Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 5 - Mar 9
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Active countries: 2459
Currently Logged in: 200

Alliance Clan: Sons of Liberty (SOL)

Thirteenth round: Dec 05, 2011 - Feb 03, 2012
Clan Standings
Membership Rank2 of 24
Total Networth Rank7 of 24
Average Networth Rank13 of 24
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
74 The Sons of Liberty (#494) 43,378$100,974,640 H
119 Happy 2012 From Westlife (#811)  Game profile 35,523$85,163,886 RG
124 FSU with Santa (#816) 47,413$83,003,488 H
136 COUGARxBAIT (#75) 24,546$80,698,829 I
152 God Of War (#801) 25,302$75,226,267 DG
164 LaF is a cancer (#807)  Game profile 26,790$71,000,804 D
204 SaNtA gIfT mE bOoB pIcS (#358) 12,470$63,119,506 D
234 santas xmas fluffy thong (#812) 20,959$55,698,069 H
238 Little Butt Nugget (#788) 17,981$54,704,879 D
239 Deerhunter (#83) 13,416$54,412,846 DG
251 Earth Empires XIII (#204) 11,372$52,123,326 D
257 jurk (#238) 23,927$49,711,975 F
264 Snart er det jul (#519) 23,049$48,692,874 D
272 Pony Express SOL (#794) 19,221$46,595,895 D
284 JimanX (#799) 17,195$44,521,334 D
287 Irish SOLdier (#810) 18,920$43,836,223 F
289 Son of Liberty (#800) 16,162$43,761,707 FG
299 Partridge in a Pear Tree (#632) 19,557$40,352,167 F
301 LaF loves to lie (#789) 16,400$40,045,415 T
303 So SOL Soul (#818) 15,077$39,425,348 M
316 Xel Naga SOL (#375) 22,262$35,934,052 D
317 OneMindOneSol2 (#787) 12,432$35,910,716 F
329 Donny (#592)  Game profile 16,227$33,330,758 I
334 return of oz (#808) 24,152$32,571,941 C
335 Universal SOLdier 2 (#803) 14,785$32,049,547 D
340 GonzSOL (#805)  Game profile 15,486$31,701,621 D
347 New KamSoLot II (#826)  Game profile 15,318$30,782,973 R
351 GTO I (#815)  Game profile 24,336$30,228,892 C
355 low2 (#821) 20,916$29,752,554 D
363 Iggy Holds The Xmas Star (#842) 14,183$27,892,885 F
369 xmas xracker (#19) 21,154$27,295,138 M
379 Tir Na Sol (#219) 21,250$24,544,984 D
387 bacon wrapped sol (#869) 10,410$22,997,408 H
390 Santa Is Watching You (#65) 17,330$22,385,937 T
410 MerryChristmasFromSOL (#693) 13,435$17,731,670 R
411 8675309 (#1059) 12,265$17,663,060 F
418 Devils Plaything (#441)  Game profile 13,081$16,225,271 H
437 Itty Bitty Snowflake (#791) 9935$13,098,306 M
444 Santa Claus (#374) 21,127$11,855,502 F
462 Vex (#958) 15,716$8,344,516 I
483 Yellow Snow for LaF (#806) 18,148$6,238,739 T
491 Yu Suk e (#63)  Game profile 15,698$4,877,020 D
493 beg4death (#1115) 6007$4,853,048 C
498 GhostTown (#1035) 18,167$4,583,761 R
511 something (#1130) 9927$3,251,222 H
513 Sant Varg (#944) 9368$3,217,738 I
518 the transhuman condition (#1121)  Game profile 6350$2,901,943 CG
523 S0L Survivor (#1061) 8252$2,019,625 R
527 Sic Semper Tyrannis SoL (#674) 7808$1,630,417 C
528 Cata (#676) 7697$1,629,990 C
546 test country number 1 (#1150) 7192$1,167,496 M
549 Monkey (#881) 10,990$1,053,480 IG
568 FallenRiser (#876) 2924$680,507 C
591 Qcgoofball is back (#1165) 3579$403,244 F
597 Dark Returns (#1159)  Game profile 3775$375,122 F
607 TITIKAKA (#1106) 2144$282,057 T
609 My Country (#954) 3530$267,251 M
639 Fine I will make a country TFK (#1168) 1662$110,585 R
687 Slant Oil Drilling (#1055) 297$24,597 R
700 SOL FIGHTER II TURBO (#553) 185$14,565 M
705 revenge of superbeef (#796) 220$13,535 M
713 SoLe SuRViVoR (#1136) 180$8317 M
714 arglebargle (#1089)  Game profile 180$8317 M
722 Double Agent (#961)  Game profile 140$6517 M

Ranked countries: 64 (Show all countries)

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