Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 26 - Mar 30
Mar 14 - May 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2571
Currently Logged in: 173

Top Players - Alliance

Next Reset Fourteenth round: Feb 04, 2012 - Apr 04, 2012 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 894 countries in the Alliance server.

1 Mr Titanium (#250) 71,286$283,446,269 DG ResDogs
2 Riverbend (#285) 87,000$278,034,169 HG ResDogs
3 Mr Plum (#171) 73,892$257,482,052 HG ResDogs
4 Jabberwocky (#167)  Game profile 67,988$252,057,659 HG ResDogs
5 AzN StyLe RiCe (#289) 63,069$216,872,047 HG ResDogs
6 Mr Snow (#469) 50,283$209,026,385 HG ResDogs
7 Blind man Seeking (#187) 35,154$207,178,140 DG LaF
8 Evolutionarily Loving Lover (#562) 63,722$205,351,627 C EVOqz
9 Hello Beer (#406) 26,345$204,570,625 HG EVOqz
10 Thanks Imag for t10 (#168)  Game profile 35,041$201,832,499 HG Rival
11 TheCult of Xaos (#205) 54,088$201,506,608 HG Sanct
12 Gan Bei (#64) 63,108$196,865,571 HG EVOqz
13 Ruby Argentine Dogo (#44) 49,100$192,661,985 HG ResDogs
14 im sexy and i know it (#453) 28,995$191,223,189 DG EVOqz
15 The hooly blisful martir (#247) 60,267$190,136,461 DG EVOqz
16 return of wog (#662)  Game profile 47,355$184,293,636 DG ResDogs
17 The time has come (#547) 35,744$180,679,684 DG LaF
18 Herbs (#509) 85,341$179,379,149 HG Neofed
19 one hit combo (#264) 23,542$179,275,420 DG EVOqz
20 Ossevo (#196)  Game profile 32,510$168,864,116 HG EVOqz
21 sleepy (#99) 34,277$168,371,937 HG EVOqz
22 slagpitdrinksoceansofmilk (#385) 76,077$165,949,579 HG LaF
23 ron paul rEVOlution (#51) 40,275$164,628,235 HG EVOqz
24 i love phx (#125) 65,660$163,470,026 HG LaF
25 RED STORM (#190)  Game profile 41,221$161,910,115 D EVOqz
26 its been a while since i (#209) 41,860$160,716,881 HG Sanct
27 Orcinus Orca (#183) 27,304$158,038,673 HG EVOqz
28 Milk of Ocean (#263) 53,618$155,149,131 HG LaF
29 Apocalyptic Kitty (#500) 41,757$155,090,908 DG omega
30 Forgotten Loves The Milk Ocean (#129) 48,952$155,030,013 HG LaF
31 end of the world kitties go boom (#657) 42,154$153,768,275 D omega
32 Done in Sixty Seconds (#481) 25,433$152,975,599 HG Rival
33 Oceanus Lactis (#213)  Game profile 58,418$151,757,922 C LaF
34 my momma nets better than you (#105) 27,950$149,140,544 HG EVOqz
35 Nom Nom Sauce (#301)  Game profile 29,212$147,526,992 HG EVOqz
36 Ocean Milk (#376)  Game profile 28,499$144,367,927 H LaF
37 ooh somebody step on a duck (#329) 26,973$143,852,286 HG EVOqz
38 Rosa Parks (#601) 42,553$142,122,262 HG EVOqz
39 justpickupgirlscom (#876) 58,489$141,228,448 H LaF
40 Xaos and Axa oh my (#212)  Game profile 41,978$140,200,938 HG Sanct
41 shockthemonkey (#169) 15,079$139,837,672 HG EVOqz
42 LaFing for fun (#621) 53,219$139,253,467 C LaF
43 Time to net not war (#314) 30,092$138,551,391 H LaF
44 A baby called Wanda (#361) 32,758$138,490,149 HG TIE
45 Hush Little Baby Konrad (#154) 18,797$137,296,918 HG TIE
46 Oh Canada my Fungus (#14) 22,652$135,798,777 DG MONSTERS
47 AzN (#238) 70,994$135,581,776 CG Neofed
48 Evolution is xxxRatED (#302)  Game profile 29,351$134,742,981 DG EVOqz
49 Chaos Sanctuary (#639)  Game profile 28,624$134,685,850 DG EVOqz
50 Mr Diamond (#17)  Game profile 37,645$134,539,329 HG ResDogs
51 The Darkside (#292)  Game profile 24,837$134,029,248 RG MONSTERS
52 Casino Milk Ocean Royale (#151) 59,868$133,900,814 D LaF
53 TrippleCrownAgain (#214)  Game profile 26,660$132,989,599 HG EVOqz
54 Legend of Potato (#525) 12,716$131,348,153 HG EVOqz
55 A fist full of dollars (#312) 38,301$130,465,892 DG EVOqz
56 Imperialism (#6)  Game profile 27,952$129,890,088 HG Sanct
57 Canadian Coffee (#452)  Game profile 18,074$129,583,179 H MONSTERS
58 I require more minerals (#466) 38,836$129,425,922 HG omega
59 madMANDANGObatsAGAIN (#75) 23,806$128,529,435 H Rival
60 Milk That Ocean Hard (#26) 45,323$128,512,939 HG LaF
61 Land of the Kings (#612)  Game profile 32,413$128,183,610 DG EVOqz
62 REawakeneD (#582)  Game profile 29,260$127,391,336 DG EVOqz
63 Bertong Bakal (#411) 29,296$126,951,689 HG EVOqz
64 Myan cat destruction (#575) 32,753$126,559,418 HG omega
65 Tommy Douglas Mouseland (#336) 31,358$126,178,337 D MONSTERS
66 Take Me To Your SancTuarY (#679) 32,197$125,833,727 HG Sanct
67 Mr Azure (#150) 45,290$125,195,406 HG ResDogs
68 No box is too small for Maru (#613)  Game profile 29,895$124,663,741 H omega
69 Sir Kittenus Maximus (#558)  Game profile 39,898$123,594,100 D omega
70 Dark Layla (#465) 27,677$121,439,865 HG TIE
71 DevICIoUS (#310) 29,428$121,375,254 DG EVOqz
72 Tjoe (#95)  Game profile 49,199$120,967,890 C Sanct
73 Robin Sparkles (#555) 27,082$120,886,832 R MONSTERS
74 s (#534)  Game profile 42,355$120,042,555 HG LaF
75 Xaos Loves Mayonnaise (#618) 41,960$118,270,710 C Sanct
76 Mischiefdemons Empire (#637) 34,612$117,325,450 D LaF
77 Smells Like Sex (#34) 31,726$117,159,682 H Rival
78 I Am Not Milk Ocean (#369) 23,374$117,000,000 HG LaF
79 Dave (#59) 60,768$116,783,202 C Neofed
80 Vacation Mode (#402) 25,597$116,720,456 D LaF
81 shaney (#210) 30,432$116,582,456 HG EVOqz
82 Ron de vouz (#320) 29,296$116,471,266 HG EVOqz
83 blacks awareness month (#269)  Game profile 21,450$116,417,669 HG EVOqz
84 Land of Neodymium (#540) 26,919$116,275,462 HG Neofed
85 TITS OF BiBiGoN (#241)  Game profile 23,571$116,135,474 DG Rival
86 Yukon Dew Me Eh (#208) 24,214$116,087,128 H MONSTERS
87 No Milk in the Ocean (#303)  Game profile 21,680$115,231,065 H LaF
88 Ocean of Milk (#159) 38,152$114,913,540 HG LaF
89 iQoncept (#611)  Game profile 62,020$114,114,114 HG LaF
90 Broken Collaboration (#43)  Game profile 25,160$110,454,035 HG Sanct
91 HelpForHeroes org uk (#61) 32,973$110,423,482 D EVOqz
92 mnight shyalalaman ma (#542) 17,642$108,649,892 D omega
93 Samantha Ties stefan (#577)  Game profile 26,257$107,433,821 HG TIE
94 Evolution0ccupied (#472) 26,437$107,258,429 HG EVOqz
95 Beaver Tail (#648) 26,881$106,820,571 H MONSTERS
96 REDBull (#443) 14,373$106,450,122 DG EVOqz
97 Honorary Canadian (#335) 20,563$106,351,964 R MONSTERS
98 blurry nights for Xaos (#446)  Game profile 24,100$106,120,327 H Sanct
99 cheers to breakfast beers (#296) 26,054$105,883,113 DG EVOqz
100 Full Windsor (#428) 23,120$105,873,753 HG TIE

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