Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 12 - Mar 16
Mar 14 - May 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2485
Currently Logged in: 191

Alliance Clan: Paradigm (Paradigm)

Fifth round: Aug 04, 2010 - Oct 04, 2010
Homepage: http://www.boxcarhosting.net/...start.php?clanID=paradigm
Clan Standings
Membership Rank12 of 22
Total Networth Rank11 of 22
Average Networth Rank10 of 22
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
155 eye (#146) 22,043$40,442,714 HG
244 Guitar Playing Penguins (#483)  Game profile 20,457$12,220,099 R
246 Hostile (#351) 18,931$11,763,991 C
249 AfghanisTAN (#509) 16,979$10,451,457 F
250 TANtiscularitis (#229) 12,869$10,341,693 T
257 keep sTANding in front of me (#165) 8929$8,815,361 F
273 Totally Asinine Name (#597)  Game profile 9392$6,194,479 R
287 Live for the Kill (#760) 13,334$5,041,954 T
311 Lost Soul (#1126) 9290$3,368,265 C
328 I am a TANnibal (#1023) 7899$2,639,530 T
330 Plague (#1019) 7316$2,626,925 C
338 vaginalcleanserforsanctvag (#1048) 6425$2,424,018 FG
347 Hey TAN i got Killed (#1062)  Game profile 5254$2,144,669 F
353 The Arabian Rebirth (#1127) 5716$2,088,622 T
378 HeglumeH QaQ jajvam (#1084)  Game profile 5508$1,406,666 F
381 death from above (#1216) 4537$1,319,317 I
392 Dead Stubborn (#1235) 6159$1,171,559 C
435 Rude Awakenings (#1260) 1217$485,794 T
444 Ooops (#1233)  Game profile 4487$457,662 MG
498 The Brothers TANamazov (#1250)  Game profile 1815$128,777 T
533 ZombieTAN (#1050) 463$40,502 T
543 CantKeepMeDown (#1265) 0$28,945 C
SRs TANsvestite (#7) 19,425$12,061,702 F
HeglumeH QaQ jajvam (#31)  Game profile 21,984$12,303,117 F
Plague (#64) 18,382$13,577,451 F
Sachin TANdulkar (#77)  Game profile 13,875$10,225,603 T
TAN on a Leash (#95) 7558$6,292,313 T
ParadigmIsTANtastic (#101) 18,683$7,594,044 H
Dead Or Alive (#137) 16,442$9,246,391 T
The Arabian Nightmare (#151) 20,872$12,389,473 C
sTANd by your TAN (#186)  Game profile 19,764$6,310,178 C
2TANs1cup (#190)  Game profile 35,000$22,021,069 F
Suppressor (#199) 21,198$10,134,204 F
TANalicious (#269) 20,764$12,349,663 F
TANtric Sex (#295)  Game profile 10,032$3,147,863 I
TANdoori bushels (#311) 19,342$13,056,971 C
Afraid (#382)  Game profile 20,679$15,537,610 R
Dooooooooom (#384)  Game profile 15,031$6,842,001 C
Inconditus Urbs (#422) 18,810$8,469,331 F
TheORKINMans Country (#461) 0$56,807 R
Pod (#562) 599$9,769,444 F
OogaBooga (#576) 18,886$14,888,324 F
your momma (#609) 15,365$5,465,134 F
DingDongTralalala (#691)  Game profile 18,742$10,374,021 T
Pocketrocket (#1075)  Game profile 8259$973,866 T

Total countries: 45 (Show ranked countries only)

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