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Active countries: 2459
Currently Logged in: 201

Alliance Clan: Moral Decay (MD)

Twenty-third round: Aug 06, 2013 - Oct 05, 2013
Clan Standings
Membership Rank3 of 28
Total Networth Rank2 of 28
Average Networth Rank3 of 28
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
9 Death comes ripping (#596) 38,235$188,794,979 DG
11 SCs Mom Rides CHIs Lightsaber (#368) 51,991$176,948,544 HG
15 eugCheatsAtTxtBasedGames (#185) 78,403$164,469,874 RG
16 The End (#68) 46,308$158,630,523 DG
17 MD Luke Love NoT (#25) 61,395$156,787,515 HG
19 Yoda runs multies (#53)  Game profile 47,237$141,702,555 HG
23 MD4Life (#86) 33,443$135,610,348 DG
27 My force is inside you MD (#13) 21,493$134,017,068 HG
41 UncleOwensSmokingCarcass (#529) 37,052$120,594,373 HG
53 santiago cazorla gonzalez (#56) 35,749$109,165,528 C
56 War We Shall Not (#98) 24,266$107,670,367 HG
58 Ruth loves my Lightsaber (#234) 38,130$105,887,055 DG
60 Visayan Empire (#254) 30,431$105,775,064 DG
69 BRB Skiing on Hoth (#220) 19,925$100,417,894 HG
72 AMoreWretchdHiveOfScumAndVillany (#109) 38,260$98,611,365 HG
77 MDs Sith Lord (#50) 33,233$95,913,184 H
86 LIGHT SABER IMPALER (#565)  Game profile 26,504$90,854,403 HG
90 ITS A TRAP (#176) 42,725$88,289,400 D
91 Spack Nation (#11) 21,114$87,701,769 DG
94 xSTEPPx (#536)  Game profile 23,692$87,133,991 HG
96 starwars1405times (#10) 24,555$85,763,246 H
98 Hmpfs (#444)  Game profile 26,108$85,215,774 FG
101 Han YOLO (#532) 10,355$84,441,231 DG
103 The Empire Strikes Back (#191) 19,999$83,235,102 HG
106 Ace of Spades (#199) 25,747$82,062,139 DG
107 Star wars theme (#455) 29,177$81,523,821 C
108 Net We Shall Not (#99) 19,560$81,209,632 HG
109 Crazy Rich Asian (#569)  Game profile 24,820$81,060,302 HG
110 Im a Ghost Ghost Ghost (#416) 10,749$80,724,845 D
113 Come and feel my force (#151) 22,656$78,542,814 DG
117 24 MD Rebels (#245) 13,077$77,008,837 DG
120 Got Locutus by the balls (#686) 16,545$76,091,054 HG
121 The Zoidberg Strikes Back (#17)  Game profile 26,377$75,916,888 D
126 Kashmir (#572) 24,457$74,472,777 R
133 Im Back Like Herpes MD (#735) 24,984$72,422,555 DG
137 SCs Lightsaber in CHIs Anus (#23) 15,522$71,266,481 D
146 Late Starter (#668)  Game profile 18,639$67,637,252 FG
147 Wooki (#495) 31,557$67,292,053 CG
148 TheNightIsDarkAndFullOfTerrors (#104) 20,368$67,091,848 D
165 Boba Fett (#222)  Game profile 61,175$62,371,035 F
166 death star (#87)  Game profile 8678$62,043,568 DG
172 Your mom (#344) 26,893$60,099,634 IG
176 May the schwarzbier with you (#482) 22,404$59,224,533 H
177 Princess Laid Alot (#288) 23,577$58,709,060 RG
188 I Bent My Wookie (#526) 24,467$54,153,243 HG
205 Join the Dark side (#159)  Game profile 15,436$47,617,481 D
209 Liberty (#486) 22,196$46,402,325 C
211 Darth Cali (#97) 28,885$45,345,442 DG
212 TheForceIsStrongInMDTFS (#95) 23,020$44,405,115 C
215 Illusional Ascent (#446) 18,684$43,537,545 FG
221 Man Machine (#558) 21,812$41,992,258 F
227 TFS Strikes Back (#408) 8676$39,344,259 D
228 Episode I (#205) 9660$38,967,482 DG
234 Never Tell Me The Odds (#38)  Game profile 20,244$36,802,364 R
235 Imperial Storm Pooper (#340) 26,867$35,448,014 R
239 Revenge of the Sith (#135) 16,902$33,724,105 CG
257 Motorhead12 (#299) 11,709$28,593,750 D
262 TNCR TheDragonReborn MD (#96) 10,304$27,327,946 T
274 MoRaL DeCaY (#110) 17,497$20,075,223 H
284 Yoda Humping Artichokes (#3)  Game profile 15,820$18,073,879 F
292 Artichokiopia (#7) 8700$17,032,256 D
297 Yoda Humping SCs Mom (#30) 17,851$15,953,085 T
337 Panzer Division MD (#521)  Game profile 24,534$8,129,006 FG
375 Albino Wookie (#403) 18,139$4,195,636 R
420 There Can Be Only One (#396) 10,790$2,497,828 R
441 Siria (#629) 5841$2,025,790 C

Total countries: 66

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