Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 26 - Mar 30
Mar 14 - May 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2539
Currently Logged in: 179

Top Players - Alliance

Next Reset Fortieth round: Jun 08, 2016 - Aug 07, 2016 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 473 countries in the Alliance server.

1 DeathFrom160mMistake (#296) 99$636,660,425 HG LaF
2 MALBORK XIII (#163) 97$535,745,923 HG OMEGA
3 I ate the gnome (#214) 50$505,793,391 HG LaF
4 DeathFromAbove (#2)  Game profile 75$497,071,134 H LaF
5 BeE Po bEe po BEe pO (#126)  Game profile 35$461,005,895 HG LaF
6 DeathFromBelow (#39) 92$422,290,970 HG LaF
7 En4cers last Hurrah 4 Dan (#84)  Game profile 70$371,562,536 HG LaF
8 SupersKunkorangehAir (#77)  Game profile 116$353,642,108 HG OMEGA
9 TreeMaker (#141)  Game profile 8$342,151,672 H LaF
10 C R O A T I A (#271)  Game profile 51,164$307,067,050 HG LaF
11 BFG Division (#24)  Game profile 74$304,146,749 HG OMEGA
12 Giant Rats in Togas (#327)  Game profile 239$299,275,535 HG RR
13 LaFing Holocaust (#54)  Game profile 37$279,414,134 HG LaF
14 Brexit (#188) 248$272,958,145 H LaF
15 It smells funny (#291)  Game profile 52$262,237,918 H LaF
16 101 Dalmatians (#121) 516$247,459,891 HG OMEGA
17 Old Masochists Alliance (#275)  Game profile 52,196$239,017,448 HG Paradigm
18 Summer of Beif (#300)  Game profile 22$237,037,532 H rEVOr
19 Gary Johnson 2016 (#65)  Game profile 26,412$236,424,345 HG rEVOr
20 Wrath of a Stoner (#116)  Game profile 71$233,258,492 HG LaF
21 Z E R O B E T A H E D G E (#93)  Game profile 159$229,121,381 H LaF
22 The Cloaked since 1998 (#334)  Game profile 135$228,000,099 HG LaF
23 NSNIN (#5)  Game profile 211$206,722,906 H LaF
24 c3lph1 (#343) 46,927$200,078,752 H LaF
25 Path of Terra (#149)  Game profile 52,639$199,965,886 H LaF
26 Tennessee (#60) 80$198,037,563 H LaF
27 Crimson (#27) 123$193,170,367 HG LaF
28 Telsiai (#190) 5$190,843,688 HG rEVOr
29 Valmont (#171)  Game profile 1031$189,045,401 H LaF
30 Stobor (#140)  Game profile 29,327$186,345,095 RG MONSTERS
31 Happy Hump Day (#119) 19,125$185,084,645 D OMEGA
32 Borwatt Town (#22) 83,252$184,167,546 F xGoTxNAx
33 sleepy (#277) 28,175$183,302,211 HG rEVOr
34 NATA (#184) 66$176,412,602 H RR
35 UniveralBasicIncome4all (#304)  Game profile 44,352$171,972,865 HG LCNostra
36 diez (#178) 5$169,932,487 HG rEVOr
37 Snapback (#131) 70$165,662,841 HG LaF
38 BiBiGoN (#269)  Game profile 14,511$162,556,262 DG RR
39 Mr Yellow (#216) 19$160,783,901 HG LaF
40 Apinks Extreme Adventure (#306) 48$159,500,000 HG LaF
41 Lions (#146) 35,959$156,172,916 DG xGoTxNAx
42 sExVOlva (#261) 118$154,492,247 HG rEVOr
43 Uncle Bob (#185) 32,562$149,198,011 DG OMEGA
44 Ava (#302)  Game profile 35,369$148,577,566 HG Paradigm
45 Woopiedo (#53) 25,564$147,675,558 H LCNostra
46 LaF (#201) 101$146,667,671 H LaF
47 A T U R A N (#293)  Game profile 27,256$142,539,612 H LaF
48 Pablo Escobar Medellin Cartel (#109)  Game profile 60$141,229,252 H LaF
49 Whydah Trader (#349) 23,045$140,979,596 TG LCNostra
50 Whiskeyjack (#228) 98$137,827,128 H LaF
51 OverWatch my Net Gains (#292) 32,890$131,607,719 H rEVOr
52 blockchain is win (#283)  Game profile 85$131,407,725 HG LaF
53 Mr Ford buy OverWatch (#181)  Game profile 24,887$128,307,375 H rEVOr
54 Theyre Made Out of Meat (#220) 26,478$126,152,787 R MONSTERS
55 Sourcream (#329) 24,949$125,623,465 H OMEGA
56 Euphoria (#112) 30,752$125,378,389 HG rEVOr
57 here we go (#135) 13,556$124,882,901 H LCNostra
58 Omnomnomnomnom (#66)  Game profile 34$121,527,233 HG rEVOr
59 sunday rendezvous (#232)  Game profile 28,845$120,245,443 HG MONSTERS
60 Hungry Hungry Hippo (#312) 21,556$117,057,914 H LCNostra
61 The Fed (#235)  Game profile 27,380$115,540,543 R rEVOr
62 Salt of the Earth (#145)  Game profile 30,466$114,850,864 H LCNostra
63 My m0m0 is em0rm0us (#284)  Game profile 14$113,744,759 H LaF
64 AQUAMAN (#197) 16,115$111,378,310 HG RR
65 gOMEGAsammich4me (#245) 31,150$109,758,707 HG OMEGA
66 Anthony Zimmer (#280) 28,686$107,131,070 HG LaF
67 Roman Shoes and Pretty Hats (#157)  Game profile 26,618$106,050,752 R MONSTERS
68 Boom boom boom (#316) 29,784$101,834,460 HG Stones
69 travel smk (#345) 15,122$100,308,637 HG Paradigm
70 Camaroland (#90) 100$99,557,805 H LaF
71 Holy rusted metal Batman (#123)  Game profile 23,805$96,248,463 H RR
72 1101 (#325) 91,459$95,812,556 C LaF
73 Nick Fury (#102)  Game profile 30,570$94,758,468 R RR
74 Tyrion (#20) 169$93,808,150 H xGoTxNAx
75 STILL PROUD (#247) 44,827$91,904,161 HG rEVOr
76 Advocate of Light (#273) 32,662$90,362,773 R LCNostra
77 Devo (#319) 33,768$88,792,181 H rEVOr
78 101 ohms (#313)  Game profile 69$87,840,876 H OMEGA
79 Shadows and dust (#98) 25,424$87,244,363 CG Paradigm
80 Mossad Hodor (#113) 29,135$86,001,966 H xGoTxNAx
81 Tutuwarrior (#29)  Game profile 25,822$84,679,197 H MONSTERS
82 Trump University Dropout (#229) 29,520$83,484,751 H LCNostra
83 Why do I play this stupid game (#303) 21,772$80,825,530 H LCNostra
84 Grinchville (#314) 130$80,021,848 M LaF
85 growing up Nostra (#297) 21,070$79,498,495 R LCNostra
86 team 101 alpha (#282) 2506$79,427,551 H OMEGA
87 Never Learn (#193) 31,363$77,472,995 F LaF
88 The Reunion Set (#17) 33,162$76,992,999 F rEVOr
89 Death from Windreachs ReDFlag (#311) 723$76,749,808 H LaF
90 Resonance (#153) 24,370$74,163,055 D RR
91 Lcnostra hawk (#262) 31,553$72,989,966 H LCNostra
92 israel (#134)  Game profile 22,268$72,299,515 H Stones
93 I M GROOT (#12)  Game profile 46,501$72,157,002 I Stones
94 ALPHAs eat Vegemite (#200) 33,771$72,104,459 H OMEGA
95 Hawkeye Sucks (#175)  Game profile 21,697$71,376,140 H OMEGA
96 TheBigRedOne (#104)  Game profile 47,621$70,471,198 H Stones
97 Nihilist Front (#324) 88,498$70,169,868 C xGoTxNAx
98 Chewbacca (#287) 140$68,625,135 D LaF
99 Urine Trouble (#350) 24,657$62,913,062 R MONSTERS
100 The Glitter Band (#258) 23,776$61,592,742 R MONSTERS

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