Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 5 - Mar 9
Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2442
Currently Logged in: 197

Alliance Clan: Evolution (EVOwhore)

Tenth round: Jun 05, 2011 - Aug 04, 2011
Homepage: http://evolution2025.com
Recruitment message: megalolz
Clan Standings
Membership Rank1 of 29
Total Networth Rank1 of 29
Average Networth Rank1 of 29
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
2 The Hammock (#234) 28,600$255,596,671 DG
3 Slags Cleveland Steamer (#74) 82,779$254,207,184 HG
4 Ossevo (#14)  Game profile 69,278$247,556,350 HG
6 spoonin whorin n back doorin (#498) 26,112$235,523,321 HG
8 The Rodeo (#71) 25,826$211,606,942 HG
9 Bus Driver (#217)  Game profile 45,583$202,223,162 DG
11 gRasp The Drill (#402)  Game profile 36,886$196,750,440 DG
13 171 (#171) 30,200$177,843,612 DG
14 Walls Of Stalingrad (#26) 20,874$177,182,102 HG
17 Congress of the Cow (#51)  Game profile 41,293$170,831,498 DG
18 Opo Mamita (#924) 53,144$170,687,406 HG
19 69 (#219) 50,439$166,937,997 C
20 Any way if its with Kingme (#563)  Game profile 43,993$163,727,263 HG
21 virginiawoolfdirtysanchezd (#276) 45,366$157,786,815 CG
28 The Shocker (#93) 53,109$150,000,000 HG
31 Sitting Bull (#137) 38,199$144,577,735 HG
32 RED STORM (#48)  Game profile 30,615$143,542,022 DG
35 I Superman RE Development (#310)  Game profile 29,482$139,161,452 HG
39 The Angry Dragon (#16) 30,632$135,979,396 DG
40 diez got his RED wings (#653) 24,872$135,000,000 DG
41 Zaka (#292) 24,519$131,910,595 HG
42 YMCA (#7) 29,118$131,378,980 HG
45 Double Dutch Rudder (#226) 29,392$128,506,299 HG
47 ye olde legEVOer (#354) 26,927$125,851,060 HG
50 BUTTFLUFF (#526)  Game profile 32,073$124,283,835 HG
56 The minivan (#342) 28,404$119,658,115 DG
60 FUNFUNFUN (#933) 45,531$118,377,496 HG
61 Land of Neodymium (#676) 29,942$117,670,301 HG
63 The Pinwheel (#368) 31,580$116,595,211 DG
65 sleepy (#254) 20,364$116,045,202 HG
68 shaney (#55) 9114$114,291,730 DG
74 Gianluigi Gatto (#702) 27,771$110,839,249 HG
75 Missionary (#331)  Game profile 28,609$110,446,082 HG
76 The Cosby Sweater (#412) 22,351$109,732,097 HG
92 Kovalev That Ho (#327) 41,563$103,764,829 HG
93 Blumpkin (#57)  Game profile 28,660$103,386,934 HG
94 BASTION63 (#241)  Game profile 27,787$103,206,898 HG
98 The Rusty TrombonEVO (#252) 39,605$101,968,800 D
100 DeepStick (#321) 28,660$101,815,648 HG
101 Narnia (#592) 28,009$101,010,979 D
103 de figure 8 (#135) 46,009$100,826,215 D
110 Evos 69er (#184) 25,349$96,919,412 DG
112 Grunting is hot (#444) 19,967$96,682,782 H
114 Z (#118)  Game profile 35,413$96,320,233 D
124 Missionary of Netgaining (#160) 23,360$92,638,459 H
129 tryin to make a livin (#332)  Game profile 27,472$91,088,736 HG
157 Launch Pad (#650) 13,497$79,467,531 DG
160 Angeland (#1106) 35,032$78,472,032 HG
197 Lekbergania (#773)  Game profile 24,418$63,488,530 R
206 Congress of the Crow (#84) 30,384$59,387,925 DG
208 Big long hard (#61) 33,244$58,141,116 DG
214 The Ark (#769) 11,294$54,825,624 H
215 busty MILF vacuum (#337) 15,418$54,400,464 D
221 Eiffel Tower (#629) 27,721$52,880,085 H
223 yet to be named (#313) 29,249$52,737,363 HG
235 The Eiffel Tower (#269) 20,480$50,054,817 RG
250 ITouchURlilSIS (#1146) 19,326$45,177,408 DG
262 Red Ribbon Army (#757) 13,137$41,825,751 F
266 Age to Reason (#828) 20,842$41,023,605 H
343 Mexican Halloween (#365) 11,548$24,086,575 DG
378 Captain Vaseline and his goats (#89)  Game profile 22,454$15,098,259 F
383 MonkeyDLuffy ThirdGear (#1130) 56,571$13,961,557 T
805 UNDER THE NORTHERN STAR (#1565) 69$9072 R
821 Turtles know where its at U (#1671) 100$6503 M

Ranked countries: 64 (Show all countries)

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