Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 5 - Mar 9
Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2459
Currently Logged in: 203

Alliance Clan: SoL (VampsSoL)

Twenty-eighth round: Jun 07, 2014 - Aug 07, 2014
Clan Standings
Membership Rank4 of 24
Total Networth Rank18 of 24
Average Networth Rank18 of 24
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
358 Jigolo Har Megiddo (#1126) 6512$3,940,554 T
366 magic nation (#512) 6609$3,145,770 T
369 Makis Pet (#778) 5277$2,986,225 T
370 wartoilet (#1123) 3101$2,934,056 T
372 New Klot V (#1084)  Game profile 3490$2,798,532 T
374 Meh II (#826)  Game profile 6799$2,776,534 T
376 Nama Saya Amin (#1017) 4989$2,756,330 T
378 YoYoYoYo (#1120) 4927$2,725,934 T
379 This is stupid (#946) 2789$2,677,494 T
381 LaFing at 95 percent (#1129) 2807$2,666,680 T
382 Oops (#615) 5670$2,633,845 T
384 Seven (#1031) 5971$2,537,872 IG
385 GG (#966)  Game profile 4240$2,487,190 F
386 I lost my SOuL (#567) 3979$2,393,249 T
388 Universal SOLdier (#1121) 3417$2,317,060 T
389 LaF picked the wrong side (#1063) 6342$2,313,930 T
390 gRaB dEm BoObIeZ (#1069) 5593$2,308,260 T
395 Anal Bum Cover (#987) 4530$2,127,277 T
396 So SOL SouL (#765) 5607$2,108,465 TG
397 Little Butt Nugget (#1077) 6051$2,028,147 T
398 Paint It Black Like Brown Sugar (#1035) 9071$2,016,325 T
399 died at the zoo (#1101)  Game profile 7292$2,001,001 T
402 Summer Sun (#1081) 6752$1,892,114 T
403 The Citadel (#526) 6217$1,855,747 T
404 Fiskekutter 5 (#1103) 3647$1,854,561 T
408 thanks my country build sucked (#948) 4540$1,756,531 T
411 DaS iSt SoL (#1113)  Game profile 4927$1,612,612 FG
412 Inis Mona (#628) 0$1,566,660 M
413 Im YoonA (#1070) 2837$1,559,449 T
414 Xel Naga SOL (#774) 2795$1,538,666 I
415 Urzas Rage (#1136)  Game profile 4227$1,502,696 T
418 True SOLdier NLS (#1087) 3366$1,411,560 T
419 God of war (#1061) 3701$1,409,225 T
422 So SOL SouL (#1166) 2768$1,356,177 T
426 CARDS (#602) 4006$1,299,028 I
431 klopek (#660) 3724$1,249,666 T
432 Xel Naga SOL (#1157) 2994$1,206,413 M
439 14 days left (#1124) 4400$1,047,828 T
441 Death of King Cobra (#1114) 2117$976,945 T
442 Welcome to the party (#718) 5874$954,128 T
448 little butt nugget (#1151) 2873$927,676 M
456 DIELAFDIE (#1150) 2583$758,880 T
467 Xel Naga SOL (#1169) 2067$512,742 M
477 Moose Alpaca Squirrel (#528) 1686$387,457 T
486 llamky (#589)  Game profile 990$296,675 M
489 joeskin of SOL (#726) 1752$274,347 T
500 GonzSOL4 (#1022)  Game profile 1899$169,617 M
539 Back For the Attack (#1174) 100$7094 R

Ranked countries: 48 (Show all countries)

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