Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 5 - Mar 9
Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2453
Currently Logged in: 191

Alliance Clan: Evolution (EVOata)

Fifth round: Aug 04, 2010 - Oct 04, 2010
Homepage: http://evolution2025.com
Recruitment message: Interested in netgaining? Join Evolution! We are the result of a merger of the Real Estate Developers (RED) and un4given in 2004, and have strived to be top in Average Networth since! Join and learn to netgain, or learn to be better at netting!
Clan Standings
Membership Rank5 of 22
Total Networth Rank1 of 22
Average Networth Rank1 of 22
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
1 Jossica (#63) 61,169$197,197,437 HG
2 august five O ten (#331) 31,871$170,761,675 HG
4 Pink Peach Passion Princess (#372) 24,718$151,477,590 HG
5 PurpleHeadedYougurtSlinger (#279) 43,900$141,995,506 HG
7 Walls Of Stalingrad (#129) 65,344$137,792,761 HG
8 TheLittleOne (#493)  Game profile 38,624$134,274,307 HG
9 RED STORM (#9)  Game profile 28,449$125,584,363 DG
11 Ossevo (#14)  Game profile 23,744$122,151,521 HG
14 Avoid the lubricant QZ (#71)  Game profile 28,394$117,534,118 HG
16 Burts Bees (#227)  Game profile 36,263$116,450,585 HG
18 DJ Beif (#194)  Game profile 13,280$113,788,997 HG
21 EVO One (#304) 12,131$112,773,312 HG
23 A Beautiful Evil (#177)  Game profile 25,830$108,406,750 HG
26 QZ Please Dont Stock Oil (#62) 28,321$107,097,556 HG
29 The Limited Partnership (#502) 28,049$103,917,644 HG
31 Natural Selection (#184) 29,690$103,023,585 HG
32 two month plan calls for NO OIL (#285) 30,080$101,800,349 CG
34 Spokie cokie (#360) 26,403$100,843,403 HG
35 CoEVOlution (#182)  Game profile 28,718$100,351,923 HG
36 Goldman Sachs (#106) 22,583$100,187,341 HG
39 EDges don is 2003 inches long (#36) 31,096$96,164,849 HG
57 SAI (#426) 20,292$84,342,521 HG
63 Qz remember that thing (#324)  Game profile 32,601$80,833,298 R
67 NeOden (#127) 10,124$80,032,532 HG
77 Fluffed and Buffed (#492) 25,661$76,000,719 HG
84 RED Ribbon Army (#577) 20,670$73,904,246 HG
102 dE ViciOus (#394) 25,953$67,531,526 HG
112 Country of Cold Beer (#504)  Game profile 25,768$63,220,439 HG
138 White Shore (#644) 24,591$48,839,422 HG
140 Holocene Extinction (#291) 42,402$48,025,083 H
144 qz uticant beif stocking oil (#78)  Game profile 29,328$47,185,296 RG
172 Shinigami (#656) 25,293$30,669,484 D
215 Cyberia (#655) 21,131$18,661,818 R

Total countries: 33

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