Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 12 - Mar 16
Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2477
Currently Logged in: 180

Alliance Clan: Survival of the Fittest (SoF)

Twenty-sixth round: Feb 05, 2014 - Apr 06, 2014
Clan Standings
Membership Rank7 of 24
Total Networth Rank18 of 24
Average Networth Rank18 of 24
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
479 gyftsdethgvh (#1235) 3246$1,199,845 T
481 Anchors (#1229) 2735$1,133,105 T
486 ddd (#1190) 4631$1,033,218 T
488 makinso takes it in the dumper (#1180)  Game profile 4721$1,021,215 T
489 Alvakins (#1210) 3400$1,013,104 M
490 serously dont kill me its chevs (#940) 2758$1,009,889 M
492 One Step Closer (#1222) 2025$983,769 C
493 n0n0n0n0n0 (#1124) 1846$968,783 T
495 p00p00 (#1161)  Game profile 3667$937,961 I
496 MrB (#1238) 2072$930,847 M
497 Junior (#1251) 3411$907,874 T
498 BlehToYouToo (#1185) 6238$902,593 M
504 White River (#1198) 3939$865,422 T
506 springfield (#1181) 3224$847,850 T
509 Tokyo 2nd (#1220) 4480$843,598 T
510 Nama Saya Amin (#1066) 2733$839,887 T
511 problem bear the fifth (#1209) 6322$838,898 F
512 BlackBerryisAnoying (#1227) 2715$825,518 T
513 m0m0 n0 m0re dying (#1217) 3779$812,414 T
514 M Y S T E R Y (#1162) 5518$802,057 T
516 6789 (#1170) 4572$784,466 T
517 killing machine (#1196) 8391$775,388 T
519 Syntax error (#1257) 2543$750,174 T
520 SoF is still better then SoL (#1245)  Game profile 2767$748,801 T
522 Pfft (#1265) 2402$714,041 I
525 dragonist (#1064) 885$699,080 T
528 SoFsHG VI (#1232) 3867$678,930 T
529 IXrael is eternal (#1152) 4100$658,703 T
530 Norcal should of got the kill (#1256)  Game profile 3457$656,646 T
531 Death by SNUSNU (#1246)  Game profile 1690$651,658 I
532 the neo m0m0 (#1262) 1500$639,465 T
533 keep coming back (#1051) 2454$629,789 T
536 V (#1247) 2738$598,383 T
537 MD is better than SoL (#1263) 2395$587,694 I
538 MrB (#1268) 2156$582,218 M
540 The Forbidden Lands (#1237) 2604$576,899 T
541 Survival of the FIttest (#1208) 1574$568,651 M
546 56789 (#1275) 3045$545,225 T
547 you got a pretty mouth (#1218)  Game profile 1779$523,572 T
551 White River (#1264) 2366$485,963 T
561 SoL hits like a Girl (#1270)  Game profile 2466$398,525 T
576 TakeTheGold4 (#1129)  Game profile 1834$298,935 T

Ranked countries: 42 (Show all countries)

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