Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 12 - Mar 16
Mar 14 - May 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2482
Currently Logged in: 194

Alliance Clan: SoL (SoL)

Thirtieth round: Oct 07, 2014 - Dec 06, 2014
Clan Standings
Membership Rank2 of 21
Total Networth Rank4 of 21
Average Networth Rank11 of 21
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
60 Fatally Emo (#343) 27,144$114,383,000 HG
76 LI LI LI LI LI LI LI LI LI LI LI (#132) 20,841$107,291,705 HG
82 sQuEeZiN dEm Cz (#177) 25,950$105,601,770 HG
83 Newcastle (#205) 37,101$105,475,835 HG
109 The LI SOLBOOBS GALLERY (#287) 29,643$96,329,925 HG
122 Hierophant XII (#355) 22,193$90,860,359 H
133 paLe horse rIding (#14)  Game profile 20,282$85,709,518 H
140 LILILILILIBOOBSLILILILILI (#46) 21,576$83,122,593 H
144 Dark Realm SOL (#265) 20,978$81,595,361 T
150 FSU with LI (#214) 21,887$80,804,565 HG
151 LIving (#295) 24,310$80,305,412 R
153 LI has man titties (#78) 19,494$80,077,689 H
158 LI Who (#278) 12,663$78,429,453 D
165 I R WoG SuperFly (#105)  Game profile 27,996$73,549,325 RG
175 Raging Buddah (#31) 22,405$70,112,857 D
177 LImbeh (#299) 29,439$69,998,555 T
190 riddledLittleItalydoingdiddly (#43)  Game profile 9546$63,732,014 D
203 Little Italy (#69) 15,933$60,061,660 DG
208 XeLi Naga SOL (#142) 21,332$59,346,219 H
216 Nama Saya Amin (#166) 26,002$57,877,757 R
218 Little nation of Italy (#291) 16,472$57,369,985 H
222 Little Butt Nugget (#230) 18,190$56,989,280 T
224 Complements from Little Italy (#95)  Game profile 27,791$55,697,658 C
227 Klot of LI (#24)  Game profile 19,885$53,968,043 R
240 LI love Boobs (#62) 16,489$48,197,850 H
241 IWishIWasAsSmartAsLittleItaly (#80)  Game profile 20,385$47,631,818 I
261 Bo0bi3z In LittleItaly (#84)  Game profile 24,784$41,465,563 I
262 The SiciLIan (#197) 30,442$41,310,933 R
266 MulberryStreet (#61) 12,134$40,949,038 T
268 Im YoonA (#32) 10,817$40,888,445 M
274 Cobra da sol (#225)  Game profile 19,419$38,161,492 I
276 Dark Returns (#112)  Game profile 21,679$37,622,750 F
282 littleitaly festival of the SOuL (#154) 12,899$35,257,093 M
285 YoYoYoYo (#37) 22,558$34,311,176 R
292 LI is better than all (#228)  Game profile 19,833$32,252,642 F
297 Angry Wolf (#245) 15,897$27,874,019 M
298 OneMindOneSol (#106) 18,835$27,713,518 T
313 little italy retreat (#301) 13,474$20,505,290 M
314 Taunted and Tainted by LI (#4) 10,799$20,066,254 T
325 LIs big bewbs (#16)  Game profile 30,043$15,130,569 M
327 Tirath (#469) 11,810$11,929,771 F
332 LI loves my boobs (#72) 18,463$10,241,912 D
342 klipek (#292) 22,378$7,921,585 M
343 LI eats yellow snow (#185) 12,877$7,903,137 M
345 LI Huggles Lots (#124) 15,578$7,474,381 M
409 Tir Na Sol (#42) 3834$347,663 R

Total countries: 46

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