 18,391$3,577,383 F  
86 Captain Edward Gull (#31) 18,711$3,547,332 DG  
87 Bare Hawk (#57)  Game profile 20,483$3,291,723 RG  
88 Bill Blacksmith (#32) 5490$3,256,745 HG  
89 Marcia Black (#77) 5201$3,229,717 HG  
90 Ruby Stoker (#16) 19,023$3,168,530 F  
91 Eriz (#22)  Game profile 5405$3,126,487 D  
92 Restless Mars (#82) 5810$2,997,364 H  
93 Ibfistritic (#71) 18,622$2,986,137 FG  
94 Jhin (#83)  Game profile 5574$2,957,182 H  
95 Bolrocks Daimons (#61) 18,833$2,873,524 F  
96 Steve Digger Gull (#20)  Game profile 19,118$2,783,106 M  
97 James Grimbeard (#24)  Game profile 5425$2,760,501 D  
98 Freaky Xylophone (#95) 5643$2,589,110 D  
99 Zeks Trolls (#42)  Game profile 5320$2,580,674 D  
100 Keran Tilthan (#92) 5067$2,570,025 HG  

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