Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 12 - Mar 16
Mar 14 - May 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2485
Currently Logged in: 192

Alliance Clan: RIVAL (RIVAL)

Seventeenth round: Aug 05, 2012 - Oct 04, 2012
Homepage: http://www.anarchy2025.info
Recruitment message: JOIN RIVAL! We will teach you to war, netgain and ENJOY this game! Contacts: http://anarchy2025.info/ Duna: ICQ 102177810 , skype theduna
Clan Standings
Membership Rank2 of 27
Total Networth Rank4 of 27
Average Networth Rank8 of 27
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
32 One year one death (#469)  Game profile 33,184$138,872,298 D
47 Feniks (#113)  Game profile 25,469$126,607,433 R
66 Nekrataal (#342) 70,218$119,099,765 D
84 Original (#721) 30,766$109,333,710 HG
104 Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia (#52) 20,726$101,752,175 HG
133 Agoraphobia (#191) 28,220$94,629,495 DG
147 ItsMyCountry (#188) 22,927$89,768,424 R
154 defecaloesiophobia (#334) 22,082$87,633,881 R
157 Triskaidekaphobia (#242) 27,939$85,598,726 H
166 Legendary cookiesmaker of Time (#498) 25,999$82,516,350 RG
167 Eleutherophobia (#180) 20,617$82,291,172 D
177 Phobophobia (#43) 26,464$80,518,360 R
178 PGphobia (#31) 33,367$80,264,242 T
180 flip flops and beach towels (#631) 20,440$79,679,260 H
182 Lefvanna (#194) 27,005$79,298,207 RG
191 Anatidaephobia (#216) 30,629$76,107,920 R
195 NettingPhobia (#41) 34,386$75,461,781 D
201 Blind Guardian (#104) 28,478$73,406,502 R
207 Tonitrophobia (#252) 20,080$71,892,968 H
211 Phronemophobia (#57) 27,191$71,164,114 D
221 Genuphobia Fear of knees (#185) 25,000$69,084,401 F
229 AnTi3z 69 (#442) 32,862$66,971,025 R
232 jajajajaphobia (#251) 28,059$65,486,782 F
233 Ovinaphobia (#51) 23,076$65,056,579 DG
234 Cacophobia (#23)  Game profile 22,349$65,044,767 I
243 Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliopho (#363) 24,971$61,375,660 D
251 Kakorrhaphiophobia (#88) 20,299$59,151,740 F
266 Coulrophobia (#333) 13,689$53,354,404 I
271 Agateophobia Fear Of Insanity (#2)  Game profile 17,811$51,970,805 H
280 Rains of Castamere (#807) 25,723$50,413,773 R
282 CTPAHHuK (#710) 27,542$49,748,820 FG
294 Valency (#776) 27,623$46,474,935 R
304 BiBiGoN (#288)  Game profile 13,227$45,109,190 D
310 ajetaje (#657) 23,930$44,356,566 R
314 Dromophobia (#475) 23,750$42,852,436 F
326 Sinistrophobia (#137) 16,395$39,463,508 HG
345 Scoleciphobia (#493) 30,413$35,863,611 C
346 Papaphobia (#271) 7546$35,569,426 D
350 Bibigonophobia of Murder Inc (#166) 19,279$34,626,312 M
353 Teleophobia (#687) 12,597$33,479,296 R
364 Rivendale (#959) 22,707$30,365,822 F
365 PUX (#131) 21,892$30,133,967 T
378 leon (#353) 10,910$27,637,421 C
392 NATA (#922) 18,870$25,094,691 F
395 shico (#844) 22,662$24,846,130 C
399 wu (#965) 24,072$23,681,225 C
405 Sunny (#934) 13,333$21,543,400 H
414 Borg Land (#903)  Game profile 15,821$19,903,145 F
481 sertolin (#937) 11,304$10,120,292 T
503 Wookiephobia (#621) 22,955$7,499,447 R
528 Go Daddy (#1033) 6964$5,304,610 C
566 adedotun states (#1097) 9134$3,189,104 C
577 Zeltainnia (#1112) 5454$2,296,485 D
593 New Earth (#501) 7994$1,854,875 R
629 STELS (#1218) 5641$955,255 T
641 aDi cRaZy (#910) 2035$835,327 R
692 Anatidaephobia Fear of Duck (#768) 3542$307,307 R
742 Were all gonna die (#1060) 1280$157,240 T
766 BALAMUT (#1210) 629$47,987 M
767 TUVINETS (#1195) 521$47,610 C
chris peacock (#1103) 6241$2,182,821 D

Total countries: 61 (Show ranked countries only)

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