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Active countries: 2571
Currently Logged in: 172

Alliance Clan: Moral Decay (MD)

Twenty-second round: Jun 06, 2013 - Aug 05, 2013
Clan Standings
Membership Rank2 of 26
Total Networth Rank1 of 26
Average Networth Rank3 of 26
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
3 iMagNum Choked on my Artichoke (#30) 37,730$216,904,332 DG
10 CHIa Pets Eat Artichokes (#87) 45,926$163,924,572 DG
11 Unfortunate events lead to this (#64) 64,045$156,044,725 H
12 artichokin myself to orgasm (#402) 25,993$149,802,808 HG
14 hoops country (#542) 37,616$149,102,104 HG
22 lickmyartichode (#597) 39,831$126,902,146 HG
26 Death by Artichoke (#254) 20,790$123,803,491 HG
27 Yoda Humping Artichokes (#149) 42,741$121,040,127 CG
28 Okey Dokey Artichokey (#345) 40,043$114,282,961 H
29 INVINCIBLE IRONMAN (#167)  Game profile 49,298$110,816,394 H
30 Net for real this time (#567) 24,680$110,502,404 HG
34 Cynara cardunculus (#57)  Game profile 54,542$106,408,340 C
36 art i choke (#112)  Game profile 27,059$106,198,398 HG
39 Artichoke me please MD (#459) 16,787$104,466,400 DG
43 Ar ti choke on this (#417) 26,342$102,373,524 D
47 I poke with an Artichoke (#68)  Game profile 22,682$99,369,835 HG
48 The End (#124) 29,898$99,091,976 D
53 Kentucky Fried Artichoke (#270) 35,158$92,072,996 C
54 Your mom (#367) 22,678$91,857,383 HG
55 NoT loves MD artichoke (#115) 36,072$90,024,551 C
56 Panzer Division MD (#171)  Game profile 35,928$89,324,564 C
57 Artichokes Are Gross (#53) 16,704$88,488,552 DG
69 Humping Artichokes TNCR style (#125) 18,552$81,181,978 HG
71 ARTICHOKE IMPALER (#541)  Game profile 24,125$79,513,715 H
72 PlayWithMyArtichoke (#392)  Game profile 19,428$79,398,855 HG
75 Yoda Humping Artichokes (#403) 21,050$76,773,282 DG
77 Ace of Spades (#848) 25,834$75,680,909 HG
78 Hmpfs (#372)  Game profile 33,340$73,881,209 F
81 Artichokiopia (#584) 21,739$73,191,207 H
82 Visayan Empire (#833) 25,813$70,950,534 DG
84 Arti Chokes on Hearts (#631) 20,808$70,279,927 D
86 Da Mad Bomber (#311)  Game profile 24,815$68,027,504 DG
92 Spack Nation (#77) 24,033$63,400,919 C
93 TheArtichokeStrikesBackMD (#86) 14,645$62,528,989 DG
99 Yoda Humping Artichokes (#331)  Game profile 9282$57,030,482 DG
100 Artichokes Are Not Sexy (#601) 29,696$56,602,543 C
105 MD4Life (#51) 12,979$53,354,102 D
107 Whats An Artichoke (#300) 14,296$50,606,673 H
115 The Crimson Reign (#209) 16,180$46,349,296 I
116 xX420sm0k3w33d69Xx (#184)  Game profile 9757$46,212,690 H
121 Cynara Scolymus (#414) 11,251$44,375,258 D
125 AutoEroticArtichokingMyself (#137)  Game profile 12,596$43,138,218 DG
126 Artichoketopia (#253)  Game profile 10,310$42,844,608 DG
127 Shoving Artichokes up SoFs Butt (#483) 14,842$42,165,872 H
129 Soulkey Is The Best Zerg (#444)  Game profile 22,063$41,168,638 H
141 TFS the Artichoke Killer (#499) 12,723$37,257,602 D
143 tooDrunktoFck (#452) 18,737$37,161,279 T
145 EnVinterSaga (#643) 23,555$35,050,417 R
150 artichoke on broccoli soup (#258) 11,489$34,611,769 T
153 SOsucksVdick (#525) 13,255$34,036,576 D
160 Choked Artichoke (#70) 10,013$32,152,040 D
164 Arti will Choke you (#71)  Game profile 12,034$31,797,222 T
170 TheOnlyHolyMonk (#394) 35,601$29,530,018 C
172 Heartachoke (#427) 12,358$28,306,992 D
185 Illusional Ascent (#320) 20,525$24,938,687 IG
197 Does Wayne Brady have to Articho (#324) 17,472$20,547,423 IG
199 Death comes Ripping (#375) 47,763$19,898,747 DG
203 MD eats Artichokes TFS (#514) 15,852$18,494,712 C
206 Im not the fittest (#1029) 16,616$16,236,753 FG
210 Mangoes do it better (#152) 19,734$15,429,478 DG
212 JUST BRING IT (#1043) 10,448$14,114,870 R
217 Ragin Artichokin (#233) 17,778$12,652,415 D
218 wassssssssssssssssssssabi (#500) 15,397$12,523,567 R
220 Chump City (#102) 9247$11,930,114 D
247 LMF (#995) 20,177$8,313,269 C
250 Armenia (#661) 13,885$7,780,078 R
259 Motorhead12 (#1059) 7925$6,818,283 H
292 OrangeCrushMD LXXVII (#668) 7216$3,206,119 I
337 Mertania (#1337) 5069$2,094,442 C
491 Rains of Castamere (#342) 5221$650,389 R
493 TNCR TheDragonReborn MD (#1426) 1589$643,146 T
689 Pegmatopia (#1600) 249$15,861 R

Ranked countries: 72 (Show all countries)

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