Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 5 - Mar 9
Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2444
Currently Logged in: 193

Alliance Clan: Scaradigm (ParaBOO)

Twelfth round: Oct 05, 2011 - Dec 05, 2011
Homepage: http://paradigm.boxcarhosting.com
Recruitment message: Paradigm is the #1 alliance in this game for fun and for not taking things too seriously. We can teach you to play like the best, but we won't force you to - you can just play this game like a hobby. All clans pale in comparison to us as far as just chilling with people on the message boards. If you have more time on your hands we do IRC too. Join us for a fun game, not conscription into some way-too-serious internet army thing.
Clan Standings
Membership Rank5 of 21
Total Networth Rank14 of 21
Average Networth Rank14 of 21
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
170 Zodiac (#1213)  Game profile 36,507$33,489,802 F
230 Family Time (#607)  Game profile 16,224$18,835,012 F
266 HeglumeH QaQ jajvam (#1419)  Game profile 11,054$13,607,379 F
281 DarknessConsumesUs (#535) 10,524$12,663,457 F
316 TinTin (#1398) 10,220$8,160,493 T
318 Dont shoot Im a tag jumper (#1450)  Game profile 11,568$7,801,209 C
323 Voyager (#1520) 10,733$6,969,256 FG
324 YouCantSeeMeImInvisible (#1446) 9311$6,808,597 FG
334 Thomas The cANAL Engine (#1556) 11,685$6,165,667 F
339 nuw (#1514) 10,959$5,952,928 CG
363 EatinABagelOnDaCouchWitMyBackpac (#1518) 11,493$5,096,912 F
364 crop circles 2 (#1517) 10,613$5,014,343 I
366 cliffsylvania (#1328)  Game profile 11,752$4,981,970 TG
369 Pickles and Onions (#1590)  Game profile 10,180$4,867,549 C
370 dial burg for p00p (#1422)  Game profile 10,206$4,851,505 T
376 pewpewpewpewpewpew (#1389)  Game profile 17,976$4,504,497 T
391 CAMEtoLOoT2 (#1552) 10,273$3,586,653 R
393 Unkillable (#1504)  Game profile 2126$3,553,398 D
405 Castigator Camelot (#1589)  Game profile 9995$2,975,179 M
411 Sanct hates Thomas (#1542) 10,110$2,738,098 T
415 ThEJoKsTeR (#1415) 6939$2,650,309 T
419 Northwest Confederation (#1602) 7799$2,574,649 M
420 Mushroom Mushroom (#1338) 12,314$2,517,562 F
422 ToMaSfluffsLCN (#1434) 11,558$2,425,581 C
430 another restart (#1575) 7175$2,104,387 H
434 Rabid Squirrel (#1395) 9413$1,912,626 FG
440 Payback is a Pang (#1432)  Game profile 9584$1,553,687 F
444 BackNAxn (#1554) 8684$1,204,922 T
446 O Rucking Feally (#1532)  Game profile 8469$1,096,297 T
450 Killerz nation (#1223) 3785$914,531 FG
455 PDM ROCKS (#1548) 8883$832,130 R
458 Thomas tossed LCN salad (#1344) 3057$806,289 T
461 Lost focus (#1489) 6987$774,266 T
470 Dont kill me (#1451) 2496$539,797 F
483 PANGS REVENGE (#1530) 3282$449,293 T
578 Actually I dont park in Camelot (#1551) 659$54,188 R
634 ebi furai SoD (#1579) 140$11,883 M

Ranked countries: 37 (Show all countries)

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