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Active countries: 2453
Currently Logged in: 190

Alliance Clan: Paradigm (Paradigm)

Eighteenth round: Oct 05, 2012 - Dec 05, 2012
Homepage: http://www.boxcarhosting.com/...ation.php?clanID=Paradigm
Recruitment message: Paradigm is the greatest alliance for we are the only alliance who prioritizes fun over e-penis. All the rest of those losers just care about pretending they are some internet big shot. We know this is just an online hobby and that in turn attracts the best players. You can be one of us.
Clan Standings
Membership Rank4 of 31
Total Networth Rank2 of 31
Average Networth Rank6 of 31
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
4 Paradigmination (#454) 97,525$260,535,355 DG
11 YOU GUYS KEEP BOTTOMFEEDING OK (#584)  Game profile 70,555$244,996,165 DG
23 In a car On highway (#209) 30,526$161,079,939 H
27 Suiciding Nation (#575)  Game profile 51,147$157,602,772 H
44 Birthday Triad of Awesome (#121)  Game profile 50,952$131,410,465 IG
52 PuffyPinkDragon (#24) 26,121$125,060,003 HG
55 Princess Guard (#680) 20,826$123,449,520 DG
56 Ultras top bunk (#524) 52,021$122,826,428 C
57 Pickles and Onions (#284)  Game profile 33,244$121,313,460 HG
74 AusPiggys Insane Asylum (#501) 9424$112,149,958 D
76 On the Floor of Brothers Apartme (#357)  Game profile 17,840$111,677,546 D
100 Ermagerd shertpert (#559) 37,804$97,909,216 H
101 I eat at Tisyas temple (#145)  Game profile 33,532$97,903,753 HG
111 Suppressor (#297) 12,412$94,163,567 HG
138 Reunion Compy (#19) 25,922$83,937,700 RG
145 HeglumeH QaQ jajvam (#54)  Game profile 23,943$80,938,689 HG
146 Terror (#582) 34,654$79,723,365 C
147 oldschool (#718) 14,610$79,525,721 H
149 Back of old Volvo (#354)  Game profile 21,627$79,325,738 DG
160 on the hood of a chevette (#383)  Game profile 25,147$77,005,609 HG
163 When Taishi Comes Back (#580) 20,491$76,270,529 RG
171 icup (#290) 26,228$73,433,751 D
174 Random Girls Party Parents Bed (#492) 22,341$72,564,602 F
179 Tabz is Batman shhhh (#568) 16,641$70,078,768 H
182 Dark Souls (#598) 28,528$68,513,128 F
192 Haggett Hall Room 505 (#175) 30,624$63,548,840 CG
193 E Pluribus Unum (#505) 19,191$63,377,535 R
197 fearvendor (#122) 47,504$60,190,268 H
198 SmokeandbeeR (#601) 17,859$59,977,916 RG
200 Under stairs at school (#170)  Game profile 22,739$58,334,204 R
202 PairoDimes (#608) 22,769$57,340,513 R
208 deathwish (#699) 19,697$49,885,760 R
215 Kid Snerdley (#160) 26,466$46,764,655 DG
224 Here we go again (#443)  Game profile 14,658$42,803,032 R
246 WOAPARADIGMFAROUT (#705) 23,784$38,394,631 H
261 The Mad Bulldog Returns (#736)  Game profile 11,411$33,465,540 D
264 Vigilante (#143) 27,529$32,984,330 F
293 Spanish Inquisition (#671) 16,972$26,923,552 H
314 Northwest Confederation (#719) 8491$23,515,117 DG
347 bscarisback (#724) 22,036$18,206,452 R
367 xnav (#553) 16,741$14,991,660 R
370 A Little Less Sixteen Candles (#596) 11,526$14,801,783 R
384 BlackRose (#586) 23,251$13,068,577 R
485 Fable II (#238)  Game profile 17,013$3,536,159 I
491 Palandromida (#915) 10,356$3,390,256 DG
494 PaRtYGrEaT (#496) 13,269$3,186,539 T
543 ThisGameIsACancer (#627) 7012$1,494,633 M
579 Morreann (#710) 5162$810,778 R
580 Mighty Midget (#549) 5244$792,141 M
591 AusTempest (#688) 5996$628,144 R
642 Last Set Ever (#619) 1344$244,887 R
740 Kashyyyk (#621)  Game profile 408$27,460 R

Total countries: 52

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