Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 5 - Mar 9
Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2434
Currently Logged in: 210

Top Players - Alliance

Next Reset Nineteenth round: Dec 05, 2012 - Feb 03, 2013 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 894 countries in the Alliance server.

1 xin kicks puppies (#293) 82,494$269,998,763 HG LaF
2 Ossevo (#262)  Game profile 95,206$265,425,109 HG Evolve
3 Locked out of Heaven (#77) 73,489$265,084,172 HG Evolve
4 Xinhuan Be Quick or Be Dead (#15)  Game profile 66,023$235,995,020 HG LaF
5 xin the triple crown princess (#265) 67,196$232,555,555 HG LaF
6 No more Candy for Xin (#24) 72,833$229,747,391 DG LaF
7 Xin is the real Slim Shady (#13) 62,769$227,600,936 HG LaF
8 I dont want my girls xinny (#288)  Game profile 61,258$218,177,103 HG LaF
9 eXperImeNtal chromosphere (#225)  Game profile 30,984$217,492,165 DG LaF
10 Xinister Country (#145)  Game profile 33,684$216,453,364 D LaF
11 I Love 8oo8 (#445) 53,807$213,538,504 HG 80mega
12 SHARING IS CARING (#544)  Game profile 62,506$211,595,782 DG Paradigm
13 L1K3 4 80SS (#477)  Game profile 59,169$209,015,278 H 80mega
14 Trial by Drury (#57) 78,152$207,934,824 HG Evolve
15 Never met a nice EVOer (#78)  Game profile 54,826$202,348,931 HG Evolve
16 Candyman Pinata (#503) 59,258$194,709,678 HG LaF
17 Patriarch on a Vespa (#539) 60,676$188,885,165 D 80mega
18 RED STORM (#457)  Game profile 61,543$188,624,909 D Evolve
19 80th Century Fox (#511) 23,553$181,435,757 HG 80mega
20 Ultra loves Tis and Tan (#290) 75,662$178,805,162 D Paradigm
21 Sodawater (#450) 48,687$177,247,896 D MONSTERS
22 LelpacodanielAgrambertoFviper (#54)  Game profile 40,851$175,200,000 DG LaF
23 Xin the Candy (#522) 42,300$174,639,855 DG LaF
24 ThatsWharTisyaSaid (#80) 96,085$173,332,997 DG Paradigm
25 Xins a shady mofo (#19) 31,260$171,197,122 DG LaF
26 MethyleneDioxyMethylAmphetamine (#222)  Game profile 38,462$168,888,888 D LaF
27 xin and candy are SHIESTY (#157) 67,198$168,549,317 H LaF
28 Only the Sexy People (#5) 59,385$167,720,201 HG LaF
29 TAN like it on a camel (#98) 98,680$165,370,117 FG Paradigm
30 Princess and Camel to The Rescue (#43)  Game profile 68,378$160,801,564 DG Paradigm
31 missiletoe (#303) 41,604$155,666,301 HG Evolve
32 Eug cried The Cloaked beat Lymz (#44) 65,318$155,278,713 HG LaF
33 Santafactory (#269)  Game profile 41,541$153,222,741 DG Evolve
34 Lil AzN That Could (#368) 66,499$151,627,593 HG TIExHS
35 Naughty Girls Get More Presents (#185) 21,642$149,318,189 D MONSTERS
36 Santas gone wild (#206)  Game profile 27,929$148,811,042 DG Evolve
37 r a z o r w i r e (#197) 24,721$148,262,742 DG MONSTERS
38 Sweet Talkin Sugar Coated CM (#96) 34,045$147,568,289 D LaF
39 diez (#745) 48,959$147,280,731 CG Evolve
40 Candy Mans Chimo Van (#454) 44,503$146,001,190 H LaF
41 Hanukkah Harry Saved Christmas (#138)  Game profile 32,521$144,750,783 DG Evolve
42 dust in the wind (#453)  Game profile 25,678$143,454,605 H LaF
43 80 shades of Omega (#500) 50,489$142,924,969 DG 80mega
44 xin and candy gave me herpes (#285) 42,304$142,878,361 HG LaF
45 shaney (#75) 16,865$138,815,934 HG Evolve
46 Andromeda (#276) 33,156$138,079,936 HG ICNation
47 on to the next one (#188) 44,176$137,402,177 DG Evolve
48 Eggnog Mistletoe and Uncle Bob (#41) 12,999$137,183,783 HG MONSTERS
49 AtheistCelebratingXmas (#47) 37,119$137,173,932 CG Evolve
50 u speak wachuchu (#74)  Game profile 56,054$136,016,560 FG Evolve
51 Randolph The Shiny Gun Reindeer (#437)  Game profile 31,095$133,191,028 HG Evolve
52 newbie killers (#166) 34,005$132,472,989 H Evolve
53 The Cloaked since 1998 (#464)  Game profile 32,576$131,313,131 DG LaF
54 Two Black Cadillacs (#436) 26,792$130,000,000 HG LaF
55 Forgive me for I have Xinned (#153) 62,678$128,383,302 H LaF
56 Greed is a xin (#416)  Game profile 33,605$128,190,029 H LaF
57 INVINCIBLE IRONMAN (#237)  Game profile 53,743$127,839,505 H MONSTERS
58 Trap u under the mistletoe (#489) 30,415$127,341,805 C Evolve
59 wasaba (#37) 36,037$127,237,584 H LaF
60 Swamp Guardians (#362)  Game profile 24,944$126,996,222 H 80mega
61 xin stole candy from little kids (#21) 38,009$125,636,167 HG LaF
62 Ceres (#102)  Game profile 76,775$125,356,539 I LaF
63 Fatally Emo (#154) 26,073$124,544,024 HG LaF
64 2 beavers are better than 1 (#240) 37,188$124,139,522 FG MONSTERS
65 Warbeast (#160) 48,920$123,521,100 HG Evolve
66 EVOhoho Xmas from Santa (#494) 11,623$123,351,725 HG Evolve
67 CamaroLand (#200)  Game profile 28,147$122,382,420 HG SoF
68 fearvendor (#127) 51,574$121,816,086 D Paradigm
69 I suck at this game (#409) 33,016$121,795,693 DG 80mega
70 Not Mr Reseda (#64) 35,472$120,547,916 D ResDogs
71 Xin slept with me to win (#235) 17,606$120,531,873 DG LaF
72 80 is the new 40 (#530) 35,980$118,433,867 D 80mega
73 Neal (#361) 32,984$118,362,797 HG LaF
74 Sir John A (#101) 36,126$117,921,211 I TIExHS
75 80 omegans walk into a bar (#562) 31,249$117,122,178 HG 80mega
76 reindeercam com (#180) 27,681$116,473,536 DG MONSTERS
77 Santa is a MONSTER (#223) 24,820$115,604,710 H MONSTERS
78 Congo (#310) 23,733$115,582,771 H LaF
79 Binders Full of Candy and Xin (#515)  Game profile 28,931$114,155,606 DG LaF
80 Sophisticated Art (#250) 28,900$111,011,902 H 80mega
81 Mrs TAN HFA (#266) 60,737$110,410,966 D Paradigm
82 TreeMaker (#263)  Game profile 24,502$110,249,386 H LaF
83 Chelonni (#459) 25,999$109,951,384 D Evolve
84 CandyAndXinHaveSmallAznPenis (#529) 65,941$109,821,830 H LaF
85 Tutuwarrior (#572)  Game profile 31,010$109,432,028 H MONSTERS
86 Another Day Another Country (#625) 24,453$107,568,554 H MONSTERS
87 Twisted Bit (#11) 42,171$107,476,968 HG ResDogs
88 ChestnutsRoasting (#228) 27,623$106,829,675 HG Evolve
89 Osgiliath UCN4ever (#630) 25,991$105,930,015 R MONSTERS
90 Whence Came You (#231) 23,697$105,761,106 HG LaF
91 Jefferson Davis was in HS (#112) 29,925$105,553,936 HG TIExHS
92 Robert Menzies (#249) 20,665$104,703,950 HG TIExHS
93 Geometry is Pointless (#541)  Game profile 22,794$104,099,503 RG MONSTERS
94 Well Tan my Backside (#69) 26,003$103,290,259 RG Paradigm
95 I Must Keep Pressing On (#438) 22,751$102,964,676 HG LaF
96 Xin just had to win at all costs (#573) 54,293$102,723,250 H LaF
97 Xin is Candy (#490) 28,725$102,657,634 H LaF
98 La Roja (#120)  Game profile 33,126$101,745,548 H LaF
99 George Washington was invincible (#334) 21,535$101,420,961 HG TIExHS
100 Omegan 80 Bots (#526) 29,221$100,234,474 H 80mega

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