Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 12 - Mar 16
Mar 14 - May 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2485
Currently Logged in: 191

Alliance Clan: The Infernal Elite (Infernal)

Second round: Jan 31, 2010 - Apr 02, 2010
Clan Standings
Membership Rank15 of 34
Total Networth Rank18 of 34
Average Networth Rank18 of 34
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
474 Crystal Blue Persuasion (#1184) 5308$1,026,929 T
476 KilledAtDaughtersBirthdayHowLow (#1134) 1476$973,373 T
500 imagined they have balls (#1133)  Game profile 2942$565,162 T
502 Seven Dwarfs (#1172) 3694$554,006 CG
509 where is everyone (#1225)  Game profile 3533$535,613 T
512 Hello Kitty (#1197) 2513$531,359 T
525 The Energizer Bunny (#1239) 3929$480,797 M
526 come get me now (#1191) 4161$471,772 T
529 ipukesonu (#1122)  Game profile 1307$456,052 T
586 Raphael (#1143) 3697$277,317 T
607 Spartadiculous (#1097) 1491$182,917 T
615 Dragons Teeth (#1202) 933$117,241 C
645 Tie Stick (#1186) 533$42,725 C
698 Santa Wins (#1273)  Game profile 100$7404 M
699 ouch my smurfhole (#1292)  Game profile 100$7396 F
Lets Party SoL (#7)  Game profile 31,594$8,075,199 T
VypejJaduScukaTIEstyle (#9) 14,247$4,901,480 T
TIEs Death Angel (#51)  Game profile 14,372$6,226,873 I
Type your desired country name (#106)  Game profile 11,306$5,410,454 T
Dragono (#142) 10,481$3,113,306 T
Angry Wolf (#143) 11,145$7,431,287 T
Tie Stick (#160) 10,784$5,210,601 I
Bad (#215) 15,073$9,957,232 R
Son of Satan (#239) 8137$5,733,126 R
idontwannadothis (#250) 12,761$7,277,643 T
Elms Deep (#321) 703$3,367,187 DG
UPSguy (#341) 19,322$12,124,994 R
Dark Knight (#373) 9670$5,981,451 T
Smurfette (#393) 14,165$5,021,589 R
Inspector Clouseau (#399) 21,595$10,389,891 T
llaar is ghey (#427) 45,834$15,976,662 T
theLANDofSAMjam (#433)  Game profile 18,069$8,553,634 T
Snow White (#438) 8677$4,892,513 C
Princess Allura (#440) 7063$2,935,362 T
SanttiE kLausia (#454)  Game profile 8507$4,001,462 T
wisconsin alien (#504)  Game profile 8514$3,983,175 I
Make7UpTIE (#575) 12,930$4,243,302 R
BEeEp BeEEp (#581) 12,304$7,407,888 T
knc (#603) 11,366$4,616,379 R
Elmo (#610) 8989$5,020,679 T
Battle Royal I (#615) 20,316$15,350,504 H
Damocles (#638) 16,505$11,800,378 C
Tie no boundries (#674) 13,251$6,453,667 R
Vulkaren (#685) 0$3532 T
Topozzie is back (#746) 8993$3,409,062 C
TIE Roach (#804) 5595$953,541 I
terriBad (#921) 1099$901,292 F
(#978) 4006$1,324,282 T
Beelzebub (#982) 3930$1,122,171 M
Pheonix (#990) 4910$1,171,359 T
imagine you have balls (#991)  Game profile 2227$766,492 T
iMAGINEmEbACK (#994) 1514$229,674 T
Im Baaaack (#998) 2741$1,257,389 F
go smurf yoursef smurfhole (#1000)  Game profile 3298$1,701,479 T
The Infernal Tie (#1005) 3617$760,689 I
ipukes (#1012)  Game profile 1900$1,058,574 I
Arc Blast (#1090) 1112$62,082 M
imagcollabs kick toy (#1098)  Game profile 2955$365,729 T
Dragons Breaths (#1100) 2544$379,588 C
Retal Time (#1103) 1248$791,885 T
Lazarus (#1113) 0$611,376 T
The Man in The Back (#1141) 2897$246,473 T
How many times do I die TIE (#1151) 2295$253,798 I
Angrywolf2 (#1153) 3599$559,587 T
Cant Keep Hellrush down (#1160)  Game profile 11,637$2,533,246 T
ankle biters (#1181)  Game profile 2578$330,641 M
Santa TIEs U down (#1185)  Game profile 1943$190,337 T

Total countries: 67 (Show ranked countries only)

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