Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 26 - Mar 30
Mar 14 - May 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2539
Currently Logged in: 179

Top Players - Alliance

Next Reset Thirty-sixth round: Oct 08, 2015 - Dec 07, 2015 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 440 countries in the Alliance server.

1 Express Tier Attention Span (#277) 7$441,503,617 HG LaF
2 En4cer is LaF 5th Tier (#243)  Game profile 2$407,652,636 HG LaF
3 Ptepperoni Pizzas (#311) 96,674$287,914,050 CG TheOmega
4 Relax tier netgainer ftw lah (#63)  Game profile 90$273,973,200 HG LaF
5 Takeshi Kovacs (#141) 367$269,136,993 HG xMDX
6 DeathFromAbove (#1)  Game profile 35,538$256,101,358 HG LaF
7 I ate the gnome (#67) 39$248,027,046 HG LaF
8 aokigahara (#233)  Game profile 327$235,965,535 HG TheOmega
9 BiBiGoN a Valmont Tier NetGainer (#96)  Game profile 94$208,964,319 HG LaF
10 TreeMaker (#156)  Game profile 165$199,775,368 HG LaF
11 all set mbr (#26)  Game profile 1$198,101,183 HG LaF
12 The Little Mermaid (#279) 73,288$194,112,825 HG TheOmega
13 NovoEbunovo (#172) 27,866$189,658,435 HG LaF
14 Giant Rats in Togas (#400)  Game profile 36$184,094,789 HG RAGE
15 Enterprise NX01 (#343)  Game profile 67,046$182,774,232 HG LaF
16 C R O A T I A (#237)  Game profile 75,324$170,811,286 T LaF
17 Henrikota Vikings (#209) 32,459$169,310,900 H TheOmega
18 Im an 11th tier LaF player (#271) 30$159,827,668 H LaF
19 Ghosts Goblins and Uncle Bob (#2) 34,730$158,303,606 DG TheOmega
20 Path of Terra (#132)  Game profile 96$157,966,596 HG LaF
21 C minus Tier Netgainer (#374) 30,105$157,000,000 HG LaF
22 Furano (#144) 80$152,553,459 MG LaF
23 I R WoG SuperFly (#210)  Game profile 50$151,506,019 HG LaF
24 Valmont (#71)  Game profile 61$151,152,678 H LaF
25 happiness (#238)  Game profile 28,334$149,576,161 HG MONSTERS
26 Triple Crown Frosties (#283)  Game profile 96$148,612,665 HG LaF
27 It was a graveyard smash (#82)  Game profile 24,471$148,217,259 RG MONSTERS
28 Santa Clan of Tre Kronor (#127)  Game profile 61$134,900,192 HG LaF
29 Its always Yoda MD (#166) 27$133,303,602 H xMDX
30 The Dorks of Hazzard (#329) 212$132,604,547 HG LaF
31 I am a 6th tier netgainer (#298) 69$131,033,987 MG LaF
32 Shenanigans and BS (#68) 25,699$126,073,995 HG xMDX
33 Gonna Wanna Tonight (#292) 31$125,861,371 MG LaF
34 Breaker of Worlds (#316) 82,570$123,387,518 H TPA
35 BiBiGoN (#145)  Game profile 14,423$119,974,966 D RIVAL
36 Artichokes humping Yoda (#235)  Game profile 100$119,727,296 H xMDX
37 ZOMBOdotCOM (#45) 24,846$112,619,192 DG MONSTERS
38 Yoda Humping Artichokes (#7) 27,079$110,933,582 D xMDX
39 Broadside is win (#262)  Game profile 21,652$110,621,607 F RAGE
40 Devil in a midnight mass (#152) 29,447$108,335,513 HG LaF
41 Malfeasance (#301)  Game profile 31,129$106,807,860 R MONSTERS
42 Skulls of Dominion (#227) 25,041$102,704,172 H LaF
43 Modus Pythonic (#51) 25,292$102,526,642 D MONSTERS
44 Pambansang Siko (#386) 50,635$101,961,507 H TPA
45 I Must Really Hate Myself (#120)  Game profile 30,335$101,266,505 R MONSTERS
46 cunts (#62)  Game profile 27,479$99,671,156 HG LCNostra
47 Monsters Time of Year (#255) 33,249$99,114,572 R MONSTERS
48 tutuwarrior (#114)  Game profile 26,247$96,311,492 H MONSTERS
49 Golden Age (#341)  Game profile 71,072$95,334,235 HG LCNostra
50 Take Control of Your Life (#192) 37,363$95,156,492 HG xMDX
51 CHIa Pets MD (#13) 9490$94,888,385 DG xMDX
52 Canadian Siberia (#95) 256$92,072,232 HG ICN
53 Pteppermint Ptatty (#322)  Game profile 33,743$90,975,043 H TheOmega
54 ALPHAs eat Vegemite (#160) 15,613$89,931,537 H TheOmega
55 Rival Gone Viral (#204)  Game profile 13,049$89,055,850 H RIVAL
56 Neds Atomic Dustbin (#263) 19,628$88,497,163 H TheOmega
57 Chemosh Misses Gonzo (#337) 16,700$86,633,018 HG TheOmega
58 Lions (#94) 22,022$85,811,345 DG RIVAL
59 Jessica Jones (#294) 24,989$85,453,027 DG TPA
60 AZAZEL (#78) 21,773$84,089,610 H OMA
61 97th alpha lion hunter (#247) 57,418$83,559,105 T TheOmega
62 The Bleak North (#138) 26,730$80,322,058 R MONSTERS
63 Hawkeye (#411)  Game profile 22,858$78,061,032 H TheOmega
64 Crimson (#293) 73$75,515,904 HG LaF
65 will spit (#197) 65$71,732,437 DG OMA
66 Doghouse (#47) 40,631$69,112,787 R OMA
67 The Cloaked since 1998 (#350)  Game profile 260$68,190,939 HG LaF
68 Halloween DrGonzo (#3) 20,599$66,999,206 H MONSTERS
69 Coca Cola (#126) 24,786$66,988,828 I RAGE
70 RAmpaGE (#473) 16,704$66,277,485 H RAGE
71 CCS (#203) 26,882$62,597,715 F LaF
72 Kentucky RAGE (#60)  Game profile 25,278$62,248,925 R RAGE
73 Blitzville (#76) 60,447$59,360,475 F OMA
74 InsaneCanadianNation (#61) 26,370$58,223,868 D ICN
75 my m0m0 gator bites back (#346)  Game profile 30,614$57,460,020 H SoF
76 Chalupa Batman Yobagoya (#35)  Game profile 22,936$56,618,247 H LCNostra
77 Triple crown and coke (#345)  Game profile 200$56,389,322 HG LaF
78 Mountain Dew (#215) 15,266$56,065,486 R RAGE
79 CatchPhrase (#58)  Game profile 18,205$54,827,654 H xMDX
80 Sparta (#212) 23,359$52,781,514 RG LaF
81 Big Juicy Sauce (#57)  Game profile 26,677$52,168,716 D OMA
82 growing up Nostra (#317) 24,605$51,233,063 D LCNostra
83 duck duck (#328) 15,152$48,955,343 R EvO
84 Eternamundus (#335)  Game profile 25,053$47,737,930 R EvO
85 Whydah Trader (#100) 22,161$47,168,666 T LCNostra
86 black notice (#151) 23,512$46,646,122 F ICN
87 unclepaul (#415) 15,510$44,928,582 M xMDX
88 WARBEAST (#306) 41,299$42,800,829 D TPA
89 Fall Foilage (#232) 30,394$42,119,502 I LCNostra
90 nice try (#159) 21,543$40,968,730 I LCNostra
91 NATA (#117) 20,571$40,008,877 T RIVAL
92 Shepard (#36) 45,099$39,896,360 H OMA
93 New York (#260)  Game profile 36,212$38,767,296 R ICN
94 Ryoumon Houzikimaru (#408) 26,122$37,629,185 C TPA
95 Tokyo (#41) 44,881$36,991,360 I SoF
96 PUGBOAT (#38) 23,048$36,204,147 I SoF
97 TipReturns (#572)  Game profile 30,545$35,665,877 F SoF
98 Terps (#320) 18,639$34,721,914 I LCNostra
99 Young Spirit (#344)  Game profile 23,566$33,226,007 IG SoF
100 Neal (#315) 6580$32,821,555 H LaF

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