Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 26 - Mar 30
Mar 14 - May 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2571
Currently Logged in: 174

Top Players - Alliance

Next Reset Twenty-first round: Apr 06, 2013 - Jun 05, 2013 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 769 countries in the Alliance server.

1 i suck in 1a (#271)  Game profile 63,864$272,962,670 RG LaF
2 sg is my cupcake (#82) 77,227$266,398,951 HG LaF
3 just give me a reason (#185) 72,713$230,330,161 HG EVOosso
4 communicasher (#59)  Game profile 47,879$207,070,790 HG EVOosso
5 Commie Wins (#107)  Game profile 44,557$204,334,291 HG EVOosso
6 Hoofed Deciduous Horn Mist (#169) 29,771$187,327,887 DG LaF
7 too much camping time (#416) 85,052$177,346,523 HG EVOosso
8 Mule Kick (#230) 39,078$175,842,077 HG LaF
9 SG stands for Singapore (#455)  Game profile 25,989$172,703,604 D LaF
10 Copy paste catastrophe (#209)  Game profile 22,892$171,197,025 HG EVOosso
11 Diu lah goKu sing (#413) 43,593$170,993,228 HG LaF
12 (#179)  Game profile 47,374$166,985,188 HG EVOosso
13 You cant be serious (#365) 26,048$166,410,966 D LaF
14 Evolution is xxxRatED (#109)  Game profile 36,384$160,668,788 HG EVOosso
15 REDge (#33) 21,371$158,756,689 HG EVOosso
16 www positivemoney org (#219) 33,442$158,053,462 DG LaF
17 That thing is operational (#375) 22,662$157,314,552 DG omega
18 Fatally Emo CHIPOTLE (#268) 32,764$156,030,089 DG LaF
19 eug told me to mono jump (#222) 53,493$153,677,037 HG LaF
20 RestartInExpressAfterKilledInWar (#96) 23,035$150,932,341 HG EVOosso
21 iKAntretaL (#317)  Game profile 38,096$148,540,547 HG EVOosso
22 Fate or Fortune (#321)  Game profile 26,837$148,459,300 D LaF
23 Fail award 2013 (#165)  Game profile 41,597$148,364,548 D RIVAL
24 All X commie (#266)  Game profile 33,761$143,698,063 HG EVOosso
25 What is Starwars (#201) 30,892$142,689,290 H omega
26 Goku is a Tier 4 Super Saiyan (#357) 34,094$142,598,687 D LaF
27 Forgot to login (#469) 39,808$142,383,990 C EVOosso
28 11 am is Son Gokus washroom time (#425) 49,327$141,519,508 HG LaF
29 Top 10 (#212) 40,223$139,135,834 H EVOosso
30 Jack Prime (#504) 44,980$138,604,327 HG LaF
31 Frosty (#126) 51,858$138,148,382 CG LaF
32 bought out bushels on my PM (#227) 27,924$135,227,819 HG EVOosso
33 RED STORM (#11)  Game profile 33,332$134,260,204 D EVOosso
34 Mong Ji Hyo (#326) 25,683$133,000,000 HG LaF
35 Commie Destock FTW (#296)  Game profile 28,277$132,902,312 DG EVOosso
36 MONO destock (#60) 39,093$132,681,733 HG EVOosso
37 Chipotle Tabasco Shortage (#443)  Game profile 42,573$132,179,163 HG LaF
38 What no calls (#746)  Game profile 32,318$131,776,865 HG LaF
39 Surprised SG didnt choke again (#379) 53,162$131,560,745 HG LaF
40 Fo TwEnTy CrOsSfAdE (#148) 21,985$130,275,539 H MONSTERS
41 Granny still smells (#88) 38,177$129,604,918 DG RIVAL
42 Channing all over GOKUs Tatum (#262)  Game profile 30,093$129,412,152 HG LaF
43 A R D C (#176) 32,990$127,319,886 HG EVOosso
44 ermahgerd (#119) 22,845$124,315,014 DG RIVAL
45 Starlight Starbright (#506) 28,458$122,104,770 H omega
46 Public Urinator (#177)  Game profile 38,438$121,577,533 HG EVOosso
47 Winter Is Coming (#155)  Game profile 37,014$120,436,900 H LaF
48 Oh snap SG dun went L4 SS on 1a (#354)  Game profile 36,049$119,903,657 H LaF
49 Black Sheep (#333) 31,906$117,761,032 H RIVAL
50 BlueScreenofDeath (#422) 28,423$117,428,780 HG EVOosso
51 The Cloaked since 1998 (#330)  Game profile 20,974$116,269,226 D LaF
52 FURYous One (#362)  Game profile 33,769$115,369,907 DG ICN
53 Volscii (#414) 38,752$115,211,312 HG ICN
54 Star Trek Into Omega (#488) 32,201$114,143,126 H omega
55 Ill make the cake (#452) 26,250$113,763,424 D RIVAL
56 CHIPOTLE Rulez (#553) 26,544$113,365,558 D LaF
57 Fomalhaut (#459) 15,031$112,663,589 H omega
58 Euphoria (#86) 30,240$111,751,611 HG EVOosso
59 Nekrataal (#174) 40,976$111,302,358 H RIVAL
60 missed set end again (#67) 30,900$111,014,044 HG omega
61 the pillars of the earth (#156) 25,039$110,249,401 HG EVOosso
62 Out of Space (#135) 28,624$107,767,373 R RIVAL
63 NINE (#1) 48,067$105,414,713 D SoF
64 ALPHA Concerto Futurissimo (#178) 27,123$104,074,713 H omega
65 Where The Shadows Lie (#295)  Game profile 20,620$103,040,579 HG MONSTERS
66 Path of Terra SG (#83)  Game profile 30,200$100,379,506 H LaF
67 lIl lIl (#323) 26,209$99,970,312 D Infernal
68 Failed to get my DR (#171) 31,392$98,933,669 H EVOosso
69 black mamba strikes (#701) 16,016$95,305,646 H EVOosso
70 Mr Fleur de Lis (#310)  Game profile 27,322$94,232,969 HG MONSTERS
71 No Mercy (#537) 25,002$93,831,672 H RIVAL
72 lll111ll1 (#202)  Game profile 33,923$93,723,636 DG Infernal
73 Four Horsemen (#509) 34,918$93,480,172 H RIVAL
74 Mono Destocker (#348) 22,761$93,451,535 HG EVOosso
75 Soultaker (#193) 56,806$92,602,381 D RIVAL
76 Do you even destock (#534) 27,927$92,005,713 DG EVOosso
77 The Big Red Omega (#301) 25,825$90,875,976 H omega
78 But we are out of cake (#214)  Game profile 20,710$90,780,339 F RIVAL
79 New York Returns (#390)  Game profile 27,284$90,666,797 HG ICN
80 Pollex (#433) 25,432$90,070,833 H EVOosso
81 On the Beach (#235) 17,507$89,867,360 DG RIVAL
82 Hawkeye (#431)  Game profile 23,827$89,508,127 H omega
83 KHHAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNN (#619)  Game profile 18,334$89,442,605 D omega
84 We aint found shit (#244) 20,211$88,792,318 H omega
85 Luke I Am NOT Your Father (#400) 25,970$88,058,349 H omega
86 bora of the Lannisters (#205) 28,281$86,420,719 H LaF
87 ironchariotsdotorg (#251) 24,873$86,417,063 DG MONSTERS
88 Oobie doo Banoobi (#569) 20,222$86,316,905 D omega
89 Ingle FAed me out of t100 (#419) 28,298$86,178,499 C LaF
90 AERTHAERG (#446) 25,736$85,888,464 R ICN
91 Diepe Zucht (#485) 23,021$85,631,701 HG ICN
92 Jabba the slut (#203) 40,349$84,974,639 T omega
93 hit the lights (#42) 24,832$83,870,460 H omega
94 Steal The Rhythm With Your Hands (#453) 27,056$82,822,264 H EVOosso
95 Obsidian Butterfly (#471) 20,486$80,299,669 R MONSTERS
96 goku ate my chipotle (#454)  Game profile 23,152$80,082,934 HG LaF
97 BiBiGoN (#342)  Game profile 18,204$79,793,469 D RIVAL
98 Mustang Country (#309) 31,590$79,633,220 H LaF
99 Black Hole Sun (#658) 30,116$79,627,939 H LaF
100 goku loves pikachu (#32) 30,360$79,307,604 H LaF

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